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2013/08/03 14:50:09 (permalink)


Had a run in with another boat while out trolling the other evening.  We were coming at each other head to head, I had 8 rods out with large boards out on each side, I can see that he has boards out also.  I start to make a move to the left, going slow enough to not tangle up my rods.  I was expecting him to do the same, but he never broke his plane, just kept coming straight on.  He starts laying on his horn, yelling obscenities like I'm the one doing something wrong.  I'm attempting to avoid a problem, he doesn't budge off his original course.  Our boards missed each other by about 3 feet.  Now we get into a screaming match because after about the 20th obscenity from this guy, we just didn't hold back any longer.  This idiot made no attempt what so ever to avoid a problem.  A degree or 2 off of his course is all it would have taken  because I made at least that much of a move off of mine.  Yet I'm the one getting screamed at. 

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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/03 15:58:37 (permalink)
    Since both boats are engaged in fishing with gear deployed, in a head-on situation, I believe the correct course of action is to give berth to the starboard, not the port side.

    "Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society.  As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. "
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/03 16:06:37 (permalink)
    That's right, starboard. You actually did make the wrong move even tho you were trying to avoid an incident. You're entitled to one mistake. If you see the guy out again, it wouldn't hurt to try to admit you made the wrong move. He may help you catch fish one slow day.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/03 18:56:48 (permalink)
    ok guys,  but i think you're missing a point here.  this guy didn't make ANY move. granted, i was wrong in going left, we were the only 2 boats in the area, and it wouldn't have killed him to go to his left(don't aircraft do that).  as we were yelling at each other i saw nobody was steering his boat, so i'm assuming he was on automatic pilot and wasn't going to move off of his course for anything. but next time, i will go to my right and see if that avoids a confrontation.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/04 10:26:34 (permalink)
    Whenever I am trolling I will go to the right, but if I see the other boat starting to go left I will do the same out of courtesy assuming he has marks he is trying to go back over. He should have done something to avoid the situation.
    Regardless, I agree that this guy was pretty rude based on what you said. I've had boats coming directly at my side while trolling and a 'Hey bud you are getting kinda close' on CH68 usually does the trick. No need to scream obscenities on the water. 
    I like fishing away from all other boats.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/04 21:34:44 (permalink)
    Darn near the same thing happened to me this year. I had someone else driving my boat and he asked me what to do. I said " turn " The guy in the other boat didn't make any change to his course. We start to brush by each other when I realized there was only 1 person in that other boat. We watched him drive, real in , and net his fish all by hisself.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/05 16:22:54 (permalink)
    Yep, the lake is full of $%^%$. I had a 30 foot SeaRay that found it necessary to cut right in front of my bow while I was going full throttle just outside the channel. Apparently there must have been something over on beach 11 that was more important than having a 23 foot boat T-bone you. I reluctantly eased back on the throttle, but I was slightly more than P$#% off. He could have just waited a mere 60 seconds and had a clear path across the stinking channel to the freaking beach.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/05 17:27:00 (permalink)
    Had more than one trolling rig cut off by weekenders in Salt water. Dopes. Always hoped the heavy line would wrap in their prop- never happened.
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    Re:HOW RUDE! 2013/08/07 15:36:17 (permalink)
    had a sailboat cross behind me about 20 ft behind my in lines. there wasnt another boat for a half mile. his response was he was under sail and had the right of way. yeah i know he is right. i still hate freaking blow boaters.
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