Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired?

wayne c
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2013/07/09 11:03:19 (permalink)

Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired?

Na.. na... na... na....Hey...Hey......
Knew some on the board were looking to get rid of him and with a new boc commissioner just in, who knows?
Anyway heres the announcement many have long been waiting for.  Hopefully an actual HUNTER FRIENDLY E.D. is hired this time around....  And send a few more guys packing...


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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 16:31:37 (permalink)
    I think if the rumors have any merit about some wishing to oust him, he decided to leave on his own terms before it got ugly for the commission. 

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    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 17:50:11 (permalink)
    If that is the case, I don't blame him.  Even though it might be warranted, rarely do you hear of folks being fired from commissions such as this.   Remember Steve Williams (yes the same one who would later play a starring role in our fine deer management audit, as the WMI big-wig... lmao)?   When he was deputy exec director, he was about to be fired no ands ifs or buts, apparently for being named in the "payroll manipulation" scandal, but he immediately "stepped down" instead.   As if it were somehow less humiliating I guess, even though he had no choice in the matter. lol.   
    I cant say that I blame carl if he saw which way the wind was blowing, to jump ship.   I do however fault the commissioners for not FIRING him and making it clear it was just that.  Let them take the credit or criticism for the move.   And let it be a shining example to and warning for future executive directors that would like to minimize hunters voice in issues as Carl has.  But who knows...maybe he was just ready to retire regardless of the circumstances.  
    I cant say as I blame carl for doing things he felt was right during his stint, as anyone in such a position of power would do that.    I blame the system that has allowed a person to be so hunter nonfriendly to obtain such a position in the first place., and not just him.
    We saw listed the highlights of his tenure, but how about the lowlights of his tenure: all time worst relationship between pgc and general hunter ranks, Permitted and enabled staff who held very low regard for hunters and made it known frequently in both action and words  THis and more has lead to declines in hunter ranks during his reign, and numbers of volunteers to fill positions of hunter ed instructors as well as volunteer deputies have both crashed and burned, and yes, I think the overall situation was at the very least partially, if not mostly to blame.   Under him, his boy Dubrock and crew further enabled future use of deer contraception by enacting a pro-use policy.  Promoted very inappropriate staffers.  Often utilized deceit as a tool to promote agendas and defend positions during legislative hearings and in the media.  Intentionally mislead both public and legislators about money situation for years, including but not limited to Marcellus.  Agency has had best relationship with HSUS I have ever seen a wildlife management (pro-hunting) agency have.  Implemented just about every possible way to kill one more deer including things that were not supported largely by sporting ranks.  Has burnt bridges with legislators over many issues, not limited to deer management but including the borderline antihunter stance and enviro-hardliners as usual stance on the boar hunting deal, also did not please many influential folks with their handling of the "bats" deal, not to mention other issues less recent...    They have forged more aliances and working relationships with environmental crazy groups and individuals.  Permitted anyone straight from the cradle to hunt not because its the right thing to do, but because its added funding when receiving the resulting added gov'ment allocation.    And more....
    Yep.   Lots to like there, lemme tell ya...
    Just hope that the next Exec. director is a straight shooter for a change.   Even on issues I may not agree on, Id prefer brutal honest over clear deceit,  I would also hope the individual were REALLY hunter oriented and can straighten out some of the mess this last guy made, instead of worsening it even further.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/07/09 17:51:45

    Dr. Trout
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 18:00:34 (permalink)
    There is NO ONE in the world that would satisfy Wayne... just wait and see if I am wrong.....
    I know of no way anyone could be 100% "hunter friendly" when the hunters in Pa are divided on just about every issue..
    so one's feeling about Carl or any of his positions are totally based on that one's own feelings on any one issue......
    As a whole I think he has done a MUCH better job than any in recent history....
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2013/07/09 18:06:35
    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 18:02:29 (permalink)
    You have a pm dpms.

    There is NO ONE in the world that would satisfy Wayne... just wait and see if I am wrong....

