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RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
Hi all, River Monsters is scouring the globe for amazing fish tales! Have you heard of or experienced any fish attacks (catfish or otherwise)?! Any giant catches? Or any fishy mysteries that come to mind? Perhaps there's a legend you've heard of about a catfish the size of a VW van at the base of a dam?! Thanks for sharing and fish on!
post edited by RiverMonsters - 2013/09/06 06:07:43
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 10:53:13
No fish in any of these rivers sorry
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 11:32:53
They're vicious around these parts I tell ya
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 11:52:32
Wow they get so big I seen em 14' 440lb!
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 11:53:12
I've heard of giant catfish in the Allegheny River. Supposedly divers went into the water when they rebuilt the bridge in Kittanning and saw cats as big as the divers. Of course, I've heard a version of that story concerning every major waterway in PA. I've heard lots of other stories as well. If this is really from River Monsters, get ahold of me. I know lots of fish stories! I'll tell you all about them if you promise to let me fish with Jeremy Wade. LOL
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 12:05:22
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 13:07:33
I wouldn't use that reference..lol. I give you more credit.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 15:46:35
I have a friend that did some work on the Yough Dam and he said that there were some big fish in there. Hell, some of the flatheads that I have seen caught are pretty big in my book.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 18:13:25
Mahoning is close to 100ft deep and I know there are some big fish in there.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/07/31 18:17:03
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/13 10:59:22
I hear Kinzu resavour has some huge catfish that are enourmous. I also have heard of people hooking into them and getting the boat pulled around. Check into it.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/23 17:41:43
I have heard stories of SCUBA divers for the State of PA [ the PA Fish Commission could assist you with those details or better yet, the local Parks and Recreation Office near the dam] at Pymatuning State Park. The divers stated that they saw catfish so big that they scared the crap out of the divers and they were reluctant to go back down. The divers were supposedly inspecting the integrity of the base of the dam. If true, it's certainly an interesting story. Since Pyme is a PA Fish Commission Lake, regular sport divers are not permitted to dive it nor any other Fish Commission Waters. It might be worth investigating, especially so since the waters in that area are sufficiently deep enough to conceal big cats and I doubt many people target them or anything else at that depth.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/24 21:41:04
Although I do believe that there are some big fish in our waters, it seems like there is a story for every big body of water in Pa. Like I said before, I have a friend that said he did some work on the Yough Dam. He said that there were fish in there that scared him.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/25 00:15:09
My dad also has a buddy who is a diver, last summer a boat went over a lock in Elizabeth. His buddy went on the recovery and said he will never dive in that water again.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/25 01:46:41
Eman, until I was 10 years old, I grew up within walking distance to lock 3 in Elizabeth. I have heard many stories about the size of the fish seen in there. I lived almost under the bridge right next to the river. I know a lot of people including my self sometimes doubt the size of those fish. Only thing that gets me thinking is just like in everyday fishing, the bigger the bait, the bigger the fish. Maybe people aren't using bait as big as what some of these monsters are eating.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/25 22:19:14
Big catfish in Kittanning?, I often wondered if there were any there at all. We had one good year catching catfish there and that was like 20 years ago. What gives with that area?
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/25 23:30:44
Cain when I fished there on my boat two weeks ago I used about a 12" channel cat and got 2 21lb flatheads. I can only imagine what those big fish are eating
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/25 23:52:28
Yeah. Like I said, if the stories are true, can you imagine what size fish you would have to use as bait?
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/26 12:08:43
On River Monsters, Jeremy doesn't use great big baits to catch those giant cats. E, I've never heard of using channel cats as bait. That's cool. Is that a preferred bait or is it just what you had? Catman, I've caught lots of big flatheads in Kittanning. That area gets lots of boat traffic which can make it difficult, but if you fish at night or early morning you should catch fish. Fish the slack water behind the piers at the bridge and the eddies at the lock. Use a 2oz slip sinker and a 6-7/0 circle hook. 12" suckers, trout (best bait), perch (I'd rather eat them that use them for bait), or other like-sized fish work well. For flatheads, live bait works best. Hook your bait parallel to the spine instead of perpendicular to it. This keeps your bait alive much longer. Don't cast. Get upstream of where you want your bait and drift over the spot. Drop straight down and then drift downstream a ways and anchor. I wonder if Jeremy Wade has ever heard of the Lake Erie Monster? He'd definitely be up for that one. He checked out the Lock Ness monster, why not the Lake Erie Monster?
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/26 17:07:12
One of the interesting things about the Lake Erie monster [Bessie], like many "monsters", is the length of time that there have been reported sightings. There was a similar report ~ 20 years ago when Cousteau's team was in Lake Champlain [I think it was]. One of his divers had surfaced way too fast and you have to keep in mind, all of his divers are very experienced, lots of "bottom time". The story went that he saw something at depth that scared the crap out of him and he was trying to get out of the water ASAP. Naturally, he ended up getting nitrogen narcosis [ the bends]. If the story is true, it does make one wonder though, what was it that an experienced diver saw that made him risk his life trying to get out of the water so fast? Thanks slabdaddy! I had forgotten about Bessie! Although one does have to account for the surprise one experiences at seeing something at a size not often encountered and the animal tends to be exaggerated, one also has to consider indeterminate growth which is something I've written about several times and of course there are still so many water animals that are being reported every year, particularly deep water animals. There has been a documented case of a snake in Indonesia and it was measured at 60'. Indeterminate growth definitely needs to be considered when people report an animal that is much larger than what is considered an animal's normal top growth.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/28 12:03:10
I really think a show on Bessie would be awesome. Since Erie is such an amazing fishery, I think a show there would draw very high ratings.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/28 19:17:08
Definitely have to agree with slab, a show about Bessie would be awesome, not only from a cryptologists' point, but if done right, it could also generate tourist dollars whether it's from interest in Bessie herself, historical or the excellent fishery that many of us know and love.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/30 02:14:41
I have never heard of this monster in Erie.
