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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 09:02:48 (permalink)
Snag, please reread the previous posts. I said nothing that could possibly be misconstrued as rudeness. I read everything that you post because you are a straight up poster that seems very honest and passionate about fishing. I like your pix too. I've never caught a legal muskie so it's nice to read about others doing it. I'm sorry if you took my posts the wrong way.
I don't believe Phish was being rude either (after rereading it though Phish, I can see where he is coming from). Phish was just doing what many of us do: lamenting the past. In other words, "If you think that's good, you should have seen it 20 years ago!" That's a pattern that many of us fall into. There was no disrespect intended. Like you, I enjoy every day on the water regardless of catch. I'm sure Phish does too. Like me, he remembers what an excellent panfish and walleye lake it used to be and wishes that it were still that way.
Blue, thanks for the kind words. You're a pretty good guy yourself!
Phish, do you know that spot that I was talking about in the previous post? The spot with all of the stumps? Do they still dump stumps there?
And yes, it might be senseless to talk about how things were as compared to how they are now, especially when we can't do anything about it, but it pleases me. For that reason alone, I will continue to do so from time to time.

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 09:24:40 (permalink)
My apologies guys...Looks like I just totally read the post wrong. Its hard nowadays on this forum, I feel like you always have to be on guard with some of the trolls that make its way on here. Seems to be a lot more post bashing than there used to be. Slabdaddy, ive been a big fan for years and have actually learned a lot from your posts since I joined in all honesty. You've provided a ton of usefull info over the years. I understand the frustration with some of these lakes not being as productive as they used to be. I would have loved to experience the good ol days of fishing you guys describe.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 12:01:18 (permalink)
Snag, No problem bud. I know what you mean about the trolls. Seems like there's always some one with a smart mouth ready to be an internet tough guy. Not me man. I just enjoy sharing info and fish stories.
And yes, I wish you could have experienced it too. I have to drive to Pymie (2.5 hrs) in order to catch a bunch of slab crappie. Keystone was a helluva lot closer.
My buddy fished KPD earlier this year. He just bought a really high-end fishfinder and wanted to see if the lake was anything like it used to be when we were kids. He said that he barely marked any fish. He's a helluva fisherman, so I take his word on it. It just makes me sick that people can destroy a whole lake like that. It saddens me. I need to spend more time on the Allegheny. No one is gonna fish that out! LOL!

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 13:33:05 (permalink)
There isn't any fish in the river its all fished out oh sorry maybe not hahaha

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 18:00:49 (permalink)
So as long as I'm willing to walk a bit, there is good shore fishing to be found?

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 19:03:17 (permalink)
Luvin, from what I remember, you could walk around part of the edge. There's really not much shoreline anywhere but if you are nimble, and want to bad enough, you can get there. Take a creel with a small plano of your best baits and a 2pc rod. In other words, pack light. The bay right beside the launch was always good for gills and some nice bass. However, it's pretty easy to access so it might not be so good any more. Give it a shot.

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 19:55:33 (permalink)

My apologies guys...Looks like I just totally read the post wrong. Its hard nowadays on this forum, I feel like you always have to be on guard with some of the trolls that make its way on here. Seems to be a lot more post bashing than there used to be. Slabdaddy, ive been a big fan for years and have actually learned a lot from your posts since I joined in all honesty. You've provided a ton of usefull info over the years. I understand the frustration with some of these lakes not being as productive as they used to be. I would have loved to experience the good ol days of fishing you guys describe.

a very simple fact: when a miscommunication occurs there's always two people at fault.  (as per van wilder: write that down!)  so I apologize for my side of the miscommunication.  no rudeness or disrespect was intended.
slab - thanks for re-wording my post - what you wrote is exactly what I meant.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 20:11:09 (permalink)

Phish, do you know that spot that I was talking about in the previous post? The spot with all of the stumps? Do they still dump stumps there?
john - as I mentioned previously, I don't recall the stump pile that you're talking about.  I do recall some underwater cribs that were placed by someone in the bay near the boat ramp opposite the 210 ramp.  there were always boats hanging out around there fishing for crappie mainly.  the other great area I recall is about 100-200 yards towards the dam from the bay with the stumps you mentioned - there were always large deadfalls there that went out into deep water (40 ft).  if you could handle the snags there were lots of walleye and bass to be had there. 

"And yes, it might be senseless to talk about how things were as compared to how they are now, especially when we can't do anything about it." 
i'd like to take issue with "we can't do anything about it" - I think a simple solution is to make the lake a "panfish enhancement lake" and place 9inch limits on gills, perch and crappies.  numerous other lakes have this type of regulation.  I wrote a letter to rick lorson about this many years ago and got no response - maybe if more people write a letter requesting this change it could happen.
post edited by phishfearme - 2013/07/17 20:13:34
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/17 20:19:49 (permalink)

So as long as I'm willing to walk a bit, there is good shore fishing to be found?

you can find a few access point along rt 210 between the dam and the 210 boat launch - there's pull off places where you can walk down to the lake and access weedless water that gets deep fast.  I think you can access the shore near the spillway also.
you can also park just above the bay that we mentioned previously (the bay is a few hundred yards towards the dam from the 210 boat launch) and walk along the shore there.  again the water gets real deep real fast. 
the other option is from the boat launch across the lake from the 210 launch - lots of shore access there but you need a good map to get you there thru gastown. weeds could be a problem from this side.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/18 09:13:12 (permalink)
Phish, do I know you outside of this place? LOL
And yes, making it a panfish enhancement lake would be AWESOME! I'd love to see that happen. Maybe it's time to write up a petition.
Phish, do you fish the Allegheny at Manorville/Ford City area at all?

