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2013/10/30 20:26:38 (permalink)

Steelhead fishing just ain't the same !

Just wanted to say how sad and disappointing Steelhead fishing has become on the Erie Tribs. I was fortunate to have had the best of the Steelhead action years back but now it just sucks! I guess each to his own but it's just a huge let down any more. Me and me son started out on Elk on a Tuesday morning creek is already low and clear but at least we'll see fish. Hit upper Elk ,walked and walked and barely any fish. Most holes empty except for guys they are everywhere. Cars , trucks, every spot from I-79 down loaded with vehicles. This is a Tuesday what is the weekend like ? Stopped at Platz Rd. area can't believe what I see ! Twelve guys fishing in a circle around the first hole upstream and four standing on the side ! Man that is sad ! Headed down to the Legion area not that busy. Well I know why no fish ! Big Legion hole maybe 10 fish.......pitiful! On to the next choice. Found a decent stretch started fishing and caught a few. Dropped down to a long run with three guys and a guide fishing I guess Guides own the whole run when they have clients. They tell me they have been there since 6 am. and haven't moved it's 4 pm! This guide is creek hogging the lower drift with an attitude. Well guess what I respect giving space but I'm at least 30 ft away so live with it. Then the one guy takes a break so the guide wades up and stands in the water to hold his spot and isn't even fishing ! Is this as pitiful as it gets. What's next a Pitbull on a leash ! This guide brings down 3 clients to a public area and hogs the hole for 10 hours and has a attitude with others trying to get in or near all day! Like I said Steelhead Fishing just ain't the same you guys can have it!
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/30 20:35:53 (permalink)
I agree 100%... It has nothing to do with snaggers, people keeping their limit every time, or all the pollution though
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/30 20:39:54 (permalink)
Wow , thats too bad. I hope you find an alternative fishing experience for this time of year. Good luck.

The Deetz
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/30 21:05:25 (permalink)
WELL,CAPT.,, U HAVE MORE tolarance than me,, yes i would have giving him the 30 ft buffer zone,but if he would have had an attitude, i think someone would have gotten wet ,or i would have asked the guide how long can he hold his breath under water cause we be about to find out,,,as a paying license holder i have as much right to that stretch of public water as he does,,, i also was up sunday and monday on elk,me and my son,we were doing descent and even invited these guys to come along side us to get in on the fish, even turned them on to what we were using,,no problem sharing

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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/30 21:29:17 (permalink)
Last 2 weeks I've had multiple 20 fish days. Its taken some walking and time but fish are there. In years I thought it was down in one place others were doing well in other plac. Move around. Explore. Lots of creek mouths and even upper areas full of fish. Best time of year to get fish ththroughout a system. Stay positive. Enjoy the time even on slower days.
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/30 21:46:23 (permalink)
People like that give guides a bad name. A good guide wouldn't do that, and certainly wouldn't have their clients pound the same pod of fish for that long of a time. Must think that's the only hole in the state that has fish
In regards to the crowds, I've come to learn that every day is a Saturday. No way to really get around it except for outwalking everyone, and even that is hard at times. Or fish Ohio or NY(not sure on the NY crowds, though I imagine they can't be much worse than PA).
When the fishin is good, then it's worth the drive up. When it sucks, well, then I suddenly get the urge to fish a remote brookie stream to get away from all the lunatics
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 01:28:17 (permalink)
 That's why it's called fishin'. Haven't fished up there for 4 yrs. & it ain't from the #'s ov fish or Fishers. Always had a great time but I'm over the artificial experience. 10 yrds. now that's funny , If it was me I would ov sat & taken a break & enjoyed watchin'  some dudes fish for a little & moved on. Wouldn't even attempted a cast in that instance.   
 I fished down the dirt rd. up the st. a 1/4 mile from my house Tues. Only got to fish 2 hrs. mid Arthurnoon. The weather was just beautiful (not ideal for wade fishin' this area ov the lake) but still my choice. The water was the clearest I'v seen in 30 yrs. Had to down size to 4 lb. test & very sm. hook & zero weight or float to put fish in hand/bucket. Did have two very nice sz. Non stocked Toothy Critters say "see ya" on the very sm. minnies so that was pretty cool. Just great to get out weather the bite is on or not. Got to test the $20 yard sale waders out so that was another plus.
 Did see a older couple on yaks. & we waved to each other. The only other yaker gave me his worms & shiners, he was out from 10:00 am 'till 2:30 pm & managed one Perch. Very friendly & nice to chat for awhile. Pretty lonely out there but hey I would ov had just as good time if the place was packed.
 Hope you enjoyed your day with your son. That is what is important
Even 100 plus Geese on the water weren't talkin', now that was a 1st. 
post edited by crappiefisher - 2013/10/31 02:02:23
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 05:19:54 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby steel whisperer 2013/10/31 14:38:56
If you wanted to fish that run, you should of been there prior to the other guys. Snooze you loose, simple as that.
I can bet probably 75%  of the people on here complaining of no fish have kept a fish or more this year. Practice catch and release people and spread the word. Carry a camera, not a stringer.

