Helpful ReplyWinterizing first I/O

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2013/09/13 08:04:09 (permalink)

Winterizing first I/O

Recently got my first I/O and am getting prepared to winterize.  It is a 1987 omc cobra with a 3.0 liter gm engine.  Could anyone help me out with some tips or common mistakes.  Have looked at a couple systems, overtons and pro bass, any suggestions there?  Also where I might be able to find a manual.  Thanks in advance for any help.   
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/13 09:32:53 (permalink)
I personally cannot help, but since you new to the forum. There is a search feature where you can search old threads, type in "winterize" or similar suggestions and a whole list of previous threads will pull up. Go back through them they should help, if noone else chimes in.
Good luck!

Got Walleye???
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/13 12:45:18 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Hummer82 2013/09/13 14:35:57
Winterizing them isn't that difficult but I would recommend getting a manual. With that small motor there should be lots of room to get to the drain plugs on the motor too. You have to drain the block, pull the hose off the water pump and the hose that goes to the manifold(s). OMC also has 3 screws that you have to take out of the drive to drain the water out of it. I always run antifreeze through mine and fog the carb, then change the oil and do all the draining as if I didn't use antifreeze (better safe than sorry). It will take a couple of hours, not a big deal. Do not leave your drive tilted up over the winter and change the oil in the drive now as well. You can get a manual on ebay for $40-50...
I have had so much trouble taking my boats to "professionals" that I do all my own work now...

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/13 14:56:55 (permalink)
The hard/scary part is making sure you know where all of the drains are, but if you run the antifreeze through it that makes it a lot less scary. Make sure you run the antifreeze long enough to open the thermostat. There should also be a drain valve on the exhaust manifold... Like I said, get a manual...

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/13 16:04:42 (permalink)
I get 4 gallons of pink rv antifreeze and rig a funnel to a short section of hose hooked to the flush adapter.  Get it warmed up on the hose and water and be sure the thermostat is open, disconnect the hose/water for a few seconds while you hook it up the funnel and pour the antifreeze in until it sprays pink out of the exhaust and your done.  Been doing it the same way for years no problems with 4 cyl. merc 130hp
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/14 00:45:37 (permalink)
I do the same thing as bridgeman but use 50/50 antifreeze. Never had any issues. I also add fuel stabalizer to the gas tank to treat any remaining gas.
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/19 05:39:31 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby TD675 2014/05/16 16:45:35
ditto on that fuel stabilizer, it keeps a full tank of gas healthy for next spring.  also, although not I/O advice, if you pull your trolling motors off for the winter and put them in the garage, be sure to burn all the excess fuel out of it.  failed to do this several years back and after the remaining gas evaporated it left behind a gunk that prevented the motor from starting the following spring.  started that season off with having to take it in to get a good cleaning.
post edited by pikepredator2 - 2013/09/19 05:54:13
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/19 10:03:59 (permalink)
Thanks for all the help guys.  Any advice on what to buy to introduce antifreeze into the system. 
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/09/20 15:30:55 (permalink)
Ok for some reason I had to type this all over again.?
I remove the thermostat and reattach the housing, than I pull the hose from the outdrive that carries the water to your motor, than I stick the hose in a large bucket ( 5 gal. or bigger ), than I put about 3 gallons of anti-freeze in it, start the boat and let it suck it ALMOST dry than kill the motor.
PS this makes a mess behind your boat ( plants and grass dont like this stuff )
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Re: Winterizing first I/O 2013/10/25 09:33:51 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby TD675 2014/05/16 16:45:53
Same here.  I pull the thermostat out, drain the plugs (I have 4) pull the hose off the manifold and backs side of thermostat and drain.  Then hook the hoses back up and use the "funnel/antifreeze" method through the outdrive using the ears.  Should be good.  It really isn't that tough just MAKE SURE you get all the plugs then don't be cheap on the antifreeze.
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