hot tuna
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 10:41:34
ok fair enough about the "in the water".. I don't fish enough high profile waters where these places privatize their waters.. Most streams around here are just local folks that don't get a bunch of outside pressure so the allow you to stay in the water without conflict. The Betters pool was never an issue until after the dsr suit came about.. I have shared the water there with Fran from walking down from the flume and was never questioned. PS. My son just had his closing on the house in Granville and moved in yesterday so I may need some guide lessons on the Mettawee and BK rivers ;)
post edited by hot tuna - 2013/10/16 10:52:03
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 14:05:41
bigbear2012 the whole thing strikes me as pretty sad i know she is trying to make money, and rubbing people the wrong way i know people go nuts over catching these fish i know skermishes and arguments happen every day i know she is not the favorite of alot of people and maybe she deserves that i know that the other woman has now had charges pressed against her i know alot of the other comments and thoughts that have been going around in this very public melt down but the one thing that hits me the hardest is the horror that her little girl must be feeling over the whole mess..........the one thing i was proud of in my divorce and the 12 years that have passed since is that i always ALWAYS put how things would impact my kids first....and i think that she must be so caught up in her own life and the crap that it brings along that not only has she gone off the deep end with her actions, but she has done as much harm to her daughter as she has done to her own reputation. 
+1 BB
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 16:44:27
++++++ Bear. That was the whole fiasco in a nutshell. That's great RJ! The Mettawee has a few good spots close to G'ville. Some of the spots you walk in to from Truthville have some pretty big fish. Maybe we can take the yaks on it- you'd clean up with Rapalas- some nice wild bows in there, along with the browns.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 18:53:53
Saw where the State is likely to arrest the other woman - seems they feel she went way too far protecting herself. Kept on punching long after the instigator was down. The video spoke for itself seems obvious to me after 28 yrs in LE that if your gonna pinch somebody there might as well get the job done and make it two.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 19:09:27
Yeah really. If you're gonna prosecute one, better make it both. That's the kinda thing that makes people think less of the police.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/16 19:11:24
Well said, Bear. I did not know her daughter was present. l13
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 06:40:47
Guy-perhaps you didn't see the video-The one I read they are talking bout arresting was struck first therefore it seems IMHO kinda unreasonable not to pinch the other as well . Fact is facts and thats how they are supposed to be looked at. It aint bout who ya like or don't like but how it IS, As far as not liking LE- well- thats your cross to bear.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 07:56:38
Totally agreed r2g2. I have no issues with le personally. But if they arrested the woman "defending herself", they better get the instigator(as the video portrays dawn to be) as well.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 11:12:19
If LE effects a lawful arrest it will be based upon the excessive use of force (PL 110.00 Attempted Assault 3rd degree (B/MISD). Once the young lady defended herself successfully against Dawn's initial attack she has the duty to stop. Its my understanding that the authorities feel that she continued to pummel Dawn once she had gained control. I don't necessarily agree with that position because you have no way of knowing what the intent is of the person you had under your control. The question is, at what point have you eliminated the threat? Even after the beat down Dawn's mouth was still running as she verbally threatened her combatant and confronted others down river from the altercation. Because this event happened in a public place with evidence from the independent video both should have been charged with PL 240.20 Disorderly Conduct Sub. 1, 2, & 3 (violation). Also, Dawn should be charged with PL 240.25 Harassment (violation) Sub. 1, 2 & 3 and PL 240.30 Aggravated Harassment in the second degree (A/MISD) Sub. 1. Dawn, because of her behavior in the presence of her daughter, may have opened herself up to PL 260.10 Endangering the welfare of a child (A/MISD) Sub. 1. I do not believe there is enough to charge either individual with PL 120.00 Assault in the third degree (A/MISD) if there is no physical injury causing "substantial pain." If this is charged it will be an over reach by the DA's office.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 13:33:32
Agree 21- don't know the specific NY statutes as you do but they appear to mirror those I am familiar with in intent. The going too far with the defense may well be an issue here after the initial few moves. On the other hand it appeared that the one on the ground was still able to attempt another swing when the two were separated which could lead to an argument in court that the continued punching was not excessive. After all is said and done betcha the most likely Court scenario is a couple of fines and that's the end of that unless one of them wants to make a real big deal of this mess.. All makes the SR look bad no matter how its handled. Think the prosecutors hands were tied for some action when the video went kinda viral ---
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 15:44:47
I understand the going to far thing but it was me that was arrested I would simply say she attacked me and she never stopped resisting. The video clearly shows Dawn trying to crawl out from under the other woman. How could she be sure Dawn wasn't still trying to attack her. Dawn's charging at her after she did get up pretty much proves that the woman didn't go to far. Not in favor of violence but to arrest the person who was attacked is wrong.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 15:59:42
Happened to me in California when I was in the Marines. Had a guy break into my apartment I grabbed him puched him a few times and held him there till the police showed up. The police took him away next thing I know the police show up on base the next day and take me in the guy that broke into my house pressed assault charges on me. Judge dismissed the charges but it was a waste of everyones time and money. I fought 5 years for this country and things like that just don't make any sense, but there are plenty orse places to live in this world.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/17 18:31:37
Never thought I'd say this but this seems a good time to squash this thread, ( nothing to do with your post Ugly)- the troubled person responsible just isn't a good enough Sr representative to warrant this much effort IMHO.
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Re: Not surprised.....
2013/10/18 02:21:56
It has run its course. Till her next 15 minutes of fame.