new to steel

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2013/08/12 14:44:23 (permalink)

new to steel

i,ve never fished for steelheads before, but now retired, so lot of time on my hands. not asking for secrets, just: have st croix light 8 ft. w/ pfleuger president 6725, is this o.k.? how late in pm can you fish at walnut? trout run?do you have to wade to fish? mostly figure on standing round watching to see how its done, then if it thins out , maybe try it to see. thanks for any help. wirenut

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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/12 14:53:57 (permalink)
    That setup will get the job done.  I (and other people) prefer a little longer rod to keep the line off the water to get a more drag free drift, but an 8ft'er will do just fine especially on Walnut. Just remember, when it comes to steelhead presentation is more important than bait/lure/fly choice. Usually. 
    Do you have to wade to fish? NO! Do you need waders? Most of the time yes. I've seen people standing on top of the fish tooo many times.  Yes, it helps tremendously to have waders(to cross the stream if needed, to wade out a little if neccessary) but the farther you are from the fish the less spooky they'll be.
    Watching others is a great idea, but once you get the jist of things I'd walk a little from the crowds(if you're physically able to) and find some less pressured fish and solitude. 
    post edited by troutguy - 2013/08/12 14:55:56
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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/12 15:38:38 (permalink)
    I'd be happy to go up with you some time. I'll teach you what I know. I'm nowhere near to being a trout god like some of these folks, but I can show you the ropes and probably help you catch a few fish. You still live around me, don't you? I remember that you lived in Deanville, but not anymore.

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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/12 16:16:50 (permalink)
    Ok, who remembers the name of that thread with a great summary for the beginner steel head fisherman?
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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/12 16:27:07 (permalink) this is a pretty good over view of the basics
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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/12 22:41:09 (permalink)
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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/13 11:36:02 (permalink)
    This is a great piece to get you started, and get you the knowledge you need. Although it's primarily geared towards fly fishermen, much of it is applicable to those fishing spin gear.
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    Re:new to steel 2013/08/13 14:13:45 (permalink)

    back when this site was different, we had so many guys who could get you started far down on the learning curve.  this was one of them...

    Too much to read. Are they up to Rt. 5 yet?
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