what do you think ??????

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2013/08/18 20:12:50 (permalink)

what do you think ??????

Finally got to see the "big boy" in person.... what do you think .. check it out ....

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/18 21:23:43 (permalink)
    Could be, I didn't really find any features that "stand out" on the bigger deer that appear to transcend. Its hard to say with a fairly typical rack.
    Does that bigger deer have not have a G3 on its left antler? hard to see in the photo. And it almost looks like the smaller buck is with out a G3 on its right antler. But they are both in velvet still, and the photos are striate on with the deer facing the camera.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/18 22:29:47 (permalink)
    they are both 8 points...
    the bigger one has a bump on the very end of his left antler which MAY be a small point by archery season ??
    wayne c
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 15:52:06 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout

    Finally got to see the "big boy" in person.... what do you think .. check it out ....


    What I think is, the racks are about 99% grown and without velvet they will be half as big as they appear now.
    I also think my idea differs quite a bit from yours about what is a "big boy".
    Maybe your area is nutritionally deficient?
    Nice pics though.

    post edited by wayne c - 2013/08/19 17:13:42

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 16:46:47 (permalink)
    Wow, there we never bucks like that before 12 years of AR!
    Nice deer anyway.  I hope you get him.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 17:13:55 (permalink)
    Trout, i don't care what anyone else says but i'd call that a big boy. I'd be excited! 

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    Dr. Trout
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 18:13:00 (permalink)
    After 10+ years of not even seeing a legal buck around my house... I'm calling him a "big boy"  ... LOL
    and either ones will fall to a arrow or bullet if I get the chance !!!!
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 19:54:27 (permalink)
    DarDys sarcasm is correct, there were deer that big before AR. They were the winner of the buck pool. People would travel from miles away to come and see it.
    Their isn't anything wrong with Dr.'s deer, if those were the biggest deer I scouted in my wood I would be after them to.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 21:18:35 (permalink)
    And yet the year we put the most bucks in the PA record books AND took the most bucks ever  was THE YEAR BEFORE AR/HR started. At least we got the regeneration in the forests they said we would----NOT
    Glad you finally found a legal buck in your hunting area---good luck
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 21:53:02 (permalink)
    S-10, please post where you found that statistic I would like to see that.
    I just checked the records and for firearm typical deer I didn't see a single entry for 2001 in the top 200, and only had 4 in the top 200 for archery.
    9 of the top 25 firearm bucks ever taken in the state came after AR 
    16 of the top 25 archery bucks ever taken in the state came after AR 
    Surely AR must not be working at all since 35% of the top 25 firearm bucks came from 10% of the years on record. 64% of the top 25 archery bucks came from the same 10% of the years on record.
    This is where I found my information
    post edited by anzomcik - 2013/08/19 21:54:07
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 21:58:04 (permalink)
    What book are you referring to?
    Pope and Young Club record book entries for bucks taken in Pennsylvania with archery equipment (two-year intervals):
    2009-10 - 207
    2007-08 - 161
    2005-06 - 167
    2003-04 - 162
    2001-02 - 117
    1999-2000 - 91
    According to the PGC's record page( http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt?open=514&objID=665407&mode=2 ):
    -9 of the top 25 and 13 of the top 50 highest scoring firearm typical bucks were taken post-AR only 1 of  the top 50 bucks was taken in the 10 years prior to 2002.
    -16 of the top 25 highest scoring archery typical bucks were taken post-AR
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/19 21:59:59 (permalink)
    Anzomcik, you beat me to the punch by about 5 minutes!  Good research
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 07:18:08 (permalink)
    I've got an 8 similar to Docs on trail cam. I know there are bigger bucks in the area, especially when the rut kicks in. But given the chance, I will smoke that deer.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 07:25:03 (permalink)
    Read what I said---PA record books------The PA record books record the bucks and note the year taken. Pope and young records the bucks by session entered, They could have been killed in the 1900's and not entered until the 2000's which happens all the time since scoring has become very popular in the last couple decades.
    Some time  ago when this was a hot topic I physically went through the Pa record book and counted the number of bucks entered in each category by year and totaled them. I have gone back several times since to see how that number has changed. I  haven' done it in the last 2 years but doubt it has changed much. The numbers for each year and each category change after each session because folks get around to entering their father or grandfathers animal.
    fishin coyote
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 08:00:52 (permalink)
    Numbers are just numbers gentleman, they can be arranged to make any argument valid.
    Big is relative to one's own views. If the good Dr wants to call him a big boy then so be it. To him it is and thats all that really matters.
    Personally to me they are some nice looking 2.5 yr bucks. The bigger one may be 3.5 givin the area it lives in.
    Good luck Doc hope you kill one of them.

