Dipsey to rod

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2013/05/28 17:23:01 (permalink)

Dipsey to rod

I went out and was show the do's and don'ts for trolling last year. I remember almost everything. One thing I can not picture is how the Dispsey was kept close to the rod when leaving the dock. Velcro comes to mind but how? I remember the snuber wrapped around the reel.

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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/28 19:19:01 (permalink)

    1. Start by hooking your lure to the guide closest to the reel.  
    2. Wrap your line around the left side of the reel. Start by going over the top so the last wrap the line comes under the reel directly to the dipsy.  This will keep it from flopping a little
    3. On your last wrap go up and around the line counter on the right side then under the reel on the left side.  I like to have it so the swivel of the dipsy is right at the reel. This last wrap will help keep the line from flying off the reel. 
    4. Some people will put velcro right at the end of the handle and velcro the whole thing to the rod.  This will secure it nicely to the rod and you wont have to worry about it going anywhere.
    5. Get the line from the dipsy to the tip of the rod snug and you are good to go!
    post edited by freshwaterdrumR - 2013/05/28 19:44:05
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/28 22:30:47 (permalink)
    DrumR has it right.  I Velcro around the rod as close to the dipsey as possible to keep them from dancing when your beating the waves...the line may come unwound when the rods are bouncing.

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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 09:26:50 (permalink)
    I don't put my dipsy's on until we're setting up to troll...

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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 10:21:20 (permalink)

    I don't put my dipsy's on until we're setting up to troll...

    That's the easiest IMO...just keep the leader on the swivel and put the divers on when you get there.  If they come loose on a rough trip in or out and you don't notice it they can do some pretty good damage to your rods. 
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 10:29:55 (permalink)
    My boat stays in the water all summer, and my dipsey rods stay either in my rocket launcher or rod holders until fall. But that method of securing your dipsey is also handy when you want to pick up and run down the lake a few miles. Once you (and your crew) get used to stowing them this way, it's very quick and secure.

    "Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society.  As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. "
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 10:36:09 (permalink)
    btw...a snubber on the dipsey helps to "bungie" the dipsey to the rod.

    "Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society.  As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. "
    Frederic Bastiat
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 14:28:49 (permalink)
    I keep my leaders on a spool, snap one to the next and wind them on then snap the cover on. Easy way to store them without them getting tangled... just a tip
    I like that dipsy method for making a short run, I'll have to remember that...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 14:30:30 (permalink)
    Snubbers generally aren't needed for eyes, but some of the harder hitting fish will snap your leader without them, if you're using braid...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re:Dipsey to rod 2013/05/29 18:27:53 (permalink)
    Thanks for all the input and good info. I usally use a noodle for my leaders but sometimes they get tangled.
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