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love it
location and pics ta boot "Fished XXXX Monday morning. Lots of chrome stacked up.Prolly be fished out in 2 days." .not busting your ballz, Chromebandit , cause i reckon you're just trying to be helpful...but I figure it might be fished out in less than two days now...given the location and pics to a spot "loaded with chrome" reports are fine, (i like to brag as much as the next guy) but posting that kind of specific info will get a spot RUN OVER with hoards of troutgawds . seen it happen more times than i can an area with good numbers of fish with light pressure , then someone has to report "there's a million fish at XYZ " BAM....the next morning there's a million cars where the day before there were only a handful ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2013/10/22 15:52:13
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You can't fix stupid.... After watching the Circle Jerk there by the meat hounds he was lucky to catch anything.
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Sorry if I burned ur spot guys but truth is there were already a ton of guys fishing that spot so its not like it was some kind of secret. The way people were hauling stringers full of fish out I dont doubt it will be fished out in a few days. You and I both know a spot might be gold one day and then beat the next. And once it is beat theres always another creek to go to. I bet 20 mile fished real nice today. So I will be mindful to not burn spots from now on but yea I like to brag and I like to inspire people to get out there. I wish more people posted reports when fishing is good. Seeing how Im an out of towner I rely on those reports to get a feeling for whats goin on out there. U wanna give me advice ok whats up? I do wish I was there tomorrow to see if the hoards do in fact show up but unfortunately I have to work.
lost sage rod sectio
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Just a BOY Given it all away. If its not broke broke don't fix it. You can't fix STUPID.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: love it
2013/10/22 22:53:25
☄ Helpfulby ChromeBandit412 2013/10/22 23:30:31
"Chrome" Nothing wrong with posting a fishing report I do not doubt you have good intentions. Glad you got out and had fun more power to you. But try to not to mention EXACT spots or post pics with familiar scenery. Spot burning sucks you think it was crowded when you were there go back tomorrow..... "Plenty of fresh steel on the East Side Creeks...."probably would have been better. Leave some info out I believe there is a earned learning curve the internet has ruined in some ways. Its nice to help others out I try to help people in person but this interweb posting gets out of hand quick! Your not just helping out the good ole guys you like you telling all the slobs where the meat is too. Just look at how many views some post have and think how small the parking lot is where you were. You mention you are on out of towner,this makes me think you probably do not care how many people go there tomorrow but would you post a report like that if you were going back there in the morning? Please do not take this as me scolding you just trying help you look at it a different way. Keep on posting and giving reports,this board needs more current conditions post, just be a little wiser about it............
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Thanks for the good advice wcw. I will try n be wiser in the future. Shurely dont want lazy slobs getting easy reports and mobbing the creek, even if I am no longer there. Good call if I was fishing that spot tomorrow i wouldnt of posted it like that. Or maybe I would be because i had enuf of the nut show and wanted the next creek over to myself. Im not like that but I dont doubt that people do it.
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Re: love it
2013/10/22 23:31:19
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/25 13:22:09
"Chrome" No one has ever posted false or misleading info on the interweb TRUST ME!
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genieman77 location and pics ta boot "Fished XXXX Monday morning. Lots of chrome stacked up. Prolly be fished out in 2 days." .not busting your ballz, Chromebandit , cause i reckon you're just trying to be helpful...but I figure it might be fished out in less than two days now...given the location and pics to a spot "loaded with chrome" reports are fine, (i like to brag as much as the next guy) but posting that kind of specific info will get a spot RUN OVER with hoards of troutgawds . seen it happen more times than i can an area with good numbers of fish with light pressure , then someone has to report "there's a million fish at XYZ " BAM....the next morning there's a million cars where the day before there were only a handful ..L.T.A.
Yeh, not the first one. I guess nobody is editing or checking the reports anymore. Especially the idiot who posted about the little east side creek on private property. Next day, 14 cars parked every which way, including up against the mail boxes. I just chuckle as I drive by, wondering where 14 cars worth of yahoos are fishing in the 50 yards of fishable creek.
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Re: love it
2013/10/23 00:26:06
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/23 00:26:14
ChromeBandit412 Sorry if I burned ur spot guys but truth is there were already a ton of guys fishing that spot so its not like it was some kind of secret. The way people were hauling stringers full of fish out I dont doubt it will be fished out in a few days. You and I both know a spot might be gold one day and then beat the next. And once it is beat theres always another creek to go to. I bet 20 mile fished real nice today. So I will be mindful to not burn spots from now on but yea I like to brag and I like to inspire people to get out there. I wish more people posted reports when fishing is good. Seeing how Im an out of towner I rely on those reports to get a feeling for whats goin on out there. U wanna give me advice ok whats up? I do wish I was there tomorrow to see if the hoards do in fact show up but unfortunately I have to work.
You can brag without pics or exact locations. If someone PMs you and asks, you can tell him where, or not, depending on whether he's ever helped you. The east side creeks aren't exactly like Walnut or Elk, with unlimited space, and two little creeks, 4 and 7 mile are entirely on private property, Look at reports from years past. In other words, use a little common sense.
