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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/18 13:33:53
Well since it was packed with local families I take it the food has improved.Years ago I had one of the worst dinners in my life in that place,never tried that again but before that I used to go in there for lunch and then gave that up because the grease content of everything was sure to shorten my life.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/18 14:07:50
I'll agree that the food has a high fat content but then so does most "comfort" food. Always found that the Altmar could fill the hole well for the money, and I'd still be able to hit the river in the AM. Agree with Dime about the new owner's, I met them not long after they took over and they were very nice and friendly. You could do a lot worse than having the Altmar for neighbors, and for a living room and kitchen away from the house. I don't remember the juke box, but I'm half deaf from standing in front of a cranked Fender in C+W joints for the better half of my early years. If you look on the Tailwater's menu, it is a lot of chic and trendy après fishing food, 8 oz steak, 10 oz steak, etc. That cuts it for me when I am home, but I might be able to put away 2 after a full day on the river. No prices posted, if you have to ask, you can't afford it or can't write it off! My concern is that if they can pull $179 a night how long before the next best room is 85 or 90? I personally think the NR license should have doubled, lord knows we residents are footing huge tax burdens that are pretty transparent to non residents, but this is all part of Andy's scheme to sell the state to the rest of the world rather than cut down on the massive giveaways and pork programs. IMHO... L13
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/18 14:54:27
Think its all bout expectations and convenience. Before buying a place up there I always stayed in hotels and paying bout 75 a night became the norm and that was 7 or 8 years ago.. Then ya drive out for food and drive out to fish and drive out for tackle drive out if ya want a drink or to get outa the tiny (generally shared) room. There is a lot to be said for a lot of folks to park the car and have it all right there. With a group if one wants to quit for a while- no issues with driving- he just walks back to the room, if guys wanna sleep in and meet on the river- no problem. Convenience------ Heck --less that 200 for a room in most vacation places is often considered a deal unless ya stay a mile or two away from the action. Think the real issue for many here is the closure of more river to the public- couldn't agree more.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/18 15:29:09
River closure is definitely the issue...
I did hear a rumor from a second hand source that they owned the north side bank property also but as we all know there is a public fishing easement on that side... if true... what happens if they build a lodge or cabins on that side... folks staying there would have the north bank lined up before the average Joe comes down... now that would get ugly!!!
Lucky, fender is the ****!!! I learned to play on the original fender super champ on my mothers fender strat plus... at age 13 I cashed in savings bonds of mine and purchased a used fender twin that had built in 2*12 speakers with a sickening reverb... my stupid butt cut the speakers off in my mid teens and stacked it on top of a Marshall 4*12... it was quite a stack up... especially when run through 2- 4*12's at once... still have the head to this day... the reverb tray is long gone with time... that is my biggest regret for cutting it up... because I've never heard reverb like the fender twin... oh yeah, except for the twin reverb series... but that was clean channel only with no distortion ;)
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/18 15:58:57
I think I'd rather stay at one of the DSR houses if I had a group of 3 to 6. You get passes for check in day and check out day....That makes is a great deal, imo...
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 07:31:47
g2 the access is certainly a poke in the eye but that doesn't change that for most fishermen there a a room for 2 for around $50 is the price point. I doubt that having that small piece of private heaven will not keep the high rollers and write off wizards coming back to Altmar. With a bunch off pisttt off regulars across the river doing everything they can to make their day miserable. Since most of the people that would go there on any regular basis will be getting rowed around by the guides that own the river I think it would be in their best interest to open access up and try to keep animosity to a minimum if they are interested in the long run.. Never really fished that area much myself because of the crowding so it has little affect on my life. Reading their site it seems snagging (even of salmon) is frowned upon in the DSR.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 13:43:20
DB- Twin reverbs distort nicely on both channels, reverb or no reverb, but at 100 watts RMS, you have to push the amp into levels that puncture most eardrums! You don't want to be checking Vintage Guitar to see what a pre reverb twin sells for now in original condition, the pain will be overwhelming! But we digress (not the first to do it on these boards LOL!) L13
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 15:24:18
How much does a cowbell in original condition go for? I've got a fever only more cowbell can cure.
hot tuna
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 15:25:08
We are ordering pizza and wings on way off ice for championship Sunday .:) can't beat the food, crowds and fishing not so bad . G bless Altmar
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 18:50:28
dimebrite2 River closure is definitely the issue...
