Trolling reef runners

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2013/06/02 22:12:42 (permalink)

Trolling reef runners

Can someone give me so advice on trolling reef runners such as how much weight to add to get the lure down to say 40 feet? How much line and weight would I have to add to get the lure down

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    Re:Trolling reef runners 2013/06/03 07:00:09 (permalink)
    grim, just do a google search on Reef Runner Dive Charts, this will take you to what you are looking for. tried to copy and paste for you, but pasting after i copied was not an option. don't know why.  by the looks of it, they don't go deeper than 28 ft, and that's with 200 ft of line out.  you'll have to use snap weights or in-lines to get them deeper. make sure you use the right chart for the series of RRs you're running. the charts also tell you what pound l ine was used when determining the depths.  if you search last summers forums, there were alot of posts on snap weights and how deep the various sizes will take you.  i farted around way too much with this last year and spooled 4 of my rods with 10 color lead-core, this should take alot of the guess work out of it.
    post edited by pikepredator2 - 2013/06/03 07:03:13
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    Re:Trolling reef runners 2013/06/03 09:13:16 (permalink)
    Depends on your speed and line size.  A 10lb line will get that bait deeper than a 20lb line (mono). Sometimes those fish will swim up a ways to hit a bait so those fish at 40' don't need lures at 40'.
    I've talked with a bunch of people and read a lot on line and it seems like each ounce will add around 4' of depth.(2.2-2.5mph) This is the chart I use, It might not be dead on accurate - but then again nothing will because of currents, line size, reef runner tuning....etc  Use this as a starting point.This would be for a 10lb diameter mono.
    200' back
    clean - 28ft
    1oz - 32ft
    2oz - 36ft
    3oz - 40ft
    4oz - 44ft
    5oz - 48ft
    And don't forget to calibrate those linecounters!!!!!
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    Re:Trolling reef runners 2013/06/03 12:09:09 (permalink)
    One thing I can tell you about trolling reef runners is that you had better tune them or you'll have a mess on your hands... Lead core is the way to go as far as getting them down...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:Trolling reef runners 2013/06/05 13:17:59 (permalink)
    +1 on the tuning.  After you tune the lures pull it hard through the water to simulate the pull of turns. 
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    Re:Trolling reef runners 2013/06/05 13:24:48 (permalink)
    +1 on the tuning.  After you tune the lures pull it hard through the water to simulate the pull of turns. 
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