    Why?  are they gonna hire ONE GUY or everyone in the world??   Such a comment is just arguing for the sake of arguing and totally irrelevant doc..    But its nice to know that everyone but me loves Roe.   That's why pgc is the pinnacle of hunter love and admiration today. ha ha ha.
    But if indeed its simply more of the same and another politically motivated antideer envirotype is put into place, I won't be satisfied.   Nor will the majority of Pa's sportsmen.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/07/09 18:16:22

    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 18:09:29 (permalink)
    "As a whole I think he has done a MUCH better job than any in recent history...."
    Yeah...that's really clear in my list of "lowlights".    A real hunter advocate and pinnacle of honesty. lol

    Dr. Trout
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 19:13:19 (permalink)
    where's your list of all the great things those before him did for hunters or hunting ..  ???
     or a list of all the BAD things THEY did to compare to what you feel is the bad Carl did ??
    yep as usual...  just your own opinions..
    here's my opinion and forecast...
    I met and talked to Carl before he even "offically" became director...I think it was Feb or Mar of 2005...
    I think he had no idea how far divided and split today's Pa hunters are on different matters... IMHO he should have realilized he or no one is going to get them together better than a 60-40 split on issues....
    he felt mentored hunters was good to introduce youth to the sport.. you and others see it as only a matter of more dollars for the PGC
    he felt citizens groups were a good idea... that turned out to be a bad one .. based again on the divison of hunters and differences in regions...
    I thought crossbows was good others ..bad
    I felt allocations were good... others bad...
    I thought a "porky" season was stupid.... others wanted it
    I felt bringing in fishers was bad.. trappers loved the idea..
    on and on it can go..
    here's the bottom line in my opinion..
    Carl has seen the writing on the wall...
    1..combining the PGC and the PFBC.. politicians will see to this....
    2..Pa hunting continuing to decline  and support as a whole from non-hunters for the sport falling
    3..politicians having a larger and larger say in wildife matters..
    just look what they did recently.. and quite quietly at that...  passed and signed a law allowing the PGC to issue mentored permits to grown adults without needing hunter ed or any classes.... many think that sucks.. but there must have been some political pressure to get the elected folks to pass that bill and now a new law.... BTW -- I have not talked to one person that likes that one..
    so yep hunters are about to REALLY get the SHAFT.. just wait and see..
    he got out whiile the getting was good... for him as well as for the sport..
    I would not want to be the person in charge either when the Politician's hammer falls
    the elected people will DESTROY the sport....  just as they have with almost everthing in today's world...  elected commissioners will be next.....
    sad sad days for our sport are coming.......... and with divisions .... we will not be able to stop it......
    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 19:34:47 (permalink)
    where's your list of all the great things those before him did for hunters or hunting ..  ???

    Why would I seek to sing his praises when  the bad far outweighed any possible good?

    yep as usual...  just your own opinions..

    Which is all one has when evaluating someone doing their job.
    he felt mentored hunters was good to introduce youth to the sport.. you and others see it as only a matter of more dollars for the PGC

    Not just more dollars.  It also helps "hide" losses to the hunter ranks (caused by failed deer program) compared to years when only 12 and up could hunt.  
    he felt citizens groups were a good idea... that turned out to be a bad one ..

    It only ended up being a "bad idea" for him/them because it didn't get the desired result, even though many stakeholders were included in the process, they didn't see deer as evil incarnate and screech for reductions, as they thought might be the outcome.  

    "1..combining the PGC and the PFBC.. politicians will see to this..."
    HUH??  has nothing to do with Carl roe not being a great exec. dir..
    2..Pa hunting continuing to decline  and support as a whole from non-hunters for the sport falling

    As usual, youre opinion doesn't match the facts of the matter.   ALL surveys ever done in Pa show strong support for hunting among nonhunters.
    3..politicians having a larger and larger say in wildife matters..

    Not sure if that was intended to deceive, or just your lack of knowledge of how things work and have worked for a looooong time.   Politicians have and have had quite a bit of "say" and always will.   ANd there is no more NOW than their was 10 years ago, or 10 before that...or....   Its just a matter of changing agendas and who will be catered to with them AND the exact same goes for the politically appointed pgc board.  That can work for us or against us.  For the last 15 years its worked against us.
    just look what they did recently.. and quite quietly at that...  passed and signed a law allowing the PGC to issue mentored permits to grown adults without needing hunter ed or any classes.... many think that sucks.. but there must have been some political pressure to get the elected folks to pass that bill and now a new law.... BTW -- I have not talked to one person that likes that one..

