Kiski River

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2013/09/23 22:05:11 (permalink)

Kiski River

I just checked the fish commission's web site and they did not list any advisories for eating fish caught in the Kiski. Remembering what the Kiski looked like just a few short years ago, I have to ask....Has anyone eaten any fish caught from the Kiski and have you grown a third nipple yet?

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    Re: Kiski River 2013/09/24 08:01:45 (permalink)
    I haven't eaten anything from there, but it has looked fairly clean in the lower reaches in the past few years.
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    Re: Kiski River 2013/09/24 17:19:28 (permalink)
    Look at it this way, it's like any other watershed and yes there's going to be contaminants like the others in the state/country...  The whole "meal a month" thing should be taken as it's ment to be BUT, even the fish you buy at G-Eagle or a local sea food shop has the SAME contaminants...  Now with that said...  If you have eaten fish out of the Allegheny from Freeport/Schenley south, or Loyalhanna creek (from origin to mouth) or Conemaugh River (full watershed) and don't have a 3rd nip to slip, or new extra toes or fingers recently generated after consuming fish from any of those then I wouldn't worry about eating the fish.  As long as it's in moderation like the other waters...  Would I suggest stocking a cooler full of crappie or gills or eyes on a day to day basis and eating them?  Probably wouldn't be the best but, if you clean away the parts you normally do/should and eat fish every now and then from there I wouldn't be too worried unless it's a really big catch then I may possibly throw it back on principal or concern.  Heck my buddy has caught and eaten walleye from the tailwater area of Conemaugh and is still alive...
    post edited by Mags00 - 2013/09/24 17:20:29
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    Re: Kiski River 2013/09/24 22:46:02 (permalink)
    I read all these advisories. Is there any reason to be concerned eating fish from lakes such as Greenlick, Acme or Virgin Run? Been wanting to get out and get some gills. I haven't kept a single fish for years.
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    Re: Kiski River 2013/09/25 07:26:15 (permalink)
    bcain- just like Mags said, Clean the fish appropriately and eat in moderation and you will be fine. No matter where you keep a fish from there will be contaminants of some kind.
     I recently kept 2 eyes out of the freeport pool over the summer, cleaned up nice, look the same as any other walleye I've ever cleaned. They will be dinner this weekend!
    post edited by TheBlueLagoon - 2013/09/25 08:59:10

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Kiski River 2013/09/25 17:42:52 (permalink)
    It's all fish and don't let anyone fool you heck even the Trout the PFBC stocks more than likely have some trace of PCB or Mercury.  The oceans are even more dirty than freshwater rivers and lakes but the seafood is still sold and "safe" as labeled by the FDA...  But, certain species of fish retain more contaminants than others.  And NO I'M NOT TRYING TO DISSUADE ANYONE FROM EATING THEIR CATCH etc...  Would I follow the restrictions to a "T?" Possibly but I would avoid eating the BIG Carp, Drum, Catfish from all water ways, but I would probably try a smaller Catfish and not worry. The biggest thing is to always remember the larger the fish, the older the fish and more than likely the more contaminants built up in it.  And, normally bigger fish don't always taste the best.   I have grown to like Erie Perch ALOT and in the spring we were catching 12-15" perch on the Edward John and they tasted good, but this past month we (gf and I) both caught our limits and these were smaller in the 8-12" range and seemed to have a slightly different taste and I thought it was slightly better.  But anyways back to the topic.   Bcain I wouldn't be too concerned about some bullgills from Greenlick/Acme/Virgin Run.  As I said prior I wouldn't eat a cooler full of gills, eyes, crappie, perch or trout on a day to day basis from any watershed mainly because I don't like fish that much but in moderation it never hurt anyone.   I think it's mainly a peace of mind thing because a lot of "the regulars" I run into at the main places I fish always keep their catch and they aren't growing any new limbs etc.  And as I said my buddy's kept a few walleye from Conemaugh River tailwaters and isn't glowing or have 3 nipples (that I know of LOL.)
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