Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream

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2013/09/10 13:38:53 (permalink)

Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream

The MRI I had a few weeks ago confirmed what I thought... back is going to hell!
Standing is tough, so I thought I'd see if using a one-man kayak might be an option?
Online... it looks very feasible..... but I'd greatly appreciate any real info or suggestions!

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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 14:42:08 (permalink)
    Float that sumbeech from the chutes to the lake on a high water day in early November.
    Wear a helmet, and take a video.  With audio.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 14:53:39 (permalink)
    You may just get murdered for a stunt like that in the streams.
    You may want to try that out in lake in front of streams. Just stay out far enough to be out of shore fishermans way.
    I have seen guys doing this from float tubes when lake is calm.
     GOOD LUCK it you try this in streams.

    It's your fish story,so tell it any way you want!!!
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 15:39:43 (permalink)
    You really should try this in Walnut, by the top of the wall, on the far side, where the fish bunch up.  You do have a cleo-proof-vest, don't you?

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 15:44:18 (permalink)
    A kayak is not really a friend to those with back issues, at least this guy.  Getting it off of the transport vehicle and to the water is not the easiest thing if your back is in pain.  Neither is sitting for hours at a time.  That said, when you aren't having pain (mine comes and goes), it is a blast to fish from.  I have wanted to take mine on Erie for a long time, but always too chicken...  More due to transporting it and being too rough to take out.  I didn't feel comfortable leaving on my roof.  Do a search on here, I know Deetz uses his on the big water, he posted some pics last year.  Kayak99 I also believe uses his on Erie, and even has made stablizers for his.  Pretty sure Mr. Slickfish also kayaks for steel.  Not sure if any of them have back issues?  I couldn't think of anything much more fun than hooking into a fresh steelhead and going for a sleigh ride.  If you were thinking to actually use in the tribs, you might end up getting a few new Cleo ear rings.  You will get the clowns casting at you, if you are "too close" fishing the trib mouths too.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 16:34:08 (permalink)
    i was totally thinkin of hittin walnut during a heavy rain.. then again i might rather be fishing it
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/10 17:14:34 (permalink)
    After thinking it over.....
    I've decided not to use a Kayak on my favorite streams for Steel!!!
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/18 13:05:04 (permalink)
    Get your back fixed up, worry about fishing later.  You might have a choice:  Either fish the tribs this season, in pain or fish the tribs, pain free, for the rest of your life.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/18 13:32:37 (permalink)
    I agree totally.  I started physical therapy a few weeks ago and I am making great progress.
    I think all the advice against using a Kayak for Steel on a trib makes lots of sense!  
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/18 21:23:24 (permalink)
    pontoon boat may be???
    lord, i can see it now....lol 
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/20 08:55:33 (permalink)
    I have seen kayaks come down through Walnut several times. Guys didn't say too much about it.

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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/20 13:39:49 (permalink)
    Park a pontoon boat at the end of the pier and see what happens.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/20 21:48:13 (permalink)
    Hefalump, I'm glad the PT is helping you. If you ever find yourself in the position of requiring surgery, there are non-invasive techniques available now. Faster healing time and much less chance of infection. It's an option you might want to research.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/20 21:59:16 (permalink)
    The problem is everyone's back pain is different.  I have had back pain for about 21 years of it.  Everything i love to do, ride motorcycles, sport cars all that fun stuff makes my back worse.  When i walk and move a lot, I feel pretty decent, but standing in one place to much can cause it to rear its ugly head.  Physical therapy has also helped me alot, but i have my days.  Things i would gladly be willing to throw my back out for would be the babe in fish5000 post.
    Kayak fishing in the streams would be a good way to die young, exspecially in front of trout run.  Good luck with the back.
    post edited by silverman31 - 2013/09/20 22:00:53
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/23 09:49:31 (permalink)
    The cold front that pushed through on Saturday decided to tighten up my back muscles.  I bend down to help my 4 year old out of the tub and felt the dreaded pop, followed by the leg tingle.  The second day after the pop, the sciatia always seems the worse.  3-4 hours of sleep and a constant 4-5 on the pain scale with a shot of 8-9 on any movement.  Luckily, mine seems to subside after 2-3 days, and usually fully better after 2 weeks if I don't try to push it.  I felt a little strain about a week ago and started daily stretching, but too late.  I should have taken this post as a warning and started stretching then.  3 compression fractures with sciatic nerves pinched.  I can't even imagine the pain that those with the slipped disks go through.  Getting old sucks, although I have been having issues since I fractured them at around 13 years old.
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    Re: Kayak fishing for Steelhead in the stream 2013/09/25 16:01:49 (permalink)
    The problem is everyone's back pain is different.  I have had back pain for about 21 years of it.  Everything i love to do, ride motorcycles, sport cars all that fun stuff makes my back worse.  When i walk and move a lot, I feel pretty decent, but standing in one place to much can cause it to rear its ugly head.  Physical therapy has also helped me alot, but i have my days.  Things i would gladly be willing to throw my back out for would be the babe in fish5000 post.
    Kayak fishing in the streams would be a good way to die young, especially in front of trout run.  Good luck with the back.

    Silverman is quite right which is why a Tx [treatment] for "you" isn't the right one for "me". As always, options are a good thing and I mentioned the non-invasive techniques as not everyone is aware of them. I keep up with this kind of stuff because it's part of my profession.
    [Ho-hum]. One of the other "problems" is ask a neurologist, orthopedist, chiropractor and a neuro - surgeon for their opinion on what should be done and one may likely get as many different answers. Anyway Silverman, I'm happy you and many others who have commented openly and in pm's appreciate "Cassandra". She is definitely my favorite. Obviously a classy woman, dresses well, wears it well, love the color of her dress, "nice stumps" as my friend who is a professional tree cutter says and smells like Teen Spirit. Yeah, I'd throw out my back for her also [spend my money, wreck my new car]. I hope you find some combination of Txs that works relatively well [everything is relative, think about it] for you Silverman. In closing, my writings at times make reference to things and may not make any sense to some that read them, so if some don't get it, don't be concerned, not terribly important and if you do, great. We're on the same page and communicating.
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