River/stream access

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2013/05/21 10:36:27 (permalink)

River/stream access

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like even though we have three rivers, countless tributaries, and absolutely TONS of water that holds fish, that access is SEVERELY and frustratingly limited?
I've been fishing for 30 years now. Not all the time like a lot of you guys do, but when I can go I go, and Im more serious about it this year than I ever have been, and Im getting more frustrated than I ever have been. Almost all of the shore on our rivers is blocked by industry, train tracks, private (non-residential) property, and whatever else. 
I live extremely close to the Mon AND the Yough, yet I struggle to find a decent spot, the 3 or 4 good ones are elbow to elbow usually. With so much water, it just shouldnt be this way. Much of the industry has moved elsewhere. Im not sure what Im suggesting, really. What's built is built. But I just get so frustrated knowing HOW much water is around me and I can barely get to ANY of it. 

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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 10:46:13 (permalink)
    I know how you feel, but there are spots out there, and there are ways to access those spots. The train tracks can be walked, even if there is no side access for a truck or car. As far as Industry goes, walking through a parking lot or over the hillside shouldn't matter much to them, you just have to get your exploring shoes on or buy a boat!!!! Good luck!

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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 10:56:33 (permalink)
    I see most of the industrial sites fenced off, though. And I've never been one to have the guts, I guess, to just walk on private property. Too nervous I'll be fined for trespassing since I technically would be. 
    There are a few trails I know I need to walk, one quite close to me. 
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 12:47:18 (permalink)
    You could always try to contact the owners of the properties you are referring to and ask for their permission.  I know you can search for property owners in Allegheny Co on their tax assessment web page and while I am not certain about this, I think you can do the same for properties located in Westmoreland Co.
    Or like Blue Lagoon said, you could just get a boat and be done with it.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 13:12:06 (permalink)
    Heres something else that frustrates me. I know of two spots quite closee that should ideally hold some nice fish but theyre absolutely unpleasant to sit at. One is the mouth of the yough. Its junked up and feels rather unsafe sometimes. Obviously it smells absolutely terrible as well but i guess those plants have to go somewhere.

    The other is a nice little jut out but its so dirty i didnt even lime walking there. Was a pit in the gravel with some nasty black oily water in it and basically a distributor full of empty beer cans. Not to mention the other usual litter like hundreds of yards of line scattered everywhere.

    Ive been scouting a lot lately both on google earth and in person so Im bound to find some decent spots eventually. Its just discouraging to go to the few accessible places and see them in that condition.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 13:15:22 (permalink)

    You could always try to contact the owners of the properties you are referring to and ask for their permission.  I know you can search for property owners in Allegheny Co on their tax assessment web page and while I am not certain about this, I think you can do the same for properties located in Westmoreland Co.

    Or like Blue Lagoon said, you could just get a boat and be done with it.

    Yeah I suppose I could, but Id need acess just to scout em. Still, its a good idea and Im not going to do really well without putting in a lot of effort. 
    Boat is outta the question. Been fishing a lot lately, and just the gas to do that is wearing on the finances a bit. Boat would be much too expensive for the time being. 
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 13:42:23 (permalink)
      The train tracks can be walked, even if there is no side access for a truck or car.

     All RR tracks are private property so crossing or walking them could get you a fine for trespassing.  Your chances of getting a fine are pretty low, but it can happen.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 13:50:30 (permalink)
    That's a problem with the Pittsburgh rivers, for sure, access.  Partially due to topography (steep banks) and partially due to the former industry.  While the Mills are gone, the walls they built at the shore line remain.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 14:10:54 (permalink)

    That's a problem with the Pittsburgh rivers, for sure, access.  Partially due to topography (steep banks) and partially due to the former industry.  While the Mills are gone, the walls they built at the shore line remain.

