funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs

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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/29 20:54:40 (permalink)


Saw two fruits at follys wearing womens underwear over top their waders.

Somethin in the water, I guess...

That's funny! What I don't understand is why anyone would set themselves up for some, maybe a lot of possible "ribbing" or perhaps worst, vicious harassment. Or maybe it was just regular guys doing it as a joke. Who Knows? It's still funny and probably many "double takes" occurred.

Myself and a friend  actually lmade a bet with 2 girls in the 9th grade, where we had to wear a bra and panties, basically streaking around 3 full blocks,  if we lost. Well, we Anything is possible :)
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/30 20:38:06 (permalink)
For my 8 year old son's first time Steelhead fishing, I took him to The Wall at Walnut. This was 6 years ago. It was very crowded as it usually is, mostly adults, but other young children also. There was one guy there ~18' from us who had been quiet for an hour and then for some reason launched a barrage of profanity that wasn't directed towards anybody in particular. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than him. I looked at him and shouted extremely loudly in his direction " HEY, there are children here. How about watching your language"? He turned towards me, obviously very angry that someone had confronted his behavior and began to shout at me, but he only got out 2-3 words when suddenly a large amount of people up and down The Wall verbally tore into the guy. The look on his face was priceless! He hung his head low and was so embarrassed that he didn't say anything for the rest of the day.
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/31 17:32:11 (permalink)
Aren't the Erie ditches funny enuff?, jus askin' just sayin'...
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/01 09:28:28 (permalink)
One time I met up with a young angler who was just starting to try for steel.  It was raining, the water was up a bit, and there was almost nobody at the projects on Walnut and I was explaining how to get your line down, in fast water, for a good presentation.  We were standing there and I looked at his line, then he looked at his line.  Finally I said: "Are you going to set the hook?"  He said:  "Why?"  And I replied: "Because your drift has stopped and your line is moving upstream."  Well he set the hook, hard, and the fish tore off across the creek and jumped about twice and then was off.  But the look of amazement on the young mans face, made a wet dreary day worth the trip.

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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/01 15:33:18 (permalink)
^ i think i have that look every time!
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/07 09:03:58 (permalink)
I saw it rain potatoes last year.  True story.

HA HA!!! I saw that same storm. 2 snaggers crowded out a hole, and all of a sudden potatoes started falling out of the sky.
that was weird.
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/07 10:03:02 (permalink)
 Who you calling a Snagger......

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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/11 20:27:38 (permalink)
1) Seen a guy head into the bushes to drop a deuce and during the time he was gone I watched some kids make off with his stringer of steelies (I didn't know whose steelies they were).  When he came back he was so mad his stringer was missing he threw an insane tantrum asking anyone nearby where his fish were.  Some guy told him that some kids took off downstream with the stringer.  He took off running and fell face first into the creek.  Can't say I blame him for being a bit mad but the entire scene was hilarious.
2) One time night fishing the walnut wall I seen a guy take a leak off the wall and "sprinkle" a bit onto a guys shoulder who though he would wade in below.  Funny as hell, it almost turned to blows. 
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/12 10:54:42 (permalink)
1) Seen a guy head into the bushes to drop a deuce and during the time he was gone I watched some kids make off with his stringer of steelies (I didn't know whose steelies they were).  When he came back he was so mad his stringer was missing he threw an insane tantrum asking anyone nearby where his fish were.  Some guy told him that some kids took off downstream with the stringer.  He took off running and fell face first into the creek.  Can't say I blame him for being a bit mad but the entire scene was hilarious.

That must happen a lot up there... lol

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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/12 20:47:31 (permalink)
early 80's, fall, lower legion hole on elk... the salmon and browns were there in a big way lots of fish stacked all the way down the hole and at the end the big browns were gathered. everybody was drifting bait through the mass of fish and a lot of unintentional body hooking going on. most everybody were just returning the fish as they should have and one guy kept walking up and down the hole yelling foul hook,foul hook you foul hook the fish . it got everybody's attention after a couple hours of his big mouth. later on he brought in and netted a large brown 7 to 8 lb. and hurried back to the trees and knelt down over the fish and tried frantically to get the hook out of the fish, so I walked over and saw the hook in its lower belly fin. I began "yelling" foul hook foul hook foul hook aw that's too bad it's a big one that has to go back. he quietly complained that he had driven several hours and didn't want to return the fish. so I let everybody know what he said in my outside voice. everybody said foul hook it has to go back . he didn't stay much longer.  I was in my early 20's and to see a man late 40's acting that way. wonder if anybody on here remembers that day ? 
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/13 10:12:05 (permalink)
- Finding a nice looking pool to myself, and having two guys walk come up grumbling about how they just fished it all morning, and didn't catch a thing, and I'm an idiot for wasting my time there, and proceeding to catch two fish moments later, while they are still watching. The looks on their face were priceless.
- A long time ago, when I was using my old account, a guy started a rant thread about how, on the same day I was there, he walked all of the Uncle John's section of lower Elk, and didn't see a single fish. I posted a photo of the pool from the waterfall down absolutely loaded with fish, and asked "then what are these?" Didn't see him post again.
- Overheard a guy who thought he was fishing with nobody around, walking back to the parking lot, carrying what was apparently a snagged steelhead, when the fish warden approached him, and told him he had been sitting in the bushes watching the guy through binoculars the whole time.
- A guy who thinks making his kid sit on the bank of 16 mile text messaging while he gets suited up, reserves him that spot.
- Oh and this one time this kid was trying to be badazz, and ride his stunt bike in the parking lot of 20 mile, when he crashed into one of those little posts that mark the parking spots, and everyone burst out laughing at him.

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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/15 20:03:09 (permalink)
We had several Coho Salmon on our stringers back in the early trib fishing days and came upon a gentleman asking about our fish. He said he had traveled quit some distance and this type of fishing was all new to him. He said he had heard these fish will hit a variety of baits and couldn't believe some of things people were using and catching fish. He told us he heard a woman say that a piece of hotdog on a hook is what worked for her catch. He also said he'd seen a guy cutting up apples in small pieces and putting them in a sac and was floating them off the bottom and doing well on Salmon. Then he asked what was our secret to success. Well I couldn't resist after hearing his comments. I told him eggs was our bait.............hard boiled ! He looked at me serious as hell and said dang these fish want some strange stuff! I couldn't hold a straight face and busted out laughing. I told him I was just kidding we were using fish roe eggs in sacs. He said I would have believed anything after seeing and hearing all the different fishing stories that trip. 
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/09/15 20:04:43
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Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/09/25 16:20:25 (permalink)
Not to take delight in the mishaps of others [how rude!], but witnessing several times people falling in the tribs up to their necks floating away downstream until they could get their footing and steadily get back on their feet. Luckily, no apparent injuries, just bruised egos. It's happened to me too. The worst part is it generally cuts a fishing trip very short.
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