The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 08:36:26 (permalink)
Headed down to the Legion area not that busy. Well I know why no fish ! Big Legion hole maybe 10 fish.......pitiful!

I was there Tuesday as well, and all I gotta say is those 10 fish must have been really stupid and hungry   Even my 9 year old son hooked up with and banked 2 fish on his own in the hour we fished there. 
I don't know how anybody could definitively say how many or few fish there were in that hole Tuesday.  Although the flow was on the low and slow side, that was some pretty stained water.  And that hole is what, 7-9' deep at its deepest? 
I've definitely seen more productive days in that hole at this time of year, but I've also seen less productive days in that hole this time of year. 
post edited by rsquared - 2013/10/31 09:05:37
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 08:58:49 (permalink)
Even my 9 year old son hooked up with and banked 2 fish on his own in the hour we fished there. 

That's awesome.  Congrats.
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 09:16:51 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Mr.Slickfish 2013/10/31 11:05:54
Just wanted to say how sad and disappointing Steelhead fishing has become on the Erie Tribs. I was fortunate to have had the best of the Steelhead action years back but now it just sucks! I guess each to his own but it's just a huge let down any more. Me and me son started out on Elk on a Tuesday morning creek is already low and clear but at least we'll see fish. Hit upper Elk ,walked and walked and barely any fish. Most holes empty except for guys they are everywhere. Cars , trucks, every spot from I-79 down loaded with vehicles. This is a Tuesday what is the weekend like ? Stopped at Platz Rd. area can't believe what I see ! Twelve guys fishing in a circle around the first hole upstream and four standing on the side ! Man that is sad ! Headed down to the Legion area not that busy. Well I know why no fish ! Big Legion hole maybe 10 fish.......pitiful! On to the next choice. Found a decent stretch started fishing and caught a few. Dropped down to a long run with three guys and a guide fishing I guess Guides own the whole run when they have clients. They tell me they have been there since 6 am. and haven't moved it's 4 pm! This guide is creek hogging the lower drift with an attitude. Well guess what I respect giving space but I'm at least 30 ft away so live with it. Then the one guy takes a break so the guide wades up and stands in the water to hold his spot and isn't even fishing ! Is this as pitiful as it gets. What's next a Pitbull on a leash ! This guide brings down 3 clients to a public area and hogs the hole for 10 hours and has a attitude with others trying to get in or near all day! Like I said Steelhead Fishing just ain't the same you guys can have it!

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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 09:36:10 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Chriswalker97 2013/12/02 06:08:55
 i would have giving him the 30 ft buffer zone,but if he would have had an attitude, i think someone would have gotten wet ,or i would have asked the guide how long can he hold his breath under water cause we be about to find out,,,

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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 10:02:26 (permalink)
Congats to your son as well. Believe me there were not a lot of fish in that hole that day. We stood on the high bank side and with polarized glasses you can see just about the whole stretch of that water and fish shadows were few maybe 12- 15 fish tops . I'd say that hole is about 5 ft. deep and the water was fairly clear by afternoon. That hole in it's prime past days would hold a hundred fish steady even with kept limits. As far as the guide your right you snooze you loose. Some guide though , pick a hole and lock it up with your clients and fish the bathtub style all day ! Now I know what shooting fish in a barrel means. I hear in one state they pay people to hold spots on the creek till the people show up . Can't wait till that shows up here. Listen I'm not complaining I'm just telling it like it is so people coming up don't have these grand illusions of Steelhead fishing. I'm not into combat fishing and fishing around people with zero etiquette. Yes I have other creeks I Steelhead fish out of state ( I've fished them all ) and I guess I'll stay on them but like I said the Erie Steelhead fishing just ain't the same game!
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 11:53:30 (permalink)
Capt. Hook you will never be doing any better than you are when You are steelhead fishing in Erie or anywhere. You were with your son and it was a nice day and you are both in good health. I have caught a lot of fish and been skunked as many times  but I never have a bad day on the stream Hey Just a thought Have a nice Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 12:46:18 (permalink)
^ very good point.
steel whisperer
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 14:42:19 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby fishingood 2013/10/31 16:33:33
Sorry don't want to hear the no fish complaints. I've had no trouble finding my fair share of fish in upper stretches of almost every creek. Higher then most probably want to look. I also don't fish the deep bath tub holes so could be why I do better then others. I watched 3 guys walk right by 5 fish on Tuesday that were in water no deeper then my ankles but didn't care to look as they went right for a deep hole. This time of year you have as much chance to step or kick a fish as you do walking right by em.
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 16:20:26 (permalink)


