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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 11:31:02
As far as the Salmon's favorite color I used to think olive estaz was the color,at least it was for me for a couple years until for whatever reason they did n't like it for a spell.Then it would be something else,pink,green,red,black,blue,etc. As I said before have a lot of different color and type of flies,you never know what it will be this year. As far as the take on the drift I find it is more subtle than aggressive.That is why I high stick and keep my line in contact with my rod hand on the drift to feel the take,it might just be a slight twitch or hesitation.Last season I went to a 11 ft 8 wt switch rod to get a better drift and easier roll cast and I recommend that highly,of course you need a reel with a good smooth drag. It's july 1.......2 1/2 months to fun times on the river folks!
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 15:25:23
Ditto on the long Switch- mine is in 8 wt. LOVE IT with the Lamson reel. Good advice last year from some regs here before buying it. LOL-- setting the hook every time my line twitched or hesitated bouncing along the rocks on this river would make me look like the snagger of decades ago. Probably why I never seem to use enough weight- those multiple muzzel loader ball weights gave way to a bb or two long ago -if any at all. Goin NUTS waiting for August.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/07/01 15:36:59
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 16:55:35
New stick is an 8 weight 10 footer by Echo. Got a spay if I really need a 2 hander. Extra length but still easily 1 hand castable. I miss lots of fish every year because I wait to make sure it is a lagit take, not a rock or body bump. Worth it to me but I no I could hook more if I was a twitchy richie. Its why I swing much more than short line nympth fish. Its a grab or nothing no doubt on the tightline tightline swing, oh ya and ya feel it in your shoulder.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 17:40:05
I can tell the difference between the bottom and a fish,a fish twitch has that "live" feel to me.There are times that they grab it though and then there is no doubt.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 18:28:14
Most long timers can PA. So I get what you're saying. I just refuse to set till I'm sure that feeling of lfe is from the right mouth. If I set the hook every time I felt life I couldn't afford the hooks I'd have to break off. Its also why I fish large hooks. While smaller sharper hooks penatrate with little pressure more often than not my hooks slide off fins and bounce off bodies unless I punch them home. Again worth it to me to miss some fish. We must fish some time!
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 21:06:25
Frankly dont care how many are missed anymore- the days of numbers equaling happiness are long gone. One here and one there and sit back and watch the show has become most important- even walk a favored Creek now and again without the rod- even in the busy season- just to see the fishes. Can spend an hour casting to a pool with no fish in it trying to get the drift just where it looks right. Fishes are secondary-BUT ya gotta be IN the hunt to enjoy it. We are- after all- the predators here.. Fat, old, grouchy, bald and at last= mellow.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/07/01 21:07:48
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/01 21:49:39
retired guy
Fat, old, grouchy, bald and at last= mellow.
Have you been peeking in my shower. OK you have to trade the word stupid for bald but other than that.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 09:40:00
Hey PA - kinda disagree on 2 1/2 months till 'silly season'. IMHO its the height of 'silly' for some of us to start walking the river in August dressed like we are going to a picnic looking for earlies- but we do. Thinking bout carrying a snakebite kit, or at least starting a therapy group. ( "my name is Trevor and ....I fish") Anticipation -anticipation Like kids waiting for Santa. Waiting with bated breath ( have copd) for the reports of the King fishery 'falling apart' if its not like last year --lol. ( would be great but last year was nuts)
post edited by retired guy - 2013/07/02 09:45:19
hot tuna
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 10:07:08
well here is where I feel I'm at : The days of 30 + on water days salmon fishing is over, at least for me.. Then it was about putting others on experiences they wanted.. So now when I come to Pulaska it's for the fishing. I'm personally not looking to catch every fish that swims the river but with the time, $$$ and effort the focus is accomplishing my goal of catching fish.. Leaving there after knowing I did my best is all I could ask for.. Meeting good folks along the way is the bonus.. The bumps in the road on the way is expected for such an area as that.. It's not always numbers but it is fishing one of the most if not THE most popular rivers in NY.. Aug, Nah.. I'll spend the summer vacations hanging on the shores at the beach or off shore on the big lake ..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 10:42:34
