Outboard will not lock down.

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2013/06/19 21:57:28 (permalink)

Outboard will not lock down.

2006 Yamaha 25hp ELR
When I put the motor down it will not lock in? It will lock in reverse, not neutral or forward. Yes it did and should lock in place. The pin looks bent but just a little bit. Any suggestions on what to look for or where to take it?

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    Re:Outboard will not lock down. 2013/06/20 06:35:43 (permalink)
    This may be of no help, I have owned several small outboards and all of them did not lock when in forward gear and some didn't lock while in neutral.
    The main reason for the motor to lock in reverse is so it doesn't raise out of the water from the force of the prop. Neutral and forarwd don't need it locked and if you hit something you would be thankful the motor tips up and over the thing you hit, if it were locked you can cause some damamge that costs a lot of money.
    Does the lock work freely when you put the motor in reverse? if so follow the linkages and see if there is an adjuster. Its Is a pretty simple system so just watch what does what (it might take a few minutes to see all of it working a lot of times its buried in the cowling or tought to see in the motor clamps)
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    Re:Outboard will not lock down. 2013/06/20 13:03:16 (permalink)
    I have read several blogs about not needing it to lock down, but it should and did as of 2 trips ago. When it did not lock in last time out, there seemed to be a loss of Hp and never did feel right. It does lock freely when I put it in reverse. I will look at the linkage and look for any adjustments.
    Thanks, for your input, all is welcome.
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    Re:Outboard will not lock down. 2013/06/24 09:18:49 (permalink)
    I agree with Anzomick, they shouldn't lock down in forward and always lock down in reverse. Neutral they normally don't lock down as you have to be able to tip them up for storage... Is your motor trimming the whole way down?

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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