dakota kid
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/30 13:25:31
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/30 18:26:46
Quite possibly real Dakota, but with an explanation. There are many species of sturgeon and some commonly grow to 18', but the species known as Lake Sturgeon which used to commonly inhabit Lake Erie generally grew to 6'. As I've written many times before, consider indeterminate growth, fish and some other things will continue to grow as long as they live and continue to have a sufficient supply of food and habitat. Even considering indeterminate growth, I doubt a Lake Sturgeon could grow to the monster pictured, but Lake Sturgeon could very well grow larger than 6'. This is a large sturgeon and sturgeon in general used to be quite common. They were thought of as a problem fish in the Great Lakes because they ruined commercial fishermen's equipment [nets]. They were wantonly killed for this. After their eggs were considered a delicacy [caviar] and their flesh also, populations really plummeted. These factors, along with them taking a long time to become sexually mature in addition to environmental changes, it didn't take long for them to become nearly extinct. As far as biting a salmon in half or swallowing one, that's quite easy to imagine and believe, but you're safe as all sturgeons' diet consists of worms, insects etc... . They are bottom feeders. There's still a possible danger from it based on its' sheer size, not that it intentionally harms humans, but stuff can happen when a fish as big as this is in the water and a human body is nearby. This picture could be real. As I wrote, sturgeon can can get to be 18', but this would be a rare sighting and a treasured one. Thanks for the picture!
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/30 18:38:13
As topdog99 wrote, apparently there are Bull sharks in Lake Ontario and that is quite a scary thing. Bulls have routinely been discovered 2,000 miles from the ocean and inhabiting freshwater rather successfully. Once they are in Ontario, it's only a matter of time until swimmers will be attacked in Lake Erie, the rest of the Great Lakes and interconnecting waterways.
dakota kid
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/30 23:45:22
It was most likely not caught in lake erie as labeled? Sweet! I can still go swimming.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/08/31 17:38:26
dakota kid
It was most likely not caught in lake erie as labeled?
Sweet! I can still go swimming.
Actually, it probably was. I remember about 10 years ago, a giant sturgeon washed up on the beach. They figured it to be over 120 years old. Sturgeon will definitely eat fish. They just have to swallow them whole because they have no teeth at all. I don't think they even really have jaws. A sturgeon could definitely hurt you due to its enormous size and strength, but it won't bite you. I've never heard of bull sharks in Lake O. That's nuckin' futs! Sounds like something you'd see on River Monsters for sure. As far as Bessie goes, I've been hearing stories about her my whole life. She even shows up on fish finders once in a while (or so I've heard). I haven't heard anything lately, but I'm sure the legend is still quite alive and well. Fish5K is always talking about indeterminant growth and I do believe he has a great point. I just don't think that most people really understand the implications or else they greatly over exaggerate them. Is it possible that a fish could grow to epic proportions in the depths of Lake Erie? Absolutely. Is it probable? Yes. I'd guess there are more than a few "monsters" in those deep waters. I don't know what is in Erie that inspires these stories, but I have no doubt that there is some kind of animal in there that is responsible for the tales. It wouldn't suprise me if it were a giant sturgeon. That would be the most likely culprit.
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/09/03 15:37:41
Not sure which one you're referring to Topdog as they're are several in my harem, but I'll try to give you something else to look at. I like the ponytail on this one and her other attribute as well. Anyway, glad you enjoy them! As Slabdaddy wrote, Bessie has been around along time and I also remember stories about her for most of my life. People are seeing something. Bessie could very well be a giant sturgeon as Slabdaddy wrote. If someone could prove it, I wouldn't blink an eye. As I've written multiple times before "indeterminate growth". Look it up. I'm sure most of you guys have heard we know more about the surface of the moon than we do about our oceans' depths and let's assume none of you are one of those conspiracy theorists that say we were never on the moon. If you are, hey, everybody is entitled to their opinion, but back up any opinion with hard, undeniable facts and no, I'm not picking on anyone, so don't be offended. In the last year, two more shark species were discovered. That's a big ocean and there are many secrets, just as the Great Lakes are large bodies of water and it probably has a few secrets also. I'm convinced we don't know everything that is out there because it's proved all of the time, new species constantly being discovered. In a similar note, the Amazon is being mowed down and there are species that are being lost before they are discovered. There is a lot of our medicine that was discovered in the Amazon and then synthetically duplicated in the lab, but that's a different subject and I digress Sorry 'bout that!
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Re:RIVER MONSTERS wants to hear your stories!
2013/09/04 15:35:24
I just got my new issue of North American Fisherman. There was a record flathead caught somewhere down south that was caught on a 2lb. live carp. That's bigger than any live bluegill that we usually hear being used. That is what makes me believe that some of these rumors are true about some of these giant fish being in our waters.