I used to make those early runs end of Aug. but over the years I guess I mellowed,got older,and now I won't consider it until middle of Sept.,but I'm booked for end of Sept. and first week of Oct.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 10:48:39
Good time to be there PA. Different having a place up there- ya can go even when the odds are against ya. Gotta cut grass anyhow. When we had to drive up for just short stays it was bout the same time your talking bout _ much better odds. Tuna- Early AM or late evening on those RI beaches - when the beach bunnies are gone- can get some nice runs of Blues or Bass close in. Used to be in Misquamicut every year in mid to late August. FUN.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/07/02 10:57:34
hot tuna
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 10:54:55
Yup it's a completely different fishery when you have a stake in it. For us transients it becomes a take it when you can or leave it all together . Now if I could only get Jack to come play in the below 32 deg water :)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 11:01:55
HT-Be prepared for real cold water up in RI. Water temp was 64 last week.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 11:03:46
Hey - have even seen some nice size SHARKS right in the surf at the crack of dawn in Westerly by the public beach--if the swimmers only knew lol.
hot tuna
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 11:05:11
As long as the sun will shine and salt ponds are not too windy, we be fine. After this muggy hot weather here , clams are going to come aboard :)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 11:24:20
Didn't fish for kings for 20 years. For me a couple of i day trips, really only the morning,and mayby an overnoight camp if a friend comes in for a couple days. I don't think he has beached one yet, its the reason I took time to land the beasts I photoed last year. I don't care about catching numbers, after 1 or 2 full on fights with kings it becomes work for me. Rather save precious time off for a little later in the fall. Mid end Sept for me unless there are strong early runs. Mostly those trips are to figure out the changes in the river and finding the place that feels good to me not catching kings.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 12:48:30
I just don't get tired of the Kings and Ho's,love that screaming drag after the head shake.I know the Steel are prettier and fight hard,but there is something about those big boys that tickle me  The trouble with below 32 degree water is that it turns to ice,that hinders the fish somewhat.However,if you can provide a flat screen TV and a bottle of Makers Mark in the HEATED ice HOUSE I may join you Rich
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 12:58:31
PA-I'll bring the venison stew and we'll make a festa on ice.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 14:17:31
My favorite tactic is Popsicle flies drifting by a few kings. The best is one all by itself, float it by a few times so it sees it, then when its had enough of it, they snap at it. And when you know... You know. I do alot to make sure i dont snag, I've gone from snagger, to fly fishing over the past 20 years. All self taught, and I've come along ways since catching my first mud shark at 9. But nothing beats drifting and egg sucking leech under a few kings and having a steelhead slam it on the back end of a drift.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/02 15:11:35
Jack I have friends that feel the same as you. Its not the pretty but the difference in speed I dig. Its as if I know what kings are about to do while steel has me 2 moves behind just trying to catch up. Ialso love coho. They fight about the same as steel except when I punch a steelhead they go crazy but a coho I have to show some muscle before they go ballistic. After that it is game on with either till they burn themselves up and become managable. I like the chrome before the water drops below upper 40s. Once it chills down they lose 20% of their wildness in my mind and while still awesome fighters they are not the same as the earlier fish. dw I used to fish lots of popcicle type flies and they work great. I find that a little smaller flies with less flash and movement caught more kings for me. Things that look more like what they are programmed to chase in the lake. A preditor is always a preditor even when they aren't feeding is my therory.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 07:59:42
I can see whats happening now. You guys are pumping me up to the point where I'm thinking you know I should fish the salmon run a couple of days a year, sounds like fun. Maybe it's not the mad house it was 12-13 yeears ago. But then I remember how it is in November now, and hear there where four times this many guys in this run in Sept! Maybe I'll stick to Steelies in the snow.............HMM. How crowdwed is the LFZ in Sept?
