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2013/10/02 20:28:10 (permalink)


Seem like more and more property that I use to hunt is all posted this year.. A few of my spots in west miffin, Clairton, north huntingdon are all gone..
Might have to try to hit the game lands this year if it comes down to it. Im down to about 2 spots now adays. Still wish they would open up Sunday hunting so I could hunt for more than one day a week..
Best of luck to everyone heading out Saturday.. Calling for some rain, hopefully it pours so the quaders don't ruin my hunt

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    Re: Land 2013/10/02 22:00:04 (permalink)
    Things have been going that way in my area pretty rapidly over the last 5 years or so.  I used to have permission to hunt over a dozen properties and now have permission to hunt about 4 (and I am paying to hunt one of them).  Most of the landowners who no longer allow me to hunt on their land stated that slob hunters are one of the main reasons for their decision.    
    They're not making anymore land and if I ever find myself in the position to buy a chunk, I fully intend to do so. 
    It's looking like it's going to be a hot one on Saturday, but I will be there regardless of the weather.  I saw a couple of good bucks last Saturday evening in the fields, so I haven't lost hope yet. 
    Good luck all
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    Re: Land 2013/10/03 10:18:47 (permalink)
    It seems like it's a constant battle to find land to hunt on. Definately way more posted signs than ever and harder to get land owners to say " yes ".
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    Re: Land 2013/10/04 18:27:21 (permalink)
    Yeah, more & more posted land , been lucky, I hunt on my Uncle & Aunt land 55 acres with a farm on one side with 100 + acres. Been hunting there since my son was 13 he's now 36. We have a few stands & a little hunting shanty with a stove so I guess I'm spoiled.  Not going to hunt the first week probably start week of Oct 14th...  So that being said.....GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL !! 

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    Re: Land 2013/10/05 17:36:19 (permalink)
    I seen 4 does in the AM. I had a guy walk in at 730, walk right under my stand while he was rattling and grunting. never seen a hunter like that before. Needless to say I lost it.
    In the evening I hunted for 5 minutes, had quaders and dirtbike riders all over the place. Don't even feel like hunting this year im that fed up. Ed
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    Re: Land 2013/10/06 03:47:43 (permalink)
    I didn't go out, I thought it was awful hot. 
    Exactly opposite on the posted land where I hunt, big energy bought up all the farms that used to be posted, and it is like a freaking game lands there now.  Really should take advantage of all the land I can now hunt basically anywhere I feel, but I just can't seem to get all that into it this year.  I don't really want to run into anyone hunting in there and ruin there hunt, or mine.  Good luck out there, and stay safe!
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    Re: Land 2013/10/06 12:55:58 (permalink)
    I will be up Tippe lol
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    Re: Land 2013/10/09 12:04:33 (permalink)
    I seen 4 does in the AM. I had a guy walk in at 730, walk right under my stand while he was rattling and grunting. never seen a hunter like that before. Needless to say I lost it.
    In the evening I hunted for 5 minutes, had quaders and dirtbike riders all over the place. Don't even feel like hunting this year im that fed up. Ed

    know the feeling bud, years ago in rifle season I was in my stand these guys decided to put on a drive which at the time I thought would be good for me too. This guys comes & stands about 30 yds from me which he knew I was there, waited a bit he didn't move so I said to him hey bud ,my son has a stand about 150 yards up the hill some and he's in school you're more then welcome to use it....he still didn't move so said it again ,his smart  answer was you own this land , I replied NO I don't but my uncle does would you like to go meet him......he was still running his mouth as he walked away ,haven't seen him since.  Also know all about the dirt bikes & 4 wheelers too...

    post edited by mopars0 - 2013/10/09 12:06:09

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    Re: Land 2013/10/09 19:25:31 (permalink)
    I hunted last night, kicked 2 more guys off, didn't hunt tonight. Cant wait for bird hunting.
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