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Casting worm harnesses?
I've heard that people cast and retrieve worm harness for walleye. There is a weight tied to it. I've used worm harnesses many times while trolling, but I've never casted one or seen it done. Can someone please find a picture of a worm harness with a weight attached to it for casting? I've looked, but the pictures I'm finding don't look right. They look like weighted rigs for trolling. Thanks guys.
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/24 17:00:32
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/24 20:48:52
I lucked into one with an erie dearie and a crawler. BH
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/25 10:06:06
Eyedream, awesome thread! THANK YOU!
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/25 10:36:55
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/26 06:12:57
why cast, i think you'd be better off drifting, that's how we catch alot of our eyes late spring, early summer before they go deep. GPS is extremely handy in this type of fishing cause if you get into them you can return to the same drift pattern. wouldn't think that worm would last too long on that harness with repeated casts.
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/26 09:54:56
That's all we did years ago in the Sandusky area or Western Basin of Erie. Toss Erie Dearie's with crawlers or similar type lures. They come in different weighted sizes and colors . The lake is shallow around that area so the Walleye are not as deep. They hold around the reefs and islands that mostly run around 25 ft.deep. There is a little trick to this type of fishing. You keep your boat in the wind just like a drift setup and you toss your Erie Dearies side ways of the drift. You then use the countdown method of how deep you want it to go usually 1 second per foot drop. Then you click your bail over and start to reel very slow so as you can feel the spinner working. As the wind blows your drift your line will straiten up with you reeling. When the line is making that arc to straiten up is when you will get 90% of your strikes ! This is and "old school method" and should work any shallow areas Walleye hold. This old photo...........every Walleye we caught this way in 4 hrs. of fishing ! Here is another oldie all caught tossing the Erie Dearie
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/05/26 15:11:16
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/26 14:51:49
Right on Capt. Hook. They call that "the swing" deadly it is. Thanks for sharing that pic. Way to rock the mepps hat, aviators, and the mullet!
post edited by eyedreamn - 2013/05/26 14:55:16
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/27 12:56:33
Awesome. Thanks Capt Hook.
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/28 18:19:54
Eman89so split shot Is he still on here?
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Re:Casting worm harnesses?
2013/05/29 22:23:26
Ok. Well I guess that you tie a bead into the loop on the end of the leader and thread an egg sinker over the loop and then just hook into the loop with a swivel from the main line. I'm not sure how that bead is tied in. If anyone has a pic of the top end of a casting rig, PLEASE post it. I'm going to start tying some harnesses and I don't want to do it wrong. I'm probably over thinking it, but I want to make sure that I'm doing it right. I don't want to get on the water and realize that I have to retie all of my harnesses.