Streamer fishing for Kings

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2013/06/19 09:31:22 (permalink)

Streamer fishing for Kings

I have been down the road of "the Salmon R swing" And with all due respect it's alot like lining Sockeyes. It's fun, but not fair. Now I have heard of some guys are stripping streamers. I guess the method is to find a pod  of kings and get dierctly above them and drop the fly in front of them. Then strip and drop it back, strip and drop. several times. Occasionally,  a King will grab it on the drop. Anybody out there using this method? With success? Without snagging most fish on the gillplate?  All input appreciated.

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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/19 10:30:59 (permalink)
    I have had a lot of success with streamers of various types on salmon.However I catch most on the swing/drift and many times I'm fishing water where the fish are not visible and my hook is IN the mouth,not outside.I find besides the presentation color is important,some days it is one color and if you don't have that color you won't have much action.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/19 10:51:21 (permalink)
    I would say "swing" yes, "strip" no.  DEC will be all over that like a monkey trying to f--- a football.  You'll be walking a very fine line if you decide to employ that method especially during silly season.
    hot tuna
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/19 12:24:36 (permalink)
    Personally I love swinging streamers to kings.. With that said , it's been a long time until last season since I fished anywhere but dsr for salmon..
    Down there I had best results sight fishing them .. Big bright flies, on the swing and watch them move to the fly..
    Last season basically none of that worked for me up river.. Id watch them turn and look or move outta the way..
    Streamer patterns that have worked well in the past on upper river were crayfish , olive buggers or giant stones.. Of course I was ill prepared.. Seems they must be drifted tight to the bottom and in their face to get a bite..
    Thats just my sight observations..
    Now as Jack the King master has said, I watched him put on clinics fishing as he described..
    I will follow his lead this season :) 

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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/19 14:47:27 (permalink)
    Swing them the whole way across the tail of the pool.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/19 16:03:00 (permalink)
    As thick as theyare in the SR I never contemplated stripping streamers.
    I like dead drifting streamerts down to them and letting the line tighten and swing just as its about to reach them causing it to speed up and swim up and away from them.
    Of course I haven't fished for them a dozen times in the past 20 years and I only expect 1 or 2 to chase it down per day.
    More than that is banner headlines for me.
    And as Tunesa says I fish as low on the river as I can find an "undisturbed"
    holding run where the fish are still not fully gun shy..
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 00:14:53 (permalink)
    Have watched male Kings 'nip and  spit' very quickly a number of times while spawning. Generally when trying to swing around them and get to Hos or Steel below the beds and commonly on blue sacs.
      Sometimes the initial drift is too short and gets in front of some males directly below the spawners and they do the quick sac squishing with the very front of their toothy mouth if it passes close to them , kinda neat to watch. Dont think I could ever be quick enough to hook one like that as they are VERY quick and have never hooked one doing that on the looser line passing by.
      Kinda think this may be why sacs so often come up squished after a  quick mid drift ' bottom bump" in deeper darker waters..
      The times I have been able to watch this show have been late in the season when the other species are there and the Kings have dwindled to the point where not so many other fisherfolks are around ( calmer fishes).
     That strip and dip method may work on those fish but as said will be confused with snagging despit the intent.
      On the flip side there is so much blatant snagging going on I cant see why not try it in a secluded area.  Personally have never seen them hit while trailing my offering at the end of a drift- only at the swing or a bit before as the offering lifts..
     Good advice on the downriver option - they get spooky and shut down all too often as they move on up.
    post edited by retired guy - 2013/06/20 00:32:29
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 10:52:47 (permalink)
    Thanks guys. All good stuff. My dilemna is this. Have not fished the Salmon R in Sept/Oct for about 10-12 yrs.  But my son is now 12 and wants to go Salmon fishing.  Steelhead aren't good enough I guess. As I remember it stripping streamers  did not seem like an option then and as some of you pointed out it is still a bad idea. I would like to think we can catch some fish on the swing and that dead drift to a tightline swing sounds like it might work, kind of a wet-fly swing to trout. My question now is this does it pay to fish the DSR, will you find more room there than in the rest of the river below Pineville.  Will guys give you enough room to swing?
    hot tuna
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 11:07:14 (permalink)
    While I cringe a little saying this, the dsr would be a great place to take your son for salmon.. He will get in free and you will always find an area to fish without a hassle of crowds.. It really is perfect salmon / streamer water down there..  Just walk away from the popular hole, fish some broken transition water and hold on..
    That said, If you have no intent of keeping fish, we found spots in the fly zone completely empty of ppl and plenty of fish..
    Jack put on quite a clinic with those kings up there but as said I had the wrong flies.. Maybe you could pry some of his secrets outta him :)
    Good luck and have fun

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 12:47:37 (permalink)
    I have no intention of keeping any fish. And Jack would be Pafisher?? Forgive my ignorance.  The only thing I'm interested in is how he goes about it.  I'll figure out the where. Thanks guys.
    hot tuna
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 15:41:07 (permalink)
    yes Pafisher = Jack..
    time for me to go explore how the resident carp are doing.. um 6wt this time ? They almost shattered the 4 wt last year..

