Summer stream fishing?

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2013/06/26 23:20:03 (permalink)

Summer stream fishing?

I was planning on making a trip up to erie in the next few weeks. I don't have a boat so I primarily fish with waders or from shore. So my question is there much life in the streams during the summer months ? Small mouth catfish ect.? I always go up during the winter and spring for steel head but have never visited for the summer.

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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/27 23:07:51 (permalink)
    Creeks I guess I should say. Like walnut and elk
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/28 07:07:22 (permalink)
    I never stream fish in the summer, but I always see guys fishing along the channel at walnut when I am coming in. There should be some catfish, sheepshead, rock bass, smallmouth around right at the lake.  If you are limited to shore access print out a map of the bay and walk around to fish that, you should be able to get into some bass.  If you really want to get on some fish take a headboat out for perch, its only about $30 a day.
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/28 10:40:36 (permalink)

    Creeks I guess I should say. Like walnut and elk

    The Elk and Walnut get pretty low in the summer. Always nice for a walk and some fun chasing creek chubs.  There are a few holes that **may**  hold some trout but they will be few and far between.
    The mouths of the creeks usually have something going on. Panfish, smallmouth, sheephead and cats.
    If you want to wade, you might do better on Presque Isle. Just watch for ticks.
    post edited by cbeagler - 2013/06/28 10:42:14
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/28 19:16:48 (permalink)
    Would you guys say its worth it to make a weekend fishing/camping trip out of it. It would be about a 100 mile trip one way
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/28 19:33:14 (permalink)
    sure it'd be worth it.  I wouldn't fish the tribs tho. Presque Isle will keep you busy fishing all day.  Any one of the piers, or rent a canoe and paddle and cast around in the lagoons. Many options here morando.
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/28 21:19:30 (permalink)

    sure it'd be worth it.  I wouldn't fish the tribs tho. Presque Isle will keep you busy fishing all day.  Any one of the piers, or rent a canoe and paddle and cast around in the lagoons. Many options here morando.

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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/06/29 18:18:39 (permalink)
    Jump on a head boat. For $32, getting out a few miles out on the lake is worth it. Catching a few or a limit of perch is a bonus. Beware, if you catch 50 perch, it will either cost you $25 to have cleaned, or 2-3 hours of cleaning yourself... Just be prepared to fish with company if you go on a weekend or holiday. 100 miles each way in gas, and a hotel, food ect. $32 (bait included) is a bargain. It costs most guys with their own boats about that much in gas to get out and back, and bait. If you don't keep fish, maybe not a good deal though.

    I used to do ok off of the piers as a kid too. Like anything, it depends on seasonal patterns, ect. I personally don't know what is going on in the bay/piers, so a head boat is even more worth it to someone like me. If you don't find out this info, it is easier to fish smaller water closer to home, and likely as productive. I mentioned that a few months ago and had my head taken off though...
    dakota kid
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 02:17:18 (permalink)
    I've taken walks up the east side tribs during the dog days of summer. I've caught a few stockies that hunkered down instead of going out to the lake and plenty of chubs. I've also caught naturally hatched rainbow fry. I know they were natural because of the size 2"-3" and it was long after the smolt left the creeks. Some folks will tell you that natural breeding doesn't happen with lake erie steel, but I've caught the result.
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 09:27:42 (permalink)
    The limit on Erie for perch is 30. It's still a good deal and a fun time. Taking a canoe on the bay would be a blast. No telling what you'll catch. I'd probably stay away from the tribs, like others have said. Get on the big water.

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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 11:05:51 (permalink)
    dakota kid

    I've taken walks up the east side tribs during the dog days of summer. I've caught a few stockies that hunkered down instead of going out to the lake and plenty of chubs. I've also caught naturally hatched rainbow fry. I know they were natural because of the size 2"-3" and it was long after the smolt left the creeks. Some folks will tell you that natural breeding doesn't happen with lake erie steel, but I've caught the result.

    Always a plus when that happens. Another is when you actually find an adult steelhead in the creek in the middle of summer. Skinny as a rope--but still still a steelhead. As big as the Lake Erie watershed is--Walnut creek alone is what 42 or 47 miles of stream--there is an awful lot of places for uncommon things to happen.
    dakota kid
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 19:13:33 (permalink)
    Speaking of uncommon things, on one of my summer trips the kids tagged along. At one point a large dark shadow was moving up the creek. I thought it was a lone steel at first, but it was far to round. It turned out to be a rather large beaver. My daughter, who has seen her zoologist heroes on PBS hold and pet a beaver, tried to call it over. To my surprise the darn thing made a bee line straight for her. It got about a yard away before I intervened. I really think it might have come right to her hand had I not scared it off. 
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 20:39:11 (permalink)
    Jeez. Stay away from beavers. One just killed a guy not too long ago. He was taking a picture of it and it bit him in the thigh, severing his femoral artery. He bled out in minutes.

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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/03 22:16:09 (permalink)
    I have a picture somewhere of one in Walnut just upstream of Millfair.  Long before the development took place there was a swamp at one of the bends that had a beaver den in it.
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/04 00:25:57 (permalink)
    Guy I know tangled with a the time it was all said and done, that thing had half his money, his house, car, and boat.
    Be careful out there.
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    Re:Summer stream fishing? 2013/07/04 09:28:40 (permalink)
    I wondered who was gonna go there. I'm suprised it took this long. HAHAHAHA

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