Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
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Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
Years ago I bought some 'sucker spawn scent' at a local shop in Erie. I applied it to my egg and sucker spawn pattern flies and it seemed that the stuff works! Any comments? It appears the 'big companies' caught on and now have 'Bio Edge Egg Potion' on the market. Last week I purchased some at Field & Stream and wonder if anyone has used it? Go STEELHEADS! Mike
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/21 22:09:09
It's my understanding that it is all about presentation for steel. I've caught them on cigarette butt cotton. Maybe want to try tobacco flavored scent?  BH
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/22 13:32:29
I started using Kick'n Trout scent on my egg and sucker spawn flies last year, and must say it works very well, and gives the flies a little more of a slimy, clumpy, goopy look, as you find eggs in their natural environment. Also, it kinda helps the fish close on the strike, and hold on longer, since they are tasting and smelling natural scents rather than glue, metal, and synthetic materials of a fly. The only downside of Kick'n Trout is that it stinks to high heaven, and if you keep it in your vest pocket, your vest will stink, even if you keep it sealed tightly, and don't spill a drop, and your hands will stink if you get it on them, even after a shower and washing hands multiple times. But it's certainly not the most important factor, as is fly selection, and a natural drift on to the fish's nose. And anytime you hear a claim of the person fished all day without a bite, and then put the stuff on, and caught a bunch of fish, it's either a major coincidence, or hype.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/22 14:26:20
Huge gob of skein. Anything smaller then a pingpong ball and your wasting time.......WF....all the natural scent you need. Brings them in for a mile downstream
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/22 19:01:23
My belief on scent has always been that it gives an angler a bit of an edge. How couldn't it ? ? ? Like anybody that believes in the power of scent, I have my favorites and swear by them. As always, to each their own.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/22 21:37:45
Certainly presentation is the most important factor in steelheading, but as fish5000 said it can give the angler a little bit of an edge. This spring for example I was fishing for trout with Gulp minnows. I caught a few fish then I went a good handful of casts without a hit. Once I put a new one(which obviously has more scent) on I started getting more hits. This pattern continued throughout the day. Scent may not change a horrible day into an epic one, but yeah I'm sure it can help some. With that said I've never tried putting scent on flies before, for any species, and I probably never will as I'm more than happy with my catch rates w/o scenting my flies and lures. But I do admit it could have advantages(or in other words, I don't think you have anything to lose).
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 11:28:32
fishingood The only downside of Kick'n Trout is that it stinks to high heaven, and if you keep it in your vest pocket, your vest will stink, even if you keep it sealed tightly, and don't spill a drop, and your hands will stink if you get it on them, even after a shower and washing hands multiple times. Says the guy hugging a brown trout in his profile pic Why not just use the real thing? Not a fly fisherman myself in any sense of the word, but if yer juicin' a fly is it really fly fishing?