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 16:50:38 (permalink)
    If you arent gonna be on the river more than a day or two here and there the DSR is most certainly your best bet- despite the pay to play.
     Some here are on the river regularly throughout the season or year and therefore can move about looking and hunting at their leisure despite how the fish are affected by crowds.
      Havent been to DSR for a few years but when I had only one or two trips a year it was always where I started each day. Gotta up the odds and go for the fresh ones.
     Not only the fresh unmolested and more likely to bite Kings  but you may well get into a push of new Hos or Steel too.
     Hope you and your Son pound them and remember to make your reservations early- Places are likely already starting to fill up. That includes reserving a tag on the DSR too.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/20 23:12:44 (permalink)

    I have no intention of keeping any fish. And Jack would be Pafisher?? Forgive my ignorance.  The only thing I'm interested in is how he goes about it.  I'll figure out the where. Thanks guys.

    It's not rocket science,just get your fly down in front of them with a natural drift.Use only enough weight to get it in the lower column of water so it is right in their face.Keep your rodhand in constant contact with your line to feel the take,many times it's subtle.
    Most important IMO is color,there are days that one color is the one they want and it'll be slow going if you don't use it.Just last season I was fishing to many active salmon and getting few takes.Then I remembered seeing a picture on here with a salmon that took a BLUE fly.That brought back a memory of a past trip that I was having good success with a blue eztes egg fly.I just happened to have some with me and tied one on,as soon as I made a drift I had a hit.Probably played with 20-30 fish after that all on blue.A week later I was on the same water and started with blue,nothing doing.Wound up finding black/dark flies/streamers were what they wanted and had fish on constantly for 5 straight days,left the river bone tired but happy
    Ive been fishing the tribs for 30+ years and have learned that you need a variety of flies in every color you can think of,I  go up there with probably 1000 flies!Now I'm not saying you have to have that but that is what I accumulated over the years.Flies you should have would be:wooly buggers in black,olive,brown,chartruse.Bucktail streamers or any others wth a variety of color.Large dark stone flys.Glo bugs in pink,oregeon cheese,chartruse,natural egg.Astez eggs in blue,chartruse ,black,olive,orange,etc.Just have lots of colors,I forgot red and that can be good at times.Well I think you get the idea,color is important.
    Where to fish?Well I never leave the "zones" during salmon season and I'm too frugal to spend $50 to fish the DSR.However,the DSR can be gangbusters when there is a run moving through,but there are days that the fish are few down there and it'll be $50 for nothing.

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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/21 11:46:47 (permalink)
    I second what PA said.  I was fortunate enough to fish DSR Sept. 11-14 during the epic run last year, each day the fish showed interest in a different color and pattern.  Orange comets were the hot ticket the first two days and pink, chartreuse, red, blue estaz eggs & sucker spawn the later part of the bonanza.  While I don't normally fish DSR the reports of last year's early run were too good to ignore (thanks Drew). 
    post edited by troutbum21 - 2013/06/21 11:51:25


