Re: KPD-What happened to the fishing?
2013/10/23 08:52:58
I posted the response from the regional biologist, allen woomer (see "feedback from keystone lake biologist" thread) who recognizes that the walleye and perch population are not healthy but thinks (based on 2008 shock data) that the crappie are ok. based on my experience, I agree about the walleye/perch assessment but not the crappie one. i'm not a biologist and also don't play one on TV but my personal views are:
- the establishment of the big bass regulation in 1991 was the start of the panfish/walleye downfall. as the number and size of bass got significantly larger, stocked walleye fry became mainly bass food.
- the large level fluctuations - which sometimes (many times) expose weeds growing to 10ft, have exposed panfish to predators (mainly bass) and also has wiped out a spawn if the level change occurs during the spawning season.
- in the last 15-20 years or so, the amish have discovered the lake and harvest all they can legally - essentially everyday - numerous boats. I met an amish boat at the dock one day and they had a bucket of puny gills and crappie. I asked what they do with them and they said they eat them. I heard that they grind them into fish patties.
put all these together and I think you get what you have today - a pretty good bass fishery but that's about it. I suggested establishing a "panfish enhancement" status but allen woomer said that's not the answer. maybe removing the big bass designation? there's not much you can do about the level fluctuations as the power station controls that nor is there much you can do about over-harvesting.