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 08:25:51 (permalink)
    S10 - This information posted by Anzomcik is straight from the PA Record Books. 
    I just checked the records and for firearm typical deer I didn't see a single entry for 2001 in the top 200, and only had 4 in the top 200 for archery.

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 08:41:34 (permalink)
     Horn size is often relative to the area where you are.
       Shot a 3 1/2 year old  very healthy SPIKE once a long time back in the Catskills. It weighed in the 130s dressed. Had been passing small horns for a couple of years in the area hunted waiting for a bigger Buck. Finally figured I'd take some meat home.
       Was kinda shocked at the age as compared to the horns. GENETICS.
     Good luck Doc, hope ya score----
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 08:47:44 (permalink)
    S-10, so there is no link to your findings or published report, that is because you took note and did all the work yourself, correct? I guess that removes any doubt or questioning on your claim.
    Please follow the link Esox and I posted (same link in two different posts), that is the PA record book link. I said this because in your last post you made comment that we were not looking at the same book. I want to make sure we are looking at the same book you were looking at.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 09:55:17 (permalink)
    You guys were posting data from both the P&Y and the PA records. I tried to answer both. The data that you posted from the PA records is incomplete and you posted portions of the entries which was not what I stated.  Quote- The year we put the most bucks in the PA record books.
    Folks with private land to hunt where they are not affected by HR are doing well and that is what I am doing now. Folks who have to hunt public land are for the most part faring about how Doc has the last decade. Forest regeneration sucks and now they are finally starting a five year study to see why. The sportsmen told them in 2000 deer were not the problem but the so called experts claimed we were full of it. They were faulted for not doing correct studies in the 2005 independent report and claimed they were starting in depth studies. Now in 2013 they have finally admitted what many of us knew but want to do another 5 year study. Sounds like more of the so called experts want to make it to retirement as Roe did before they have to answer for their BS.
    I have always been successful and always will be but you shouldn't have to make it a full time job just to shoot a decent buck. It wasn't this hard before AR/HR and you got to see a lot of small bucks while you were waiting.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 10:23:45 (permalink)
    S-10, if you were not getting your data from the PA record books (because they are incomplete), where were you getting your data from?
    post edited by anzomcik - 2013/08/20 10:25:02
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 11:03:48 (permalink)
    Your not paying attention---You are giving incomplete information to make your point by cherry picking the portions you want.  I did this during a slow winter at the height of the debate and then revisited it at various times since for comparison.
    I made a spreadsheet by year for each category and went through every page of every category and recorded every reported harvest by the year harvested. I then added the total entries for each year in each category and as a total of all categories for each year. It was long and painstaking but gave the complete picture. I used it both on here and in my back and forth with the commissioners. After several years I concluded they had no interest in anything but killing more deer and have lost interest in using it except for the occasional jab at folks who claim how good we have it.
    If you have a good spot consider yourself lucky unless it is due to hard work and keep it to yourself. If you are forced to hunt public land and don't have lots of time to invest ----- as Roxy Palone stated---try squirrel hunting.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 11:10:18 (permalink)
    Well since we hijacked Doc's thread. LOL
    I did some quick numbers with the link supplied to the pa game book
    I used the top 100 from each catergory and did not count anything from 2003 to now or any unkown kill years
    These are Pre AR numbers
    Archery -typical = 45/100 for 45%
    Archery- non typical = 29/66 for 44%
    Gun -typical = 81/100 for 81%
    Gun - non typical = 78/100 for 78%
    If these numbers would hold up throught out the total sampling then it would be conclusive that more bucks (trophy) were killed prior to AR in Gun season.
    Bow season tends to be better after AR but 44/45% is still pretty even to before AR.