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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/21 23:28:47 (permalink)
    I'll start sorting and tying in July......and that is coming quickly!
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/22 07:16:39 (permalink)
    Thanks gentlemen, all of you, especially Pafisher. Your congeniality  is refreshing. I might even go back to reading and contributing to some of the fishing forums I had in the past.  If any of you guys leave from central Pa to head north Oct thru April let me know, we'll share a ride and some fishing "secrets".  Here's my tip. If you have a farm pond in the area go up and ask permission to fish it. Finally persuaded my son to do it last summer and now were fishing three  local ponds, (when were not trout fishing,) and were having a ball catching huge panfish and the  occasional bass on poppers.
    I'm sure I will have more streamer/swing questions as we get closer to Sept.   Thanks again!
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/22 07:31:27 (permalink)
    Much as with the Liesering Lift when working a wet fly but more across and up.
    Takes can come anywhere from the deaddrift to the hangdown with most of them coming on the start of the swing.
    My guess is that salmonids eyes being on the side of the head see indpendently,much like a horse, and as it swings thru their vision it speeds up ,vanishes and appears as something running away when the other eye picks it up and being top line preditors their muscle memory won't let them not try to catch it.
    As to what has been said about subtle biting.
    I have posted before about watching kings peel up from the school and follow flies downriver nipping them several times without ever feeling a touch.
    It is intrigueing to know just how little of what is going on with out drifts. 
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/22 08:06:57 (permalink)
    During the run I alluded to in my previous post I watch a male King salmon turn and crush a magenta estaz fly no more than eight feet in front of me.  This fish moved laterally six feet to take the fly and it was truly an amazing sight to behold.   
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/22 23:58:01 (permalink)
    A little more on color and how crazy it can be.Maybe 20 yrs ago we were fishing the UFZ by the upper wire.The water was very high and you had to be carefull wading even next to shore on the parking lot side.Again through some trial and error we discovered the fly of the day was the black wooly bugger,it was if we were throwing meat to hungry sharks,we were constantly into fish.After that trip I decided I needed lots of those buggers for the next season and tied maybe 50 -60 that summer before we went again.Well when we got there I was ready with my buggers.......not a hit,they were not interested Eventually we found what they wanted but it sure was n't black buggers.It was a variety of things that year!
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/25 13:48:36 (permalink)
    Been there done that.
    One streamer has been consistantly effective over a 30 year period for me.
    Pretty sure a guy called waDerboy posted a picture here a while back.
    Of course there was a long time in the middle of that 30 years when I didn't fish for kings.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/25 21:34:45 (permalink)
    Hey Bob- when watching the Kings nip and spit the blue sacs so quick and squishing the eggs I have long wondered if they just kinda like the taste of the milky inside of the eggs and want nothing to do with actual food ..
      Have watched the same males do this - and use up most of my blue sacs lol- repeatedly. Dont care bout the sacs-- love the show.
     We know they have shut down on eating- specially upriver where I have watched the show- just have always wondered about the taste in their mouth being the reason.
      Might be why you too have observed them doing the subtle quick  hitting.
     One may think that if it were just an instinctive hit they might just grab it or hold on a bit more.
      Phood for thought.
      Makes me wonder bout scented baits - and if I am sane or not.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/25 23:42:41 (permalink)
    Since we can not communicate with the salmon we can only guess as to what makes them hit one color and not another,or hit anything in front of them,or hit nothing at all at times.I've tried talking to them but then I get strange looks from Rich and just spank them and send them on their way
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/26 09:19:36 (permalink)
     Talk to myself when fishing- sometimes  tell myself off pretty good too. Can get real nasty when missing a  hit or tangling a line.
     Sometimes take offense and ignore me for hours.
    post edited by retired guy - 2013/06/26 09:57:40
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/26 11:42:47 (permalink)
    Have you ever used an egg loop to get your hook below the sac? Assuming you're putting the hook through the material now. Hook might stick every now and then, you never know.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/26 13:31:22 (permalink)
    Never tried it but am interested.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/29 13:52:51 (permalink)
    RT the fish I was talking about weren't nipping.
    They would peel off from a pod,turn and follow the streamer downriver till they caught it then take while maintaining the same speed so you never felt anything while they chewed it for a couple seconds then let it go.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/06/29 21:38:24 (permalink)
    Hey --thats neat- would love to watchem do that kinda stuff.
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/07/01 08:18:48 (permalink)
    The color thing is maddening and perplexing.  I know with steelhead all over the Great Lakes, steelies will prefer one color to another day to day, BUT. Pink will always take fish. Sometimes bright sometimes pale.  Not having all that much experince with Salmomn R kings I wonder if the same is true?  Maybe not pink but some color. Over years of watching Steelhead. inhale my egg/nymph and spit it before I can set the hook I wonder how often is that happening  when were fishing the water and not visible fish??   However when swinnging a fly and a fish latches on to "savor " it you should feel something. A change in the path of the swing, more weight, less weight on the line. One should feel sommething different. And when it suddenly feels different set the hook! 
    July 1, 90 days to the opening of my Steelhead season.  And there's rain falling everywhere. Love to see that!
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/07/01 09:26:37 (permalink)
    In the case I was talking about the fish was just going at the speed and direction of the fly.
    They could mouth it for a couple of feet before spitting it out with no indication at all.
    This was in the very early 80s with near zero fisherman on the river and water level at about 175 down in what became the DSR later.
    No weight of any kind to deaden the feel.
    It is amazing what we don't know is happening.
    Color preference can change several times in a day.
    hot tuna
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    Re:Streamer fishing for Kings 2013/07/01 09:33:05 (permalink)
    Yup all good info and stuff to try and decipher what it takes to be top hooker..ugh did I really type that ..
    Anyway, after 38 hrs being awake I think I may have an answer ..
    It is, Ain't gonna catch no fish if you ain't fishin' ..
    Well true that but all you guys have hit on all the points..
    Seen it all, fish that I see turn , grab and continue downstream with out knowning > Sight fishing at its finest if you ask me..
    Fish that refuse everything you throw at them.. Fish that will take anything you have in your box until you need to tie more estaz flies..
     And yes the Skunk on the SR !!
    It's a tough game sometimes and the only advice from here is to keep playing the games we enjoy..
    Have fun:
    Sleep & Tuna

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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