    Actually I think it ridiculous.  But I must add, you have your facts wrong.  It was not politicians, it was some of the usual crew from pen fed that wrote that bill.  Ms. Kathy Davis & her other half authored it.   And it was supported 100% by your favorite exec director Carl Roe.
    I think your HEART is in the right place alot of the time doc.   You just often don't know the full story and don't know whose to blame for what.   I on the other hand make it a point to know before supporting or opposing anything or anyones efforts.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/07/09 19:38:32

    Dr. Trout
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 21:47:07 (permalink)
    The Federation  can not write or introduce any bill to congress .. I think you will find my local Senator had the biggest part in introducing/writing and getting the support for that bill.. (Scarnati) ... I see him several times a week at the hardware and argued with him often on that bill...  and just as he told me about a PGC/PFBC merger and that bill.. "it's a done deal"  ......." it's just a matter of when" ....
    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/09 22:51:02 (permalink)
    I told you who authored the bill.  I was not guessing or asking you.  You can take it or leave it.   Don't really care which.
    And any bill takes legislators vote to pass and I have no doubt some supported it strongly since it passed.   I know corman was also a proponent.   Others that I talked with after the fact said they were sold on it as a "hunter recruitment" tool.    That's how it was sold to them.   Package up in half truths so it could be pushed through quickly.
    But at any rate, that is not the topic here and has little to do with it.
    As for merger, If given the choice, I do not support it, but if it cant be stopped as you infer, then why bother to whine about it?   Heck dcnr dictates deer management now anyways, so what difference would it make?   Very little.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/07/09 23:08:06

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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/10 07:01:43 (permalink)
    Changes made under Carl Roe's tenure
    1. The PGC partnered with HSUS on several issues concerning sportsmen and the PGC liaison introduced the HSUS president to the various politicians.
    2. The PGC increased non game funding by a factor of 10 including hiring 14 non-game biologists and creating a new department to handle non game issues. They did this at the same time they said they didn't have the funding for several game/hunter related projects.
    3. Roe held funding for pheasant increases hostage to his demands for a license increase for 7 years until the politicians got tired of hearing from disgruntled hunters and pushed him to increase their numbers.
    4. They allowed Alts false claim of 1,600,000 deer to  be used to gain support for herd reduction knowing they had zero data to support it.
    5. They used and are using the harvest numbers from 25 years ago as a base to support their false claims the percent deer harvest hasn't changed.
    6. They are using a formula for estimating deer harvest numbers that their own published research proves will inflate the archery and muzzle loading harvest by 26-28%.
    7. They touted the CAC's as allowing citizens the opportunity to have input into deer regulations. When in spite of handpicking most of the CAC's members the groups would not support the herd reduction numbers the PGC wanted they disbanded them.
    8. In order to continue to depress the deer herds they are basing the antlerless allocations on the state having the same number of deer as we did BEFORE the start of herd reduction. Estimates by WMU found on their website.
    9. They are claiming success in re-introducing the Fisher( the most aggressive predator of ground nesting birds and small game. At the same time they are researching why our turkey population has decreased 30% statewide.
    10. They are giving non-hunters and anti-hunters the same voice in hunting/state game land related issues as the hunters.
    11. They have had a budget surplus of 40-50 million dollars each year since Roe has been in charge and yet each year they tell the politicians they can't meet their game related goals due to not having a license increase.
    He will not be missed but the anti-hunting enviromentalist's are so firmly established in the PGC that it is doubtful much will change. We can't do a whole lot worse.
    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/10 15:37:39 (permalink)
    Some good points, see a few I left out.   Sure others we didn't list also.    Just can't wait to see who the next guy is and what hes all about.    Gonna most likely be like watching the beginnings of another train wreck.

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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/12 13:42:05 (permalink)
    He isn't starting a new career selling high quality A1 forage grass by chance. lol
    wayne c
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    Re:Carl Roe .... Retirement? or Fired? 2013/07/12 15:16:56 (permalink)
    HA HA HA!   Trying to get the public into some "purple kush" so they buy into the deer program perhaps? ha ha.

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