 Now thas funny... jus sayin, just agree'n
post edited by pensfan1 - 2013/10/31 22:20:40
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 16:35:13 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby steel whisperer 2013/10/31 17:08:34
6lb stellie
Sorry don't want to hear the no fish complaints. I've had no trouble finding my fair share of fish in upper stretches of almost every creek. Higher then most probably want to look. I also don't fish the deep bath tub holes so could be why I do better then others. I watched 3 guys walk right by 5 fish on Tuesday that were in water no deeper then my ankles but didn't care to look as they went right for a deep hole. This time of year you have as much chance to step or kick a fish as you do walking right by em.

Spoken like a true prodigy.

Check out my YouTube fishing channel, new videos every week:
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 17:46:27 (permalink)
I personally believe the expectation of hunting or fishing out of someones back pocket is more than ever...I dont expect it to get better....I also believe the early bird gets the worm.
post edited by Hummer82 - 2013/10/31 17:48:38
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/10/31 19:20:23 (permalink)
I have not been fishing Erie as long as you, but I have been since the early to mid 90s and for me it seems like the number of steelhead fishermen has been down this year. I go to the Elk and Walnut main access points to talk to people and hang out, but I rarely fish these spots before late November. It seems that the crowds are as bad as ever in these spots, but the other areas I fish on a regular basis seem to have had less people this year than last year. I am not sure what experience you have with all of the streams, but for me it is sometimes worth the lack of big numbers of fish to go to a smaller stream or an area of the larger streams that is less crowded. Since I moved to Erie I have really been branching out where I fish for steelhead and I must say that the crowding can be downright weird sometimes. Earlier this month I went to a spot on Elk that was packed and when I moved to Walnut there were very few people there. Another time I went to 16 mile and it was packed and 20 mile was almost empty. Not sure what the deal is with certain streams being crowded on certain days randomly, but other spots being empty. The weirdest thing I have seen in regards to the crowding is when some of the areas on upper Walnut and Elk get crowded and then the main access points are virtually empty. My best day ever steelhead fishing was in the marina basin at Walnut after I had been at a spot further upstream that was crowded and I could no longer deal with it. When I got to the marina, the wall only had 5-6 guys and the marina was just me and 2 other guys. We were all catching fish on just about every cast and I literally went home with sore arms.

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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 00:33:29 (permalink)
WELL,CAPT.,, U HAVE MORE tolarance than me,, yes i would have giving him the 30 ft buffer zone,but if he would have had an attitude, i think someone would have gotten wet ,or i would have asked the guide how long can he hold his breath under water cause we be about to find out,,,as a paying license holder i have as much right to that stretch of public water as he does,,, i also was up sunday and monday on elk,me and my son,we were doing descent and even invited these guys to come along side us to get in on the fish, even turned them on to what we were using,,no problem sharing