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Really? Spot burning lower 16 mile? lmao.  Shhhhh, don't let the secret out guys.
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My advice is to invest in a pair of chest waders and EXPLORE! Even if you only fish a few times a year, they will be worth it. You will be able to get to 10 times the amount of spots that hip boots will take you. There are miles and miles of stream with fish all throughout the stream. You can fish over 100 fish that might not bite, move to a spot with half the fish and catch a bunch. Get out and walk and you will still catch numbers.
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+1 fwd... that spot was too crowded for me in SEPTEMBER if anything he did people like me a favor and drew more Wahoos to an already overcrowded spot. Keep posting duud. Discretion is always a good thing, but its not like you burned some guys "secret" spot with that one.
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I am headed to an undisclosed city in an undisclosed northwest corner of undisclosed PA this weekend, in order to partake in an undisclosed sport that involves casting an undisclosed lure tied with undisclosed size of hooks and undisclosed materials, tied to an undisclosed size of tippet and leader, on an undisclosed type of rod, and attempting to catch an undisclosed type of fish that lives in the lake and runs up undisclosed tributary streams that flow into an undisclosed great lake. And I will attempt to levitate the undisclosed type of fish in mid air next to me, in order to avoid touching it or harming it in any way, shape or form. Good enough?
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At least ChromBandit didn't provide false information and mislead people. I almost feel the post by "fisherofmen376" after him is worse. On Sunday 10/20 he says the Elk had good flow and was a little brown? Come on, everyone knows the Elk was totally blown out all day long that day. The morning of 10/20, the Walnut gauge was over 1,000cfs and never even came below 200 or 300cfs before dark. You can't tell me that the walnut gauge was that high all day long and Elk had a "good flow" and was only a "little brown". Hope that was just a typo on the date provided.
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freshwaterdrumR Really? Spot burning lower 16 mile? lmao. Shhhhh, don't let the secret out guys.
Hmmm That is exactly what I thought. Typical of this site... Is it a spot burn if... 1,000+ people recognize it by the back ground in a picture? That spot is already over crowded (and not by the 1,000+ people that know it by the picture)? That spot is publicly listed on maps and internet sites as a spot to try? I went to WalMart and got a good price on an advertised sale item!! Ooops I spot burned. :(
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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SteelSlayer77 Hope that was just a typo on the date provided.
Knowing fom376, I'd be certain it was a typo. Not that he needs me to defend him, but Alex is one of the most stand-up, honest guys on here. Almost every Sunday, he's doing some hard and important work, and I don't mean working at feeshin.
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Re: love it
2013/10/23 10:48:05
☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/23 17:05:25
350Z&Steelheads Hmmm That is exactly what I thought. Typical of this site... Is it a spot burn if... 1,000+ people recognize it by the back ground in a picture? That spot is already over crowded (and not by the 1,000+ people that know it by the picture)? That spot is publicly listed on maps and internet sites as a spot to try? I went to WalMart and got a good price on an advertised sale item!! Ooops I spot burned. :(
Never fished 16 Mile before, so I for one didn't recognize anything in the pic, but figured it was probably one of the few mile creeks I haven't fished before. Don't really have a desire to fish there now because I have my other favorite spots, but 8 or 9 years ago when I was a noob at steelhead feeshin, and I was in Erie, I probably would have checked it out. I know 16 Mile's not a big secret or anything, but there are thousands of noobs and lurkers on this site every day in the fall. The intent of Genie's post was to help chromebandit - who is new to the game based on his posts here - realize that a picture and a report like he gave will bring even more pressure to a particular spot. If you think it doesn't matter, check out the "Elk Creek Tubes posted" thread and see what happens when too many people - including the handful of slobs that fish everywhere and ruin things for the rest of us - hammer a particular spot day after day after day on privately owned property. Not sure if the section of 16 Mile in question is privately owned with public access, but sometimes in our efforts to promote the fishery or do a little braggin (which there's nothing wrong with when done right) we are our own worst enemies when it comes to access on the tribs.
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I thought he seemed like a decent guy, from his postings on here. Which is why I was surprised at his report post and thought the date might be a typo. You really need to be careful to provide accurate dates on that fishing reports page, something like that could cause a newbie to drive hours the next time the water gauges are like that only to find out they wasted a day trip.
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Steelslayer that was a typo...i wasn't in erie on sunday. I was referring to monday the 21st...and it was a little brown but fishable. Thanks Rsquared!
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SteelSlayer77 You really need to be careful to provide accurate dates on that fishing reports page, something like that could cause a newbie to drive hours the next time the water gauges are like that only to find out they wasted a day trip.
Are you serious or joking?