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 11:39:54 (permalink)
    Your correct that more good bucks are being killed in archery season than gun for a number of reasons. More interest in archery than ever, longer season, pick of the crop, better equipment,  etc.  I'll bet doc could give a crap about anything except watching a bolt bury itself behind the front shoulder at this point. I have a couple located that I feel the same way about.   I saw one again this morning between swatting bugs.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 12:26:08 (permalink)
    I must not be understanding you S-10, becauseI have incomplete data from my source, and you have compiled a spreadsheet using the same data. According to you saying my data is incomplete doesnt that make yours also incomplete? What is your source?
    Coyote, AR started in 2002. So there may be a slight adjustment to your numbers. But the data you have even going from your 2003 date might suggest more trophy bucks were taken before AR. But AR have been in place for 10 years, NON AR years have been in the book for 100 years. So NON AR Bucks in the book are being pulled from sample thats 10x greater.
    So pick a decade from the record book, any continues 10 year period and compair it to the 10 years of AR. (same size sample) Then compair the numbers of entries
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 13:39:31 (permalink)
    I believe S-10's argument is based on entire sample set (1400 or so entries for firearm bucks) and not the top 100 or less that you and I have been referencing. 
    18 of the top 100 firearm bucks we taken in the 10 years post-AR compared to 10 taken during the 10 years prior to AR.  57 of the top 100 archery bucks were taken post-AR compared to just 29 taken in the 10 years prior to AR. 
    wayne c
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 14:00:16 (permalink)
    Just for the record, I was referring to docs buck compared to what the case is in this part of the state. (sw) and that is very much in the range of what most here would consider an "averagish" buck, and very few from HERE would refer to it as a "big boy" now or prior to ar, unless they spent very little time in the woods and had no idea what was representative of the area.
    Everyones standards are different, and not putting down doc or his deer.   The minimum standards I impose on myself for taking a buck do not always meet my description of "big boy" either, but that doesn't mean that I or someone else might not want to harvest that deer.  
     I'm not food plot watchin' Jackie Bushman wannabe. (lol), but I do hold out for bucks somewhat larger than state dictated minimum, and I basically just know the one I wanna shoot when I see it.
    Doc asked for "what do you think" so I told him what I thought.
    As for the record book discussion, with all the things going on and all the promises that would come of the ar (which I support) and the many years of hr (which I don't, at least not as implemented) and increases in food plotting etc. etc...   You would think we would be over-run by trophy bucks, the books would be so overflowing with entries compared to previously that this wouldn't even be debatable.
    Yet it is.
    And despite pgcs comical deer plan supportive propaganda campaigns/articles etc,  Pa is far from what most would consider to be a "go to" state for big bucks, and probably never will be. 
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/08/20 14:16:47

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 16:38:17 (permalink)

    DarDys sarcasm is correct, there were deer that big before AR. They were the winner of the buck pool. People would travel from miles away to come and see it.

    Their isn't anything wrong with Dr.'s deer, if those were the biggest deer I scouted in my wood I would be after them to.

    Yeah, ah, no.
    That deer would not win any buck pools in my area, even for mountain deer.  Nor would people travel to see it.  They would congratuate the successful hunter on harvesting a buck.  Nothing more nothing less.
    I stopped at my Dad's on Sunday and checked out my antler collection.  Of the 32 pre-AR bucks I harvested, 29 would be AR legal today, while three would not.  Comparing the bucks that I killed pre-AR, that would qualify for AR, to compare apples to apples,  with those I have harvested post AR, I must state that those harvested post AR are smaller with respect to mass, heigth, and width.  Keep in mind that I don't hunt antlers, I hunt deer that have antlers that make them legal to harvest.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 17:24:13 (permalink)
    DarDys, we hunt in different areas. I hunt in a WMU that has "3 up" and if your location is correct you hunt in a WMU that has "2 up" rule. Its an assumption on my part.
    Please post some pics of the deer you have shot (both pre and post AR), or trail camera photos (If you use them). I am interested in seeing the general size of deer you are talking about.  I am not being sarcastic or anything I just want to see where you are coming from.
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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 17:29:08 (permalink)

    Coyote, AR started in 2002. So there may be a slight adjustment to your numbers. But the data you have even going from your 2003 date might suggest more trophy bucks were taken before AR. But AR have been in place for 10 years, NON AR years have been in the book for 100 years. So NON AR Bucks in the book are being pulled from sample thats 10x greater.
    So pick a decade from the record book, any continues 10 year period and compair it to the 10 years of AR. (same size sample) Then compair the numbers of entries "
    Thats why I counted 2002 cause any harvested that year were not yet part of AR as in being passed on as sub legals.
    Once again they are only numbers and if one wanted to cherry pick they could make them say anything they want

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    Re:what do you think ?????? 2013/08/20 18:13:25 (permalink)

    Ya that's a little bit of a grey area. But I fully understand your logic and reasoning behind why u included 2002 in ur calculation.

    At first I thought u mistaken the year AR started. Thanks for the clarification on your work.
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