what do you think ??????

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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/21 17:21:51 (permalink)

DarDys, we hunt in different areas. I hunt in a WMU that has "3 up" and if your location is correct you hunt in a WMU that has "2 up" rule. Its an assumption on my part.

Please post some pics of the deer you have shot (both pre and post AR), or trail camera photos (If you use them). I am interested in seeing the general size of deer you are talking about.  I am not being sarcastic or anything I just want to see where you are coming from.

I hunt in a three-to-a-side area, there is no such thing as 2-up.  Those of us who hunt in the central and eastern part of the state have better eyesight according to the PGC than those in the west, so we still have to look for brow tines.
As for photos, I can probably come up with some post AR ones if I dig around or make it out to the shed and snap some.  With regard to pre-AR photos, that was pre-digital, so I don't have any.  After all, they were just deer.  The next time I feel like getting covered in coal dust in my Dad's basement, I'll pull out a representative few racks and take photos to post.
I don't own a trail cam.  Deer hunting to me is a 1-3 day (depending on tags) break and I never have nor do I intend to make it anything more, much less a second job by messing with things like trail cameras.  I'm just lazy about it.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/21 19:05:15 (permalink)
A few years ago during one of these Pre-Post AR debates I dug out and posted photos of the post AR racks and a equal number of racks from the decade before AR.  It was hard to see any difference although I do make it a second job and always held out for what I considered the top 20% of the bucks in my hunting area.  With the possible exception of last year nothing has changed  except now I have a lot more boring deerless days while waiting for a shooter than I did Pre AR/HR.------- AND WE DON'T HAVE ANY BETTER REGENERATION THAN WE DID BEFORE AR/HR. -------LYME DISEASE HAS INCREASED AS THE DEER POPULATION WENT DOWN-------OUR DEER HUNTING IS NOT THE BEST IN THE NATION g.alt claim
Tell me again what the  reason was for Herd Reduction.
Good luck with those bucks Doc.
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/21 20:25:29 (permalink)
What all of this boils down to is everyone's experience is different from pre/post AR. That is why I have asked to see photos from people views differ from mine. I hope to maybe see and understand why people speak out against AR, and I hope people could hear what my experiences are and why I feel the way I do.
DarDys, S-10 I would love to see photos of your deer, pre, post I don't care. We debate this topic every year like we are going to change something, each side thinks they are correct and the fact is we r both right and wrong. What AR has done for my hunting is an great opportunity at a true PA giant, I understand that for others it may have them comparing hunts to the one in their memories and todays hunts are coming up short.
Its easy to put up blinders and think that what's around you is the reality of the rest of the state. What's around me is a lot of very good quality and quantity deer hunting.
S-10 like you I make deer hunting a second job (tied with musky fishing) I find relaxation in it, I enjoy the strategy, playing the odds, and when you get a shot at one of the deer on your hit list the high's out weigh the lowest lows of the sport (same can be said with musky fishing, that's why I do both) That's my passion, not every one shares it on the same level. From talking with local hunters I can pretty much say that every gets excited about the big buck they have been seeing, that adds to the excitement.
Dardys, enjoy your few days a year deer hunting. You like to keep it simple and I can respect that. I wish you many years of successfully hunting.
Dr. I know your post got way off track. Please don't let this thread stop you from posting up more photos. I like looking at pictures, most can agree to that.
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/21 20:40:14 (permalink)
DarDys Quote: I hunt in a three-to-a-side area, there is no such thing as 2-up.  Those of us who hunt in the central and eastern part of the state have better eyesight according to the PGC than those in the west, so we still have to look for brow tines.
Must be the water DarDys
I posted a bunch 3-4 years ago that are still on here somewhere. No jumbos but lots of decent ones.  Since My old computer crashed I haven't figured out how to do it on the new one. A puter expert I am not. Sucks too as I am in the woods a lot and see neat stuff all the time.
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/21 21:58:43 (permalink)
Have made one simple observation in over 50 years in the Deer woods in many States in the East. Hunting pressure rules.
 Public land or land hunted by many folks is VERY different than land where few if any other hunters are allowed- even better when a limited PVT piece is surrounded or bordered by NO areas. (even when they are light residential or industrial)
    IMHO Buck sightings of particular deer ( after patterning) actually has little to do with the DPSM but rather the pressure they get.
   It may well follow that large bucks may often be taken within  small populations from little hunted places and those Deer may well skew annual reports of general herd health based on large racks when considered as a single factor. This can be true in any State or place where some of us tend to target those Deer.
 From what I read here many hunt different types of areas and this must certainly be at least a  factor in the differing experiences.
 Good luck this year guys wherever you hunt and with whatever your personal expectations may be.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/08/21 22:16:16
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/25 20:47:26 (permalink)
Those that KILL the least KNOW the MOST.
retired guy
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/29 22:42:02 (permalink)
When some guys want a real bruiser some go wayyyyy up North in Canada and sit in a box all week freezin their but off  and some  get the buck of a lifetime. Might be the only buck they see but its often a large bodied and antlered  biggie-
   Healthy herd by volume ??? Or  healthy low DPSM big woods deer ???
 One dont always equal the other.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/08/29 22:43:10
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Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/30 09:21:05 (permalink)
hope ya get him doc
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