I did hear a rumor from a second hand source that they owned the north side bank property also but as we all know there is a public fishing easement on that side... if true... what happens if they build a lodge or cabins on that side... folks staying there would have the north bank lined up before the average Joe comes down... now that would get ugly!!
That would explain alot with the maps and such as originally the school DID NOT own to the center, but now they do. As far as the average Joe getting down there it is my experience that Joe will get up earlier and have his spot before inmate 203 who will want to sit down to a nice breakfast and EXPECT a spot. Now will they have people down there at first light saving spots................ At that price I would expect that concierge service
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 19:20:44
How do you save a spot. Since it is public waterpeople can fish where they want and there is no regulation about crowding someone out that was there before you. I just think if joe average gets the feeling that the lodge and its guests are being peckerheads they will go out of there way to make it a less than appealing spot to fish. At near 200 a night a hassle is not what I would want and with public rights on the north side they have no control. Wise choice would be to make nicey nice and have a place for the hard core guest that wants to fish after the boat jockey has dropped them off for the day without having to untangle lines every cast. Simple business decision in my mind.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 19:45:20
Likely be similar to DSR where ya go fish by yourself and a 'warden' hangs around to keep the peace and attend to legal niceties. Only issue that will most certainly come up here is the 'warden' will be making decisions with those on the PFR side when 'issues' arise with those on the PVT side. Now a real warden is paid by the State and has no built in need to make one side or the other happy--just the real laws- in this case the warden will be paid for by the PVT folks and like it or not have a built in bossman -- Expect dunkings (or worse) to be forthcoming, lol. Again lawn chairs and coolers will be required by some of us who go down just to watch the show. Likely be almost as good as tressel in clown season. (da sad truff)
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 19:59:15
TB being kind of sarcastic with the spot saving thing. Concierge service at some hotels can get you ANYTHING (or so I have heard), why not a spot on the river ;0). From what I see on the tax maps National Greed still may own the other side
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/19 22:33:40
I thought it was a little ironic that the pinner whose report Dime was concerned about had his pic with a steel on the jail's FB page. They shot it from across the river and said it was caught ACROSS. Placating? When I went there often, he was a regular, too. I've had 2 reputable, established guides tell me they turned down the Lodge offers to put them on the client list and basically will anchor where they please. They both felt it's a detriment to the river. For myself, I ,like Trev, will sit back and wait for the battles to begin. The one percenters vs. the rest of the bud light crew from the unemployment hole down. I have no rancor, only some decent memories. The last day I fished there, was the start of Sandy and I caught 2 in the tail on the swing with blue buggers and Nancy almost got hit by a widow maker that came down in a heavy gust. I remember a fine time with HT there, and many great days alone. I've moved on. Lucky- I've had my share of beat up tweed cases and overheated drive section tubes. If I played the Altmar Hotel, I would have used a Nady wireless and danced in the crowd. If I played the Lodge, I would have sat on a stool and stared at the set list and wondered when the he11 I could get away from this bore fest. I've done both types of gigs many times, I know which ones were a blast and made me keep on keepin' on. The gigs with drunk chicks that pull there shirt up after a good solo might seem low class, but they never seemed that way when it was happening.....  All in the past....
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/20 01:46:26
Lucky thanks for the headsup! I'll remind myself to never look up the value of my fender twin!!! And yes at 100 amps of hot piercing tube action, if cranked over #2 on the volume gauge (that goes to 10) the drunk girls for sure pull their shirts over their head to protect their ear drums!!! Lol... and yes, great distortion with the ability to mix both clean and distortion channel for one large bright sound... might have to break the old baby out one of these days...
Charlie, my wireless set up is probably gone with the wind but if you still have your nady maybe we can all pool together our equipment and blast some tunes from the north bank while R2g2 and friends lounge with their coolers to watch the show :)
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/20 08:03:27
twobob How much does a cowbell in original condition go for? I've got a fever only more cowbell can cure.
