Dead grass in the Bay

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2013/08/03 15:36:48 (permalink)

Dead grass in the Bay

Does anybody have a clue about the dead grass and algae slime everywhere ? I've heard they sprayed the grass but that seems extreme given the amount of grass there and hardly none in the main lake.

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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/03 22:28:26 (permalink)
    The news has a story about harmful algae blooms in the bay right now.
    Harmful Algae Blooms Found in Presque Isle Bay
    08/03 18:09 PM
    08/03 18:11 PM

    August 3, 2013

    Harmful algae blooms have been found around Lake Erie for some time, but have now been discovered in our treasured Presque Isle Bay. The dangerous blue-green algae is a recurring problem in the western basin of Lake Erie. Here locally, the DCNR, Gannon university, the DEP and the Department of Health have worked together all Summer checking for the harmful blooms and now, they're here. Marinas are a common place for these blooms to be found and more tests are being done, but shallow areas in the bay have tested positive. The Department of Health says boaters and anglers should be aware and not touch the algae. So far the waters near the beaches are clear, but swimmers should be aware and report the algae if they find it. It looks like an oil-based, green substance on the surface of the water. Pets and humans can easily get sick. Don’t let pets swim in or drink the water in those areas. People should wash hands well if they do come in contact with the algae by accident. Shallow water and warm temperatures are a driver for the blooms. The water will continue to b tested and measures will be taken to try to control the blooms in our area so we can continue to enjoy recreational activities here.
    dakota kid
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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/04 03:01:36 (permalink)
    I believe it's caused by excessive fertilizer in the cities run off water. At least blooms of other species are. I blame chemlawn and perfalawn.
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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/05 17:25:29 (permalink)
    dakota kid

    I believe it's caused by excessive fertilizer in the cities run off water. At least blooms of other species are. I blame chemlawn and perfalawn.

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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/06 23:42:41 (permalink)
    In da tirlet.........
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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/07 09:09:47 (permalink)
    william h

    dakota kid

    I believe it's caused by excessive fertilizer in the cities run off water. At least blooms of other species are. I blame chemlawn and perfalawn.

    LOL, I don't think so... look at how many people live around lake Erie,cleveland, detroit, buffalo...
    where does all that poop and pee go?

    umm, you are both right....just sayin'
    The wet weather causing more run off of both only exacerbates the problem.
    If sewer systems were properly separated and sized, that "ingredient" could be minimized but that will cost untold billions....  just ask ALCOSAN.
    Unless farmers go more organic, not sure how you will keep the nitrates away.  Do the wineries fertilize a lot?
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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/07 09:49:55 (permalink)
    My theory for the bloom is from runoff of nutrients from an abnormal year of excessive rainfall during the summer months combined with an abnormally large die off of shad in the bay.  Then stagnant conditions... Combined,  you have  nutrient rich conditions to induce a bloom...Just a theory!
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    Re:Dead grass in the Bay 2013/08/09 11:37:11 (permalink)
    I tend to agree with Hummer82 about the excessive rainfall maybe making the water muddy so the grass dies off from lack of sunlight. But it's all dead and covered with a green coat of algae attached to the plants,I thought an algae bloom would be floating on the surface.Every bloom I've seen over the years looks like pollen on the surface.We have blooms all the time down south, sometimes like soup, but I've never seen this before. 
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