Frog Gigging

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2013/07/04 10:01:52 (permalink)

Frog Gigging

Anyone hear go gigging frogs? I never have myself but just bought a gig and planning on taking a stab at it.


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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 14:43:15 (permalink)
    HAHAHA. Pun definitely intended.
    I don't gig 'em anymore. I used to, but I know of a better way now. I use a 12' cane pole with some 4lb Trilene XT on it. I tie on a small hook with a chunk of red yarn. A red fly would work perfectly, but since I don't fly fish, I don't have any. Anyway, if you dangle it right in front of the frog, he will take it. EVERY TIME! Seriously. It's fun as heck. And in case you didn't already know, it's illegal in PA to use an artificial light to harvest frogs. You can't use a gun either. So you have to get them in the daytime with a gig, a bow, a net, or a fishin' pole. Good luck!

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 15:18:54 (permalink)
    I've seen people do that with joes flies as well. At least they were trying. I don't know if they got any.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 15:28:19 (permalink)
    almost 60 yrs ago my grandfather use to sit me down by the creek with a tree branch for a pole to frog fish. In reality he was only trying to get me out of his way in the barn and I did catch a few. I'd forgotten all about it till this post. Thanks for reminding me.
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 16:37:25 (permalink)
    We would catch them with a cane pole or long rod with a treble hook & almost any bait such as worms or minnows. the longer the cane pole the easier it was to get close enough. Lot of fun wet wadeing,also takes patience & good eyes,plus a sack to carry them in Good eating,but I am a little squeamish killing them with those big eyes looking at me.  sam
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 17:38:40 (permalink)
    I have a couple of ponds that I need to visit soon. I haven't had a good frog fry yet this year. I have yet to put a hook in front of  a frog and not catch it. I don't know why, but they will not pass up a meal.

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 19:27:36 (permalink)
    Walleye jig, glad i could bring back some memories. There's nothing more sentimental to me than time spent with family, especially my grandpap.

    Slabdaddy, Im glad i read your post before i went. I didnt see anything in the fish and game book that said it was illegal to use a flashlight. That really throws a wrench in my plans. I may need to find a new place to go as my original destination is frequented ht people who im sure would find me a sick human being for gigging frogs. Man i want those legs though.

    Walleye jigs
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 20:00:12 (permalink)
    I drove over the road for a few years and use to beg my dispatcher for loads to LA for the all you can frog legs and crawdads  meals. They were selling frog legs at Giant eagle, don't know if they still do or not.
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 20:36:01 (permalink)
    Jug,  yeah, you definitely can't use an artificial light for frogs. Stupid law.

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 20:39:17 (permalink)
    WJ, frogs are easy to get and easy to clean. Get yourself a passel. Get some kids to go with you. They'll do all of the work and love every minute of it. Pretty much any farm pond will have frogs.

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/04 23:46:15 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs

    I drove over the road for a few years and use to beg my dispatcher for loads to LA for the all you can frog legs and crawdads  meals. They were selling frog legs at Giant eagle, don't know if they still do or not.

    I was told that they serve both at a Asian Buffet in Greensburg. We used to have a crawfish boil to go with the fried froglegs a few years back. My son used to like to watch the frog legs hopping around the skillet as they cooked when he was very young.  sam
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 08:34:18 (permalink)
    Sam, I always thought that was a myth. I've fried 100's of frog legs and have never seen them "hopping around the skillet." Are you being serious or joking?

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 10:43:37 (permalink)
    TRU Dat. I guess it is because of the tendons contracting or because they were so fresh when cooked. I would think it is similar to a chicken running around with its head cut off,or snakes & snapping turtles still striking after the head is cut off. I have seen that also.  sam
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 11:58:53 (permalink)
    I had the tip of my finger bitten off by a snapping turtle an hour and a half after I decapitated it.

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 13:02:29 (permalink)
    Many years ago when I was a kid, fishing Lake Joann in Venetia with my family, I caught a nice size frog with a piece of worm on a hook. Thing had a part of its foot missing. Took it home and kept it in a fish tank for about a month.
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 14:24:22 (permalink)
    Been Years, have a friend that his parents owned 300 ac. farm in Greene county. It has three ponds that we would gig frogs for his dad to cook for us. We also would catch some decent blue gils that his dad would simmer in fresh milk, and then sop up the broth with homemade bread & butter. Man that was some good eats!!

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/05 14:30:30 (permalink)
    That does sound good. I might have to try that with some fillets. I'd like to get out and get some frog legs soon. Maybe Sunday...

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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/08 01:13:03 (permalink)
    I miss Lake JoAnn. It was a pretty nice pay lake.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/08 08:27:02 (permalink)
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/12 09:03:55 (permalink)
    Caught them once as a kid, now I have two resturants within 10 mins of my house in New Brighton that serve them and one of them also serves Gator meat every other weekend. But I'd still like to go out for them, might pick up a cheap cane pole somewhere next time I see one. Got a butcher that sells buffalo & gator meat just as close as well. Shoot me a PM if you want info on the resturants & butcher.
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    Re:Frog Gigging 2013/07/12 09:10:53 (permalink)
    From the PAFBC site:
    ALL Reptiles and Amphibians:
    • A fishing license is required to catch or take
    reptiles and amphibians from the waters of the
    • A fishing license is not required to take reptiles
    or amphibians from lands of the Commonwealth.
    • Unless otherwise indicated, reptiles and
    amphibians may only be taken by hand, hook,
    snake tongs, turtle hooks, traps and nets less
    than four feet square or four feet in diameter.
    • It is unlawful to take, catch or kill a reptile or
    amphibian through the use of firearms, chemicals,
    explosives, winches, jacks or other devices.

    • The use of artificial light to take frogs at night
    is illegal.
    • Frogs may be taken with long bow and arrow,
    including compound bows, crossbows, spears or
    gigs. Spears or gigs may not have more than five
    barbs and cannot be used in approved trout waters.

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