funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs

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2013/08/07 21:50:37 (permalink)

funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs

Saw some similar threads but nothing like this. My funniest experience? Watching a guy threaten to snap a guys $800 center pin setup and almost get thrown into the mouth of elk

I fish more than I work which is probably why I got fired.

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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 02:09:37 (permalink)
    haha last year i saw a guy fall of the ledge of the tubes while he had a fish on.  needless to say the fish was lost and he was super embarrassed
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 07:36:03 (permalink)
    Watching fisherman in Erie pack in elbow to elbow for slime.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 07:40:48 (permalink)
    I had a nice stretch of water to myself early one morning. Landed one fish by day break and had it on a stringer in a very shallow area right by shore. All good things come to an end, two young guys eventually came down to the spot and started fishing by me, just a bit down stream. Bout a half hour later I look over my shoulder and see one of these young guys stalking my fish on the stringer, creeping over real slow and casting right in front of the fishes nose. I hollered over, hey!, you know that fish is on a stringer right? A good laugh was had by all at his expense.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 09:43:26 (permalink)
    Watched a guy down by the park at Elk Standing on the far bank, up to his waist, making these beautiful casts almost to the rocks (cause that's where the fish were? ?). And some young boy came up from down stream and hooked a steelhead right  beside where the guy was wading.  Fish jumped and hit the guy making the long casts.  Almost made him fall in.  Made a point.  If you want to fish the "far bank";  cross the creek and fish right in front of you. 
      That, or watching some person chase a fish from the wall to the projects, making cast, after cast, after cast, at a fish swimming as fast as it can to get to deeper water.
    post edited by indsguiz - 2013/08/08 09:45:14

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 10:20:30 (permalink)
    The funniest thing(s) that happen on the Erie tribs cannot be released to the public and this pertinent information has been disclosed to THE certain few.
    That is all

    The Deetz
    Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 10:28:23 (permalink)

    Watching fisherman in Erie pack in elbow to elbow for slime.

    Good topic, and entertaining responses, but Mr. Slickwit wins! 
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 10:46:43 (permalink)
    As for funniest things, mine was a little outside of the tribs themself.  Actually a few, if you include a few of the dancers at the jiggly room near Girard, a few more scary than funny.  Hanging out with my college buddies, like Deetz says, those stories aren't really public forum material...
    When I was a pup, my Dad took me on a some salmon/steelhead trips.  The one year, we woke up bright and early.  My Dad like many, isn't up until the morning coffee.  So, as we set out on Rt. 5 on the way to our morning fishing hole, he had his eyes peeled for a place to stop for morning joe.  He sees a sign, that must have been a great deal.  Instantly pulls off of Rt. 5, likely going 40-50mph, right through the drainage ditch / lawn, completely missing the parking lot entrance (by about 50').  The 1980 Malibu wagon "Brown Bomber" with hubcaps flying makes it's landing safely for Dad's morning Joe, doing it's best reinactment of Family Vacation.  At this point in time, he debates if the adreniline spike was enough, or should he face the store employees and need to relieve the coffee in a few hours.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 11:55:19 (permalink)
    PT, thanks for the chuckle... 
    Not really fishing the tribs, but I once watched 3 bikini clad 20 somethings trying to back a jet ski trailer into the launch at Walnut. They kept getting further and further away from the water each time they jackknifed the trailer... We backed it in for them after I parked my trailer, just wish I woulda been 25 years younger...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 12:08:52 (permalink)
    Well another funny thing happened to me I was fishing the mouth of trout run and went out quite a ways. Well I went to deep and it started to get choppy. Whenever a wave came up I would go up with it and float man not a good feeling with 40 degree water lol that could have been ugly.

    I fish more than I work which is probably why I got fired.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 14:43:27 (permalink)
    Watched a guy come down off the goat path at a trot - LATE (8 ish) - my bud & I were killin 'em that morning - he decides he wants to fish next to me - instead of walking around on the beach side - cuts across the lower end of the mud hole - (some of you might remember the deep hole after the flood in '04) and goes in up to his neck - never saw him again
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 17:38:20 (permalink)

    seen sum kidz steel sum duuds fSh at the rt 5 tunnels
    duud had a giant one like 15 powndR

    krazy sheep

    YoU r so fUNny...
    N iT wuz at tHe caSkaDE hoLe....

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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 19:01:56 (permalink)
    Watched a grown man of 45 yrs or so throw his rod to the ground in temper tantrum after losing a steelhead.  Then proceed to pout like a 4 yr old who just got put in time out.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 19:21:48 (permalink)
    mid 80's west county fishing walleye with about half dozen others and a drunk guy comes down with a coleman lantern and shuts the hit down for us, we asked him to please turn off the lantern or back it up a ways . he started yelling that he owned the lantern and he would use it if he wanted . ended up his lantern exploded like a bomb, and later he brought a walleye in to the shore and reached down and lipped it like a bass. lost his fish and went away quietly.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/08 20:18:56 (permalink)

    “If you're in trouble, or hurt or in need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.”
    John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 00:26:56 (permalink)
    Saw two fruits at follys wearing womens underwear over top their waders.
    Somethin in the water, I guess...
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 00:35:24 (permalink)
    some guy walking down walnut before the project waters with 3 big steelhead on a white rope takes a step off a rock and goes up to his next in water and broke his pole.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 02:31:35 (permalink)
    Steel does funny things......hell if it keeps people away from me I would do it

    I fish more than I work which is probably why I got fired.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 03:36:46 (permalink)
    Saw a guy at Trout Run come down to the shore line in a business suit with his rod & reel watching everyone hooking up as he stood there getting glassy eyed. He could not cast out far enough, so he walked into the surf up to his knees, black wingtips & all.  sam
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 11:01:56 (permalink)

    Saw two fruits at follys wearing womens underwear over top their waders.

