Helpful Reply$400 fishing hook!

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2013/10/16 13:27:34 (permalink)

$400 fishing hook!

I was fishing a small trib last Sunday and had my day cut short when my Pup (Finn) came across a wad of tangled fishing line laying on the ground with a baited hook still attached. He proceeded to eat the bait and hook (before i could get over to him) which lodged in his throat.  Apparently one of our fellow anglers had gotten a tangle and just cut his line, threw it on the ground, and retied... they also left a few beer bottles, assorted packages, and a pack of salted minnows all right next to their "Y" sticks. Mind you, a wide portion of this waterway is 20' and shallow. Not exactly "Y" stick country....
So, after clipping the line, collecting all of the trash left by our fellow fishermen, walking back to the car and driving to the emergency pet hospital to get said hook removed (they had to put him under and said if it had been any farther down he would have had to have invasive surgery), Finn is back to his a-hole self, running around, chewing sticks, and causing mayhem in the house.
The whole point of my post is to ask people to please be conciderate, clean up after yourselfs, pick up others trash, and don't leave hooks. There are at least 2 other dogs that live near there and come down to greet the fishermen. Add to that raccoons and other scavengers that could have easily eaten bait and ingested a hook to die a slow, painful, death.
I would like to thank the sportsmen who, like myself and my dad, clean up others messes, carry empty garbage bags in and leave with full ones. Thank you and keep up the good work!
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 14:18:45 (permalink)
That sucks man, glad he is OK.  Have a 3 month old lab that my son and I took along to a farm pond about a month ago.  He was on a leash at my side and still jumped up and grabbed my son's spinnerbait.  Fortunately, he only got the tip of the hook - not up to the barb - stuck in his lip.  Could have been bad.  And it was my fault for not further restraining him by hand when my son approached and I saw him eying up that spinnerbait.
As somebody who has hunted with my dogs, I'll offer you a bit of advice and believe me I'm not piling on or blaming you because I've been there.  Even well trained hunting dogs can get into bad stuff when they're searching for birds or making retrieves when they get out of arm's reach.  As you learned, it only takes a few seconds.  So, if you've got your pup in an area that you know is going to be littered with stuff, you owe it to your dog as much as to yourself to keep him restrained.  Whether that's on a leash or at heel or sitting next to you while you're there.  If you want to let him mess around and play in the water, quit fishing for a few minutes and pay attention to him.  Take along a ball or a bumper and give him some play breaks every 1/2 hour or so.  I even do this on slow duck hunting days. 
On these forums, you're preaching to the choir about littering, leaving hooks and line behind and picking up after others.  Slobs will be slobs.  Chalk it up as a lesson learned and be more proactive about keeping your dog safe in public areas. 
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 14:24:13 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/17 15:47:17
I was fishing a small trib last Sunday and had my day cut short when my Pup (Finn) came across...

no need to read anything past there
i would never think to take my dog on any PA trib
the amount of litter and trash from the flash/drop nature of the waterway... too much sharp metal/ industrial junk/ tackle ect.
not saying its your fault.... but

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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 15:17:01 (permalink)
Thanks RS, I do take rawhides and toys with me while we go, frequent play breaks and the like... I know it's preaching to the choir but still felt that it should be said.
KJH, you were on the short list of people i figured i would get a response from and I do value your opinion and can't blame you for not taking your pup on the tribs.  You have a point but thats what I got him for, companionship. Nearly 40 years of living on a waterway and DOZENS of dogs over that span, I know that cuts and injuries are a distinct possibility to not only the dog but myself you just have to be as careful as you can.
Working with him on aversion training, putting out baits and other goodies that he may encounter and discouraging him not to eat what he comes across. Combine that with obidenance training and keeping a closer eye and shorter leash on him and we should be on the right path.
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 16:56:20 (permalink)
 Apparently one of our LOW LIFE DIRTBAGS h

There, i fixed it for you.
the fcks ought to beat with a rake handle
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 18:25:46 (permalink)
 Apparently one of our LOW LIFE DIRTBAGS h

There, i fixed it for you.
the fcks ought to beat with a rake handle
The rake handle part made me laugh, thanks for that. Couldn't agree more but unfortunately, we will never know who they are. Thanks for the fix!

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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 19:37:34 (permalink)
 Apparently one of our LOW LIFE DIRTBAGS h

There, i fixed it for you.
the fcks ought to beat with a rake handle

Why not the rake head?

The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/16 21:23:50 (permalink)
Yes! I am also glad your dog is ok.
Like others have said(SLOBS WILL BE SLOBS) I also have fishing these waters for 30 years. It is getting worse every year. I also thank the guy that help clean up what you can.
 ONLY If we would do our part.

It's your fish story,so tell it any way you want!!!
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/17 17:25:13 (permalink)
I know the feeling. My dog got an old stick bait (rapala) stuck in him. One treble hook went in his nose, he started to shake his head and tried to paw it out, but by the time i got to him the other one was 2 prongs barb deep in his arm pit. So his face was stuck to his arm put and he was freaking out. i was able to cut the rapala in half to free him a bit, and managed to calm him down, got him to the pet emergency room $425 late he was as good to go... to this day he wont come close to anything that resembles that rapala.
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/18 01:13:16 (permalink)
glad you saw it happen, glad your dog is ok!
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/18 08:18:33 (permalink)
 Apparently one of our LOW LIFE DIRTBAGS h

There, i fixed it for you.
the fcks ought to beat with a rake handle

Why not the rake head?

I'm down with that.
but I'm trying to be  "kinder gentler"
I've noticed as i age, I'm becoming a curmudgeon
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/18 15:07:40 (permalink)
If I'm not to busy I will go around wed. And help pick up some trash. Why not? Good Karma
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/18 21:12:06 (permalink)
  It's good to read that many of you pick up after others. I do the same and at one of my favorite spots it always amazes me at how my son, daughter and myself will have it spotless, but then 2 weeks later it looks we were never there, but it doesn't deter us from cleaning it up again [and again]. As Rsquared wrote "you're preaching to the choir".
  Re: Coldfront's comment "Do they live in the same way at home"? I have had two different professions where I would be in people's home. It's shocking how some live, uneaten food all around the house that has been there for so long that it resembles a lab experiment [green and other colors of mold all over it], doggie doo on the carpet in the LR and BR, used feminine products stuck on the wall, having to walk across clothes strewn all over the house on the floor from wall to wall... .
  Jah1317 and Jrm45 - glad your pups are OK. Too bad it cost you some cash.
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Re: $400 fishing hook! 2013/10/19 10:35:09 (permalink)
I was fishing a small trib last Sunday and had my day cut short when my Pup (Finn) came across...

no need to read anything past there
i would never think to take my dog on any PA trib
the amount of litter and trash from the flash/drop nature of the waterway... too much sharp metal/ industrial junk/ tackle ect.
not saying its your fault.... but

It is.  Once a year I fill a large trash bag on the east side creeks. It is not all from fishermen, either.  If you are letting a dog run free to ingest some of the stuff I have picked up you are being  irresponsible. Sorry if the truth hurts.
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