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I'm serious. When I first started fishing Erie for Steelhead, I lived farther away than I do now and would compare water condition reports on that page to the water gauge cfs flows to try and determine when water conditions would be to high/fast. Then after I got a season or two in, I was able to use my own experience to judge what was "worth" it for me. Doing that definitely saved me from at least a couple trips, where I otherwise would have wasted a day and gas money driving up when I was first starting to fish the Erie tribs.
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SteelSlayer77 You really need to be careful to provide accurate dates on that fishing reports page, something like that could cause a newbie to drive hours the next time the water gauges are like that only to find out they wasted a day trip.
 Are you serious or joking?
He's serious, but his 'serious' is a joke to anyone else. Have you checked out his stance in favor of forcing landowners to grant access to fishermen in PA ditches?
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true, as a nube you are just trying to pick up any information out there, make sense of it and hope it is correct.....once you have a few seasons under your belt the boards become a place of entertainment more than information i think thats why threads get highjacked so quickly and turn into p1zzing matches between guys who have been pushing each other's buttons but remembering back to those first couple years, trying to decide if it was worth making the 5 hour each way drive, booking a hotel and looking at dropping a couple hundred dollars that i didn't really have to spare, the boards were a source of knowledge, entertainment, and fustration
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How did the guys that started steelhead fishing in Erie in the 90's ever make it in such a cruel, harsh world with no interwebs to tell them if it was worth it or not? From October through April (some would say August through May), there's almost always someplace you can fish for steel - the cricks, the lake, the bay, on ice. Even on those days that "should" have been perfect, I've had to wash the skunk off. Even on those days that scream, "Not worth it," I've had fun days because I did things differently than I normally would have. With the exception of the time I made the stubborn and stupid decision to make the 120 mile drive to Erie to fish in a February blizzard with temps in the lower teens, every trip has been worth it. Part of the fun of fishing for me is trying to figure it out and how to do it consistently in different conditions. Of course I don't know what it says about me that I find so much accomplishment in fooling a critter with a brain the size of a pea.
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i've actually been fishing them since the 1970's (grew up in mercer), but when i moved south east of harrisburg it became much more of an investment to make a trip up, and i did look to the early boards for information....not spoon feeding, but trying to catch the trends and bits of info that gave indications it would be good to fish and i too have missed my guess and instead of falling flows i've walked down to see OMG blow outs and turned around and drove right back..... i guess my point is that all of us who now understand how things work up there sometimes make it hard for those just learning
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Chromebandit you made an excellent fishing report post. Nice fish by the way. Whatever you do in life, be yourself, and always be a Sportsmen. I can see that you are.
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bigbear2012 i guess my point is that all of us who now understand how things work up there sometimes make it hard for those just learning
A few on here like to yank chains and bust stones - all in good fun because the same questions get asked multiple times a season. But for the most part, when a noob comes on here and asks, "Is it worth it yet," he gets straight answers from a lotta of the regulars on here - current conditions, guesses on upcoming conditions based on weather forecasts, links to learn how to figure out the rain gauges, etc. For those that have a trip planned months in advance and have a hotel booked and come on a week ahead of time and say, "What will conditions be like and where should I fish," there's really no way to answer that. Conditions can be perfect in the morning and blown out by afternoon, and vice versa depending on the stream and weather. Fish migrate upstream. Look at the forecast for the next 5 days in Erie - chance of rain and lake effect snow through Sunday. Might get just enough rain to keep crick levels nice. Might get big downpours that blow them out. Nobody knows. But the thing that always gets asked, that none of the noobs seem to want to answer is, "What makes it worth it to you?"
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rsquared How did the guys that started steelhead fishing in Erie in the 90's ever make it in such a cruel, harsh world with no interwebs to tell them if it was worth it or not? 
I work with a guy who used to fish Erie back in the day before the internet and this site ever existed. He tells me all the time how lucky we are to have these water gauges and web cams at our disposal, because every year him and his fishing buddies wasted gas money and an entire day, at least once or twice a year, driving to the tribs only to turn around and drive home to fish a small local pellet head stream.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2013/10/23 12:12:02
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I love how when guys go up in September (or anytime for that matter) and don't do well, it's always the conditions, the weather, the reports, etc. that failed them...not putting any of the blame on themselves. I suppose we're all guilty of this to a certain extent, but I've not seen the newbies here posting, complaining about what they get from the people they're questioning in years past to the degree it's been happening the last 2-3. Just like any other pursuit, the difference between the newbie and the vet is measured in a certain amount of frustrating outings with a lack of results. The more veteran the individual, the more varied fruitless outings they've suffered and learned to turn into a few results. I think newbies here would be way better off not visiting this site, or at least, not visiting as much as they do. They hear reports from guys that say they went up and got a dozen fish before lunch, and then they go for a weekend and only get two grabs and say that it wasn't "worth it"...where without reading those other reports, they might have said, "last time, I couldn't even get a look...this time I had two fair hooks...that's progress!".
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agreed, and if someone who knows what they are doing in any given conditions says they did well it doesn't mean everyone will do well.....and all the other factors that play in like fish moving through, someone chumming before you get there etc.