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 12:08:18
Troutguy, + 1 on the Gulp. I catch a ton of fish with those. The scent makes a HUGE difference. I don't fly fish, but if I did, I'd put scent on it. Just sayin'. I don't have delusions of grandeur. I've never striven to be an elitist of any kind. I just like to catch fish. Big fish. Lots of fish. Period. Why? 'Cause it's a helluva lotta fun. I don't give even the slightest bit of a da mn what others think of my fishing style. I don't fish for others. I fish for me. So, if using scent helps me catch fish, I'm usin' it! LOL! I buy Gulp Alive scent and store my favorite jig bodies in it. They don't soak it up like the Gulp bodies, but they do soak up some of it. I've noticed a definite difference when using scented vs unscented.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 13:15:52
I personally couldn't care less either slab. I spin fish 'cause I'm better at it than a flea pole (I've tried it a few times, just not for me) and I like to catch fish when I go to Erie. I'm in the whatever works category too. I've got no delusions of being a trout gawd with my shiners, single eggs, bubblegum power worms and egg sacs. I'm a yinzer/mupere all the way, and sometimes I even *gasp* wear neoprene waders and a camo duck hunting coat. More just wondering why you'd go to all the trouble of juicin' a ball of yarn when it would seem easier and less messy to stick the real thing on a bare hook
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 18:15:59
As troutguy wrote, presentation is an important factor [very important factor] while fishing for Steelhead [and other species as well]. Using scents for fishing is not the cure - all or the magic bullet. It's merely another tool that can be utilized to make one successful. The more "tools" one has at their disposal and are willing to use, the more successful that person will become. Yes, I know that sounds painfully simple and obvious, but it's amusing how some fisherman will get locked into only using a few tactics to catch fish.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 19:11:57
RSquared, I wasn't comin' at you bro. I was just sayin. I love usin' scents. I honestly wasn't implying anything about you. I like you dude. LOL! After rereading what I wrote, I maaaayy have come off sounding like a dik. My bad. LOL. I just really like using scents. hahaha. As far as juicing up a fly, I see what you mean. I knew what you meant when you wrote it and I suppose it's a valid point. All I am saying is that if I were fly fishing and couldn't get hit and I had scent with me, you bet your azz I'd put some on. HAHAHA! I bet most of the die hard fly fishermen on this site agree with you 100% dude. It would be anathema for them to put scent on a fly. lol.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 19:26:40
All good slab. Was thinking about this while I was out on the lawn tractor this evening, among many other things during my 2 hours of solitude. 'Spoze a fly guy might look at me lugging my yellow Frabil bucket of minnows up and down the crick and my egg juice stained vest and probably wonder why I go to all that trouble when I could just put some juice on a ball of yarn. Juice away fellas, juice away!
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 20:17:29
You juice them up and they will never see the flybox again, unless you want a real stinky mess.....
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 20:21:25
Who is the most interesting juicer in the world? Pic please?!!!
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 20:44:23
The most intriguing juicer alive ..........
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 21:07:12
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/23 22:03:42
(permalink) I consider myself to be more of a fly fisherman for trout, there is something of a reward to me of tying my own fly, fooling a fish into hitting it, and getting the fish in on a fly rod. But that's not to say I'm any kind of elitest, or I look down on bait fishermen. In fact, when I go to Erie, I always take one of my bass spinning rods, along with spoons and sometimes even get live bait, to fish the mouths for steelhead, just in case the fishing in the creeks is poor. The scent is simply an extra tool, an extra feature added to the fly. I doubt the steelhead make their decision on how a fly smells, but I'm sure it can't hurt. I'm also a bass tournament fisherman (more of my specialty) and the day before the tournament, I marinate Senkos and soft plastics in Dr. Juice. Somewhat of a confidence factor, not really the make or break factor, just an addition. But I don't think it makes me a live bait fisherman instead of a bass fisherman.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/24 10:03:48