Depends on whether or not the cow is attached! And whether it is Angus! L13
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/20 09:03:45
i talked to the guy who is running it last time up he seems like an ok kind of guy but i have no doubt he will do what ever the boss tells him to, its his job kind of thing it will be interesting to see how it all unfolds
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/20 09:22:25
DB I got the casm. To my knowledge a good concierge can get anything I ever wanted. They may own it but have ZERO say to how people on the public fishing rights side. If the south bank was "my spot" and was denied access after 30 years I might be tweeked and make it a goal to cross lines with the deep pockets fishing there. I am sure some will. Easier to pay someone to get there early and get a good spot for the guest who imbibed too much and missed the flotilla Much better from a public relations standpoint and more enjoyable for Mr Too Much Green in his Jeans
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/29 19:19:55
Why not keep it going... :)
Two Bob, I believe under the land agreements in which Dec bought access to and pfr rights from private owners... it is commonly stated that the "owner" (over the jurisdiction of the DEC) can deny privileges and trespassing rights to individuals who display illegal conductwhich would include many different case scenarios... drinking, vulgarity, indecent exposure (pee pee or poo poo in the woods), snagging, littering... just to mention a few. So if they do in fact own the north bank property... yes they can't post the bank easement, but they can in fact work it towards their advantage... as most here conclude, time will tell. And I'll be sure to have a red solo cup in hand when it all goes down just to be on the safe side :)
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/29 19:42:07
So then is intentionally throwing across someones line (prove that it was on purpose please) an illegal act. How about driving a pontoon around the hole with an electric motor slapping the water with a paddle (I mean rowing hard). Which statute does that break. If I chose I can be a very law abiding asphole. Of course as I said I don't fish there so I would not waste my time but someone that has made it their spot for 30 years might. Being a good neighbor not****is always the best policy for a business. I may stay there when I come to waterhog nation. Not.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/29 21:08:59
Its gonna be a sight to see I'm sure. Something tells me there will be more than a few average Joe's that cross the line though... I'd say the unwritten rule of an open container law in Altmar is gonna RIP after this next salmon season...
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/30 04:25:58
That may well be for the good in my mind. While I have nothing against a sip (not much of a drinker myself ) too many "visitor anglers" don't seem to grasp the concept of carry it in carry it out. Wish there was a way to really prohibit the freaking D D and nice and easy coffee cups from being allow on the river.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/30 07:17:15
Please do not forget Byrne Dairy and MickyD's using the river banks for mini billboards! But if there were no styrofoam, what could you put next to the water to tell you the river is going up? L13
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/01/30 07:54:01
Personally think that the prison wardens will have more to do than try and monitor the fishing etiquette on the PFR side in an effort to get more water for 'their' guests. Would agree that those 'wardens' or whatever you call the prison folks hired to do the 'enforcement' will have built in favoritism but having to deal with the ever present 'slob 'element would be a full time job in and of itself-there will of course be some of that IMHO as slobs will demand it because of their style and actions. Actually we all might actually appreciate it in some ways since we make those kinda observations almost year round ( and with good reason). Lawn chairs and coolers -also cotton towels to wipe the 'tears of laughter'. Might also get to film some neat stuff that goes 'viral' as well.
post edited by r2g2 - 2014/01/30 07:55:25
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/05 20:52:28
Surprised there's been no chatter on this one. Last Friday night there were probably more than 50 vehicles at the new lodge. Looked like a possible opening celebration or something.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/05 21:02:14
As far as I know 2/20 is the "official" grand opening. Hope someone took a picture because there may not be another time that 50 cars will be there this time of year. Peak shark season possibly............
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/05 21:54:30
I imagine this was a private type thing. All of the lights were on and as said many cars. Didn't want to be that guy though whos quick to post up something they saw. I don't do Facebook so I don't follow them on that.
I must say the place doesn't look that bad and it looks like they did a good job on the inside. If their restaurant is open to the public I may step foot in there to try after some time passes as I know restaurants sometimes fumble a little before getting in to their groove. But that's about it. I'd hope to see the place make it though as it will host some local jobs for local folks and it would suck to see a vacant barren place riddled with no trespassing signs.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/05 21:57:53
I am with you DB. If it stay's open it is good for the area, especially after they start paying full taxes.
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/05 22:08:45
Speaking of taxes. Our new project here just got a tax exempt ( sales tax) for the 530 million in parts and materials they are planning on buying. They are now going after ( and will get ) a lower access value on property with a 10 year freeze on increases. Man I only wish us regular folks had that kind of clout .
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Re:Tailwater lodge.........
2014/02/06 07:42:10
In NYS, the Empire of Cuomo, we regular folks are lucky if we can afford the Vaseline! L13