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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/18 19:19:54 (permalink)
And yes, making it a panfish enhancement lake would be AWESOME! I'd love to see that happen. Maybe it's time to write up a petition.

Phish, do you fish the Allegheny at Manorville/Ford City area at all?

have fished lock 3 and Tarentum as well as a bit up at Kittanning but that's about it.  typically small fish has been my experience and sometimes some incredibly powerful boats would come zipping by.
we've been shooting to do north of Emlenton - a place called dotter's eddie but have never made it yet.  we considered hitting kahle one day the the Allegheny the next but the river never cooperated.
maybe we could start a petition within this site?  not sure how to do that though - maybe a "monitor" of fishusa could assist??
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/07/19 07:27:31 (permalink)
Dotters Eddie is awesome in the fall. Gotta have a real shallow boat or a jet to navigate. I launched downstream of it and my buddy and I had to push the 14' boat through some riffles. Lots of smallies in there though.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/08/03 09:12:53 (permalink)
Thinkin bout headin here this weekend for eyes & wonderin bout colors & tactics work well here
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/08/05 20:07:41 (permalink)
Caught my biggest walleye at Keystone 12 years ago. 
31" - 7# female.
Haven't had that kinda luck since.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/09/10 16:42:32 (permalink)
Fished Keystone Power dam sunday. Me and my buddy caut 1 bass apeice about 12 inches. Saw a guy fishing from shore catch a musky probly pushin 30 inches. There was a pretty sweet rope swing coming out of a treehouse in one of the coves. Fishin was slow so I figured what the hell and swung out of that bad boy. Prolly would of done better if we had gotten out there earlier. I think it might be a different story if my boat had a fish finder. Can anyone give me advice of baits, tactics that work well for bass, walleye, musky, crappie out there? I would like to start fishing it regularly, beautiful place and only an hour from home near pittsburgh.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/09/11 13:57:59 (permalink)
Fished Keystone Power dam sunday. Me and my buddy caut 1 bass apeice about 12 inches. Saw a guy fishing from shore catch a musky probly pushin 30 inches. There was a pretty sweet rope swing coming out of a treehouse in one of the coves. Fishin was slow so I figured what the hell and swung out of that bad boy. Prolly would of done better if we had gotten out there earlier. I think it might be a different story if my boat had a fish finder. Can anyone give me advice of baits, tactics that work well for bass, walleye, musky, crappie out there? I would like to start fishing it regularly, beautiful place and only an hour from home near pittsburgh.

 I lve just outside of pittsburg too. Only about an hour from me as well, makes it easily accessible. Been there quite a few times and still havent mastered the lake. I did find a lot of bigger bass near the dam/no fishing zone. Fish were extremely active around 530-6 am. got splashed multiple times from musky and bass chasing bait. The sunken island is notorious for fish but on most days there are 8 boats surrounding the entire thing. what kind of fish are you targetting?
post edited by Snag_826 - 2013/09/11 14:19:45
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/09/11 19:08:05 (permalink)
Thanks for the reply snag. I like to start out for bass untill i get a few fish under my belt and get a better feel for the layout of the lake. What i really would like to target is walleye tho. Thats the only fish i keep to eat other than trout. Also i have never caut a musky and would love to add that to my list. Most of my fishing experience has been stream fishing for trout and shore fishing with shiners, worms. I just picked up a 10 hp 16 ft sea king this year. I really enjoy the boat, but ive had limited sucess so im on the forums constantly trying to pick up new technique
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/04 10:02:02 (permalink)
Anyone been fishing lately?  Any reports? I haven't been out in 2+ months and have a pass tomorrow. Considering the Freeport pool of the Allegheny or KPD.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/06 15:22:20 (permalink)
I hooked into a few bass last weekend at kpd. This nice 16 incher fought very hard and was the biggest non Erie bass ive caught in a good while. Down by the dam on a shiner. Marked alotta big fish on the fish finder. Tried bottom bouncing for walleye with no luck. Great day on the water at a beautiful lake.


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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/07 21:57:14 (permalink)
Did you get out? wondering if you went to the Freeport pool or not and how well you did?
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/08 07:17:14 (permalink)
ended up going to Moraine, because as I passed Freeport it was raining and very foggy. So I decided to give Arthur a shot and it worked out.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/13 09:18:28 (permalink)
Will be heading to KPD this evening for a couple hours. Going to try for Perch. Will post a report on conditions/temps/fishing sometime monday.
Anyone do any good on Perch at KPD any tips would be helpful via P.M

Got Walleye???
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/14 09:33:16 (permalink)
Fished from 430-700 Temps were at 66* tried for perch, couldn't find a school only a few roamers. Around7" in 6-10 fow. Caught about 6 crappie 7-10 inches all released. 3 smallmouth and numerous undersized gills. Lots of boats out.

Got Walleye???
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/14 18:03:31 (permalink)
Bluelagoon - to me, the fact that you caught any perch at all is big news - even if they're small.  same with crappie.  maybe the panfish are coming back!!  hope the amish leave us a few.
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Re:Keystone power dam 2013/10/14 18:36:26 (permalink)
haha, I feel like they have got to be in there, in numbers somewhere. Guess I haven't hit the right spot. The crappie all looked thick and healthy for their size. I didn't have much time to search spots, it got dark quick.

Got Walleye???
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