slabdaddy I just like to catch fish. Big fish. Lots of fish. Period. Why? 'Cause it's a helluva lotta fun. I don't give even the slightest bit of a da mn what others think of my fishing style. I don't fish for others. I fish for me. So, if using scent helps me catch fish, I'm usin' it! egg-zaccally. Glad you "get it", Slab. Rsquare'd does too the "elitist" thing is just plain dumb While I'm sure there are some applehEds that think they're "better than" due to the rod in their hand, I don't think "most" think like that. and on the flip side, i think some use a flyrod so they can "fit in" with the snOb class, when their style of fishing would be better suited to a float rod BOTH are morons IMNSHO as a "bi-angler" that uses both rods ( I fish for steel w/flyrod 96.83% of the time and spin outfit 99.38% for bass) the virtue and beauty of the fleapole is the ability to do more things with your presentation on the creeks and that's why "I" use a bugrod for steel....nothing more, nothing less. There's more to fleapole steelie fishing than right angle drifting under a float thru a hole or run. Indeed, if that's your primary method, you 'd be BETTER served with a long float rod However, you can do a lot of things with flyrod that can't be done well (or easily) with mono/spin outfit. That's the beauty and virtue of the bugrod to the juice subject.... I'm not convinced it makes much if any difference . I've tried it in the past for bass and steel, I personally haven't found any "sure" pattern one way or another . Same with fly vs bait believe it or not . The first 6-7 years of steelheading for me was done with a spinning outfit. I used "everything" on the end of my line ...dozens of different flies 'n yarn and several types of bait I toted to the creek every trip. What I discovered was, it was 50-50 of what worked best on any given day . No chit! ..about half the time flies caught more fish, the other half it was one of the several baits I brought along ( a smorgasbord of delights ... single eggs, skank/eggsacs, live minnows, maggots ) if scent made a "clear" difference, one would logically reason the bait would always out fish the flies ...but not so from my personal experience Presentation, shape, size or color, in one or any combination of those four is what "got it" done side note; Someone mentioned "confidence" ..that's a very big part of catching too imHo if squirting juice gives one more confidence, by all means juice it up ..L.T.A.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/24 12:39:00
"Bi-Angler" trademark that chit. It would sell. Look good on shirts. Seriously. hahaha I think you have just successfully coined a word that others will use. I know I will.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/24 13:07:38
Scent is the bomb. Trust me. I had almost 2 steelies hooked last year, I think....WF...heah, I'm one of those elitist.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/24 22:10:03
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/24 23:18:49
Find something that works--use it. Pretty simple. I use my fly rod for bait too--the reason is the presentation. If you find a scent that works and you want to catch fish have at it. But like Bing said, if you dope a fly you may want to reconsider putting it back in the box.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 10:32:53
I'll use bait on my fly rod too. Mostly after I have tried every fly in my box and nothing (I too get a kick out of catching fish on flies/jigs that I have tied or lures that I have made). Usually the bait is something that will stay on the hook well, like Gulp minnow, egg sack or maggots on a jig. I find it too hard to use minnows or worms on a flyrod, have to cast out too gingerly, and at that point my noodle rod is a better choice for me. I find the constant recasting and drifting to be much easier with a flyrod, even doing the standard toss up stream and drift through. I have never used a float rod or center pin, so probably a better tool for a lot, but I don't fish the tribs enough to warrant another $300 setup. Flyrod is an easy roll cast and keep the line tight enough to set the hook the whole way through a drift. When I am using my noodle, I reel in slowly to keep the line tight, so the drift pretty much ends right in front of me. With the flyrod, I can let it drift another 20' or so, pull and roll cast. Not that recasting a noodle is all that hard, but if fishing a small offering on a small float that is 4'-6' up the line, my casts aren't nearly as accurate as I'd like. I'll take both a fly rod and noodle when steelheading. If fishing the creeks from mid season until ice, it is easier to use the flyrod. Early season when they are chasing minnows and want to put a trout worm or small crank bait or fishing lake the noodle is easier, also easier to manage if the water is freezing on the eyelets. Many times I am torn between which one to use when leaving the car. Many times I wish that I took the other, but I'll usually make it work.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 16:19:04
Pork that is a good explanation of which setup works best. I feel the same way. Ive never used the juice and i never plan on it. I sometimes use homemade egg sacs and they b drippin yo. Bings catches so many fish, someone should test his junk...i think he be juicin...
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 16:37:26
Thanks for all the responses!!! Just remember when you were out there... you probably put on Old Spice, Musk, whatever! :)
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 19:35:46
If your gonna juice yer fly, ( does that sound weird? ) why not take it a step further and tip it with a live minnow? Or will the minnow fall off while roll casting? BH
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 19:58:56
BloodyHand Or will the minnow fall off while roll casting? BH It would if "I" casted it  bet i could tear an egg SAC off ..L.T.A.
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Re:Is 'SCENT' on egg and sucker spawn flies effective?
2013/08/26 21:05:13
BloodyHand If your gonna juice yer fly, ( does that sound weird? ) why not take it a step further and tip it with a live minnow? Or will the minnow fall off while roll casting? BH Shouldn't. I do a kinda, sorta roll cast with my noodle rod about 90% of the time when I'm steelhead fishin. Hardly ever actually flip the bail and cast. Sometimes a single egg will fall off, but rarely a minnow.