This mentality will be the end of the fishery . Folks wonder why particular stretches are closed .... Perhaps the guy's pocket you tried to fish out of or began to intimidate owns the said property . We know what is going to happen next . We have NO guaranteed right to be there .... we are guests on private property be thankful and humble for what is left . 
Captain ..... you stated the guide was there first so who is in the wrong ? I fish Avonia alot and when someone weasles thier way into a prime area at 8 AM after we were there at 4:50 AM they get an ear full .... to the point that they feel about 12 inches tall and then move to thier respective place in line ...... Get your carcass out of the fart sack early and you won't have to nussle in someones pocket to catch a steakehead .
post edited by Dream_Catcher - 2013/11/01 00:39:37
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 01:48:56 (permalink)
First of all lets get the facts straight! We were heading home and walking the creek downstream ,basically we were done fishing .This wasn't no land owner this was a greedy guide with an attitude that I can drift my line as far down as I please in this drift because that's the way I fish. I don't weasel in on any body but I don't hog the whole run from top to bottom just to keep others away. This was public water 100% he doesn't own a rock in this area. This was no squeeze play I could care less about catching a Steelhead I've caught hundreds over the years in three States. I just don't like some jerk thinking he can bring in paying clients and claim the spot like he owns it ! Maybe you should try fishing the Niagara River from shore and chase real fighting Steelhead like I have. Erie's for kids and oldies like me now. Track & Sage good comments no doubt.
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Re: Steelhead fishing just ain't the same ! 2013/11/01 05:58:50 (permalink)
Just wanted to say how sad and disappointing Steelhead fishing has become on the Erie Tribs. I was fortunate to have had the best of the Steelhead action years back but now it just sucks! I guess each to his own but it's just a huge let down any more. Me and me son started out on Elk on a Tuesday morning creek is already low and clear but at least we'll see fish. Hit upper Elk ,walked and walked and barely any fish. Most holes empty except for guys they are everywhere. Cars , trucks, every spot from I-79 down loaded with vehicles. This is a Tuesday what is the weekend like ? Stopped at Platz Rd. area can't believe what I see ! Twelve guys fishing in a circle around the first hole upstream and four standing on the side ! Man that is sad ! Headed down to the Legion area not that busy. Well I know why no fish ! Big Legion hole maybe 10 fish.......pitiful! On to the next choice. Found a decent stretch started fishing and caught a few. Dropped down to a long run with three guys and a guide fishing I guess Guides own the whole run when they have clients. They tell me they have been there since 6 am. and haven't moved it's 4 pm! This guide is creek hogging the lower drift with an attitude. Well guess what I respect giving space but I'm at least 30 ft away so live with it. Then the one guy takes a break so the guide wades up and stands in the water to hold his spot and isn't even fishing ! Is this as pitiful as it gets. What's next a Pitbull on a leash ! This guide brings down 3 clients to a public area and hogs the hole for 10 hours and has a attitude with others trying to get in or near all day! Like I said Steelhead Fishing just ain't the same you guys can have it!

Would it have made any different if it weren't a guide and just a few muperes or locasl that squated the hole?
Just wondering.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 09:10:35 (permalink)
ROCKHARDWELL,CAPT.,, U HAVE MORE tolarance than me,, yes i would have giving him the 30 ft buffer zone,but if he would have had an attitude, i think someone would have gotten wet ,or i would have asked the guide how long can he hold his breath under water cause we be about to find out,,,as a paying license holder i have as much right to that stretch of public water as he does,,, i also was up sunday and monday on elk,me and my son,we were doing descent and even invited these guys to come along side us to get in on the fish, even turned them on to what we were using,,no problem sharing

This mentality will be the end of the fishery . Folks wonder why particular stretches are closed .... Perhaps the guy's pocket you tried to fish out of or began to intimidate owns the said property . We know what is going to happen next . We have NO guaranteed right to be there .... we are guests on private property be thankful and humble for what is left .  Captain ..... you stated the guide was there first so who is in the wrong ? I fish Avonia alot and when someone weasles thier way into a prime area at 8 AM after we were there at 4:50 AM they get an ear full .... to the point that they feel about 12 inches tall and then move to thier respective place in line ...... Get your carcass out of the fart sack early and you won't have to nussle in someones pocket to catch a steakehead .  
. Dream catcher, what's the difference between what he does and what you do? Its public water. If you don't want to time your drifts and share water. Move along. Period.
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 09:31:00 (permalink)
I wasn't being a smart alec, I really want you to post more pix from the earlier times.
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 09:42:07 (permalink)
I wasn't being a smart alec, I really want you to post more pix from the earlier times.

I would like to see some also.
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 13:11:58 (permalink)
This is one of the best fishing and pristine scenic spots on Elk Creek years back. We had permission along with others to fish it but sadly it's posted and taken over by private fishermen through a lease. I'm sure it's still a beautiful area to fish. It was known as the Beckman area. To bad others and their children won't have that great experience me and my son and friends had there. This was true Steelhead fishing at it's best


Lots of fish no crowds and you can walk from hole to hole and actually fish. I used 2lb. test line many a day and caught and released about 99%. It was the best of the best !
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 13:22:57 (permalink)
 - caught and released about 99% -
Hopefully the 2 that were gill blasted and had their jaws dislocated were kept.
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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 13:29:38 (permalink)
ACTUALLY DREAMCATCHER,you didnt read the capt. post,,,he was walking thru,at a 30 ft buffer zone,,why should he have gotten an attitude from anybody,wassnt like he nussled up to this guide,,,and yes,time your drift and share the water,it was on public land,and as far as my qoute,its like this,give me attitude ,i give it back,,with that said,lets go catch fish

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Re: Steelhead fishing SOS 2013/11/01 15:05:23 (permalink)
I wasn't being a smart alec, I really want you to post more pix from the earlier times.
Nor was I. I like seeing wide open spaces without another soul in the frame. Its funny how much things have changed.. Jus sayin'..
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