    Walls wouldnt even be a huge deal to me. I often fish at Duck Hollow because it's so close and because there are an absolute ton of fish there, and it's off of a 20 foot wall. It's not ideal, but I'll certainly fish off of a wall rather than not fish at all. :-)
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 14:34:43 (permalink)

    That's a problem with the Pittsburgh rivers, for sure, access.  Partially due to topography (steep banks) and partially due to the former industry.  While the Mills are gone, the walls they built at the shore line remain.

    every day on my way home from work i think about how someday im going to buy the site of the old duquesne works, build a big house, get rid of the wall lining the bank, and live the good life. 
    ill call it casa de yinzer
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 14:43:47 (permalink)


    That's a problem with the Pittsburgh rivers, for sure, access.  Partially due to topography (steep banks) and partially due to the former industry.  While the Mills are gone, the walls they built at the shore line remain.

    every day on my way home from work i think about how someday im going to buy the site of the old duquesne works, build a big house, get rid of the wall lining the bank, and live the good life. 

    ill call it casa de yinzer

    Make it a private club. There's enough land there. Charge dues every month. That would be awesome. 
    On a somewhat related note, 4 mile run flows literally through my father in law's backyard. He owns the land on the other side of it as well. Technically, he can tell people NOT to fish in that section, but he doesnt. I've been trying to get trout the last week or so. It drives me crazy that I cant go to his house and toss in behind his house because it's fished out. There's an awfully nice hole on the edge, too. It doesnt get much better than that for a stocked stream. 
    I guess today is my day to let out all of my fish-related frustrations lol. 
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 21:15:55 (permalink)
    How can you say the Yough is access limited? Thrre's a walking trail the entire length.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 21:22:41 (permalink)
    Not near me, not that Im aware of anyway. I know that near West Newton and Sutersville there's a trail, but thats quite a way from me, at least 40 mins. There's a train on the Mon very near me that I need to get to exploring though.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/21 23:30:52 (permalink)
    PM me where you are from and I will tell you any access points that I know of.  I will help anyone out with fishing tips if I can be of any help. As for the RR tracks, don't worry about getting in trouble. As long as you don't mess with their equipment, they wont bother you. I grew up in Elizabeth on the Mon river and always rode my atv along the tracks. The RR people told me just don't throw stones in the part of the tracks that switch and they wouldn't have a problem. I cant see them having a problem with walking. I know of some places on the Yough and the Mon.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/22 00:44:34 (permalink)
    If possible go on the river by boat and you will see accessable spots to find on foot

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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/22 15:42:53 (permalink)
    I feel the same way Chihlidog. Such a wonderful resource with very little shore access. 
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/22 22:38:30 (permalink)
    I lived in Pbgh for a few years and never had a problem accessing the three rivers. Now that I'm along the Allegheny north out of town, still no problems. They can be nasty in some spots, sure, but that's river fishing. Bridges, dams, boat launches, and trib mouths always have access. Steep banks can be maneuvered carefully and can lead to some good spots. The train police or plant workers usually only bother you if you park along the tracks or in the plant lot. Don't be afraid to tell a plant worker or the train police that they are ridiculous for not letting you pass to fish. Just tell them as you leave. They can't do anything to you without the real police there. 

    The best way to access the rivers is by boat, kayak, or canoe. It's worth the $500-1000 that can buy a simple fishing vessel. Also, most can be towed by as little as a V4 eco car.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/23 06:29:40 (permalink)
    Check out Yough river outfitters. They had a bike and boat combo deal last year. You could make the drive to West Newton worth your while. I try to take one of their trips every year. It's worth it for me. I live a good deal further from West Newton than 40 minutes. Last trip, we started in Smithton and drifted back to West Newton, it took about 8 hours after we stopped for food and stretching at Cedar Creek park. There's tons of awesome fishing for a very reasonable price.
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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/24 20:25:33 (permalink)
    We really are losing access to some very good spots like Sharpsburg at the dam, and others have been impacted by changes (the mouth of Saw Mill Run). I don't have a boat and only rare access to one, and that never on the rivers. I am dependent upon shore access/wading, and I've been talking to folks for about 2 years now about the surprising lack of interest (generally speaking) shown in spotlighting one of the top recreational activities in western Pennsylvania.

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    Re:River/stream access 2013/05/24 20:28:14 (permalink)
    Don't be afraid to tell a plant worker or the train police that they are ridiculous for not letting you pass to fish. Just tell them as you leave. They can't do anything to you without the real police there. 

    That is a very bad idea that I have seen with my own eyes lead to fights. Even if it doesn't, it isn't a good idea to leave a bad taste in the mouths of people who could provide access for you later.

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