22' Starcraft CC

Trap Jaw
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013 9:40 PM (permalink)

22' Starcraft CC

Due to a lack of a crew I am selling my 22' Starcraft center console.  Here are the specs on the boat.
*1978 22' CC w/ 7.5' beam, drivers seat and seat on front of console, sorry no additional seats. Completely re-wired from stem to stern last summer w/ new running lights and cabin lights. All switches were replaced at that time. Painted battleship gray outside and a greenish gray inside(it's set up for duck hunting).
*Trailer is a single axle galvanized with bunks.  Tires are good with Bearing Buddies installed. Trailer rated for 3000lbs. One or two of the rollers may be marginal, but I don't thing the boat ever touches them though.
*Evinrude 90hp V4, mid 80's, power trim, new impeller and fuel lines last summer. Pushes the boat about 40mph.
*Evinrude 9.9(upgraded to 15hp) electric start w/ remote. Auxiliary motor tied to main with steering linkage. I had it out on Pymy this spring and the kicker pushes it around 8mph.
*Electronics: Eagle FishMark 480, Raymarine VHF radio w/ new antenna.
*I installed gunwale lights(3 each side) using 12 LED strip lights, wired into switch on console.
*I'll even toss in the anchor, PFD's, 12 gallon gas tank, partial gallon of premix oil and flare gun. Fuel tank is almost full of new gas.
*I am also throwing in a homemade layout boat that I purchased last summer.  I never had the chance to get it on the water.  It will need some TLC, but it is a solid layout and is big and roomy.
The floor and transom were replaced prior to me purchasing it.  Not sure how well they were done, I was planning on replacing everything with Starboard.  It's a nice open platform that and is ready to outfit however you prefer.  Asking $4500 OBO.  Titles for both boat and trailer in hand.
Sorry, the only pic I have was taken right before winterizing.

post edited by Trap Jaw - Tuesday, May 14, 2013 9:45 PM

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    Trap Jaw
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    Re:22' Starcraft CC Saturday, May 25, 2013 10:46 AM (permalink)
    Price dropped to $3000.
    Trap Jaw
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    Re:22' Starcraft CC Friday, May 31, 2013 0:20 PM (permalink)
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