    Somethin in the water, I guess...

    WOW  I thought I was the only one that saw that.................  WHEW  I thought I was seeing things


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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 11:05:47 (permalink)
    All the people who chase the fish and try to net it literally seconds after it was hooked/snagged.
    The people who have fish on  stringers but leave them out of the water. Also have seen many other creative ways of keeping fish, like bags, rocks, etc.  I guess big rocks are the new yellow ropes. 
    The people who say they just caught a bunch of native brookies
    The people who see someone reeling in a foul hooked fish and ask them what they caught the fish on. 
    And just in general there are a ton of people I see out steelhead fishing(more so in the easy access areas) who have absolutely no idea how to fish. 
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 15:47:19 (permalink)
    I watched a guy hook a steelie on a fly rod at elk.  He proceeded to back up into back water on the stream.  He went up to his neck in water but continued up the bank with the rod high in the air with the fish still on.  He did land the fish.

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 21:01:16 (permalink)
    Sorry, what happens on the stream stays on the stream.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 22:01:09 (permalink)
    A fella on Walnut asked me if he could buy the next fish I caught so he can take it home and smoke it. I told him it was illegal for me to sell the fish to him but instead I gave him the fish for free. I was using some fairly large barbless spey flies that day. He stood there patiently waiting, then wham! fish on! He grabbed my net and landed it but before I could release the tension my line had from him pulling on it, he unhooked the fly and the line tension snapped the fly right up his nose. Holy Crap! Blood everywhere!!!! He was screaming in pain!!! Then I started to double-guess myself, was it a barbless hook? Yes it was. with a little effort we were able to get it out of his nose. Within milliseconds a ton of people came running and nobody had a clue on what really happened. It seemed as though they thought I caught the guy on a back cast. I didn't think the whole event was funny but the guy appoligized to me, thanked me for the fish, and left.
    Yes, it was on that day, that I was noted as one of the "Nuts" on Walnut.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/09 22:18:30 (permalink)
    ooh!, got another one......
    A fella had two poles propped up on the shore of the Presque Isle lagoons fishing for... whatever, when a boat with a trolling motor cranked all the way up went zipping by and dragged his two poles right into the drink. The guy in the boat never turned his head while a barrage of cuss words were thrown at him. He must of thought at that point he did something wrong but didn't know what and probably didn't want to know either. Or maybe just didn't care.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/13 21:47:14 (permalink)
    1. Early AM at the waterfall hole on Elk. Saw a headlamp come down over the hill near the end of the flat. The headlamp waded into the stream and kept going and going and going until he hit the cliff face, then proceeded to walk upstream on the other side of the creek until he fell in.
    2. A guy with what must have been a 12' spey rod at the stop sign hole on Walnut.
    3. Guy fishing egg sacks long log in Elk at waterfall hole. He snagged on the tree. He then proceeded to walk into the deepest part of the hole, reach down and pull out the egg sack, walk back to his spot and cast right back into the hole.
    post edited by wxfisherman - 2013/08/13 21:51:26
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/14 07:21:52 (permalink)
    I watched a guy at the wall-of-nuts keep telling his wife, " you better keep a hold of that pole ". She kept setting it down on a rock. Sure as ship, a steelie smashed her presentation and took off with her setup. He cussed her out for a good 10 minutes. 5 minutes later the fella hooked into a steel and low and behold her fishin pole was attached to that fish.
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/14 17:51:47 (permalink)

    I watched a guy at the wall-of-nuts keep telling his wife, " you better keep a hold of that pole ". She kept setting it down on a rock. Sure as ship, a steelie smashed her presentation and took off with her setup. He cussed her out for a good 10 minutes. 5 minutes later the fella hooked into a steel and low and behold her fishin pole was attached to that fish...


    and then he said, "So if you do that again you'll have to get it back yourself."
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/14 17:59:31 (permalink)
    Was fishing walnut at the big first pool 2 years ago with my little sister.. 
    She hooked up into a good one and I say fish on.. Of course the Chinese guy doesn't reel in and is tangled around her line.. So I grab his line and yank as hard as I can and rip his rods out of his hands and it floats down the creek. She gone
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    Re:funniest thing you have witnessed while fishing erie tribs 2013/08/14 18:33:58 (permalink)
    1) drunk guy lose both of his rods to fish within 15 minutes of each other in the pigpen.
    2) guy walk off the ledge in Manchester hole, his hat floating while he was completely under water.
    3) a guy straight ripping on elk with a large treble hook with a power egg on it catch a fish legally, hook was buried deep, legit hook up, you would have thought he won the lotto.
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