lead core question

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2013/07/17 10:56:33 (permalink)

lead core question

I can see when trolling a light lure such as a worm harness on lead core line that it would be easy to hit a target depth simply by marking the colors as they leave the real.  Target depth 40 ft,  8 colors out.  But what about a deep diver such as an 800 series Reef Runner that has the ability to reach 22 ft without lead core?  If I want my Reef Runner to hit 40 ft,  do I just let out 4 colors of lead core (drops 5 ft. per color) and assume the diving ability of the lure itself will take it down the rest of the way?  I'm really confused on this as I'm brand new to lead core this week.  One other question I have is if I want to hit a target depth of 40 ft. and I have to let out 8 colors to do so, do I actually let out a bit of the 9th color to make sure all 8 colors that I need are actually submerged? Thanks and any other helpful lead core tips would be greatly appreciated.

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    Re:lead core question 2013/07/17 11:17:21 (permalink)
    Leadcore is unique in how it acts in currents and turns.  A reef runner will pull hard cancelling out the weight of the leadcore somewhat.  Also leadcore is pretty thick, which will cancel out the dive curve somewhat.  Basically,  I have no clue how deep it gets, I don't think there is any good formula since currents and speed can have a big effect on the depth.  I have a few 5 color set ups that I run...I will start with just the lead and add a clean plug...then add a 2 oz weight if it doesnt fire, then maybe a 3 or 4 oz weight if that doesnt fire.The key is to switch up as often as possible in order to dial in the fish.  For some reason Leadcore seems like the new 'Big Thing' Over here in PA.....
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    Re:lead core question 2013/07/17 22:50:48 (permalink)
    I agree for the most part with drumR.  The leadcore and crank will cancel each other out a little bit.  I've seen some depth probe readings of cranks on lc and it appears that you'll get all of the lc depth plus the diver depth from the leader length and then a bit more.  For example, if you have 5 colors with a 50' leader, you'd get the 25' depth from the lc plus the 12' for the leader plus an additional foot or two...this approximates what the probe chart showed, although I'm sure the probe created a bit of resistance.  If I remember correctly the tests were conducted at 2 mph, which is important because lc is extremely speed sensitive.

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    Re:lead core question 2013/07/17 23:45:23 (permalink)
    yeah, I agree with the above posts.  DrumR hit it when he said "it's the new big thing" in PA...it's funny how stuff changes over the years.  It's weighted plugs, then cookies and harnesses, then little dipsy's and spoons, then lead core etc...What's next? hahaha... I'm a believer that there is something with leadcore and the way it moves the bait that the fish like.  There's a lot of play, as bogey referenced, and I think the fish, on a given day like the movement that the lead core produces.  
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