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 11:23:14
neaphyte- Its not to bad in september, weekend its nuts, but during the week you get guys who are respectable and dont make the fishing a bad experience. I fished last year next to some old-timers who hang out at malindas. Theyre just there to enjoy chucking bugs, i ended up grabbing fish for them cause i didnt trust their balance in the water.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 12:51:14
Nea, Last September, the LFZ did not open so it was very uncrowded. DEC was not getting the necessary hens to the hatchery due to the slaughter downstream, and wanted the zone as resting area for what fish did get upriver, so they were not played to death, so they kept it closed until the salmon were pretty well done and they were finished with egg taking. They still had to take eggs in Trout and Orwell, and up in the Black River. I only got to the river once in September, and then only for a couple of PM hours down in the Ball Park, and it was a zoo. The menagerie continued into Steel season, because the saltwater crowd got blown off the NJ, LI and Connecticut beaches by Sandy, and "discovered" Pulaski. We can only hope they are in the salt this fall, as it was always an O'dark 30 proposition if you wanted reasonably good water, no matter how far you were willing to walk. My alternate spot, the Genesee, went up in early October just after the chrome started to show up, and was plagued with high water all though the winter and spring, and the high flows have cursed my fishing in WNY ever since (except for spring steel, which is triggered by high flow in the smaller tribs). Now that Bass is open and I could chase them after work with a canoe, it is PM T storms, and I don't like waving a graphite rod around in an electrical storm. You can all stop doing the rain dances now, when the water table is higher than the ground level, it creates a lot of problems for everyone! L13
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 14:24:06
Lucky is right. The river is going up and down daily, one day its about 600 next it looks like its 900. I gotta make a trip up to the reservoir sometime and see whats going on. Hopefully it can stay consistent and be a little higher than it was last year, it wasnt even fair how easy it was to hook up.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 14:59:44
Glad to see somebody mention the downriver 'slaughter- it was just that too. Not so much C@R like so may of us do but hookem anyplace and keep. Not that I begrudge somebodys keeping fishes. That and the season long low conditions kept the upriver experience kinda average at best. Yea yea somebodys gonna say 'hey I was up and it was GREAT'-- good for you. Personally fish up most all of the time and have lots of time too- This was the first year in a decade or more I moved to mid river - and stayed there. Was like being in a different fishery. Way down towards Town was tried a time or two butttt- not my cupa tea- even with record fish numbers down there. Higher water would still have produced a great year and it woulda been spread and likely with much more activity on beds than all species were able to manage this past season. What beds got used on the downside likely got trampled pretty good. Cant wait to see this year. Aint I bein a crabby old Phart.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 15:37:33
try a streamer tied of all flashabou...siver or gold doesn't seem to matter they will wack em when they are in the mood
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/04 15:53:32
My first real successful fly big B. Silver flasabou tail. Red chenile body. Silver flashabou "hackle". Size 2 or 4. Flashabou about 3 inches long and I'd pull it over the back egde of my scissors to give it a curl and more flash. Modeled after an Alaskabou fly I had read about.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/06 17:28:48
Now let me state right now I am no Salmon R expert. I spend anytime I get up there in Nov and April. BUT. Is it possible the incredible run of Kings last year SEEMed so incredible becouse you could see very fish in the river swim by due to the drastically low water for the entire run?? I know some guys who do go up regularly and they said it was like "The Killing Feilds"Whaddaya think?
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/06 17:37:47
Last year was a big run and it seemed even bigger because of the low water, the low water made it very easy for the lifters/snaggers to hook up.Hopefully we keep getting rain and then they can release a good flow making it more of a pleasure to fish.
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Re:Streamer fishing for Kings
2013/07/06 17:51:34
Regardless of how much or little the amount of water flowing the Salmon River last September the prolific run of fish that I witnessed was an incredible sight to see. I fished the lower end (DSR) after getting great information from Dime and there were times when I looked down river seeing nothing but rooster tails of water being sprayed in every direction. Enjoy the video I posted after that trip.