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hand held gps
last lear i was heading back from mountain. i was navigating by gps due to rain and fog. my wife says "what happens if the gps breaks"? good question ! i am in the market for a hand held back up, just in case. does anyone have any sugestions for a decent, waterproof hand held gps? i don't need a lot of features since it will be a back up. i don't need color or to store a ton of waypoints. just something reliable in case i need it. thanks
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 20:15:49
Do you have a smartphone? I've purchased my last stand-alone handheld gps. The features you can get on a smartphone based gps far outweigh the benefits of a stand-alone, that it just doesn't make sense for me any longer. My smartphone has navionics charts, topo maps, wind and wave forecasts, radar and every other feature that you could ever want, all in a package that I'd be carrying anyway. If you don't have a smartphone, then any mapping capable handheld will work as a backup.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 21:02:36
i have a smart phone. i was thinking of something a little more rugged. something that can be submersed.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 21:13:43
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 22:48:13
Smart phones do not have any GPS capability. They only work in range of cell towers and back from mountain does not sound like a place with service.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 23:13:49
Smart phones do not have any GPS capability. They only work in range of cell towers and back from mountain does not sound like a place with service.
Smartphone absolutely do have GPS capability as long as they have a gps receiver built in, as most do. As long as you have the area that you are traveling downloaded then you do not have to have a cellular signal. I do typically have a good signal at the mountain (Verizon).
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/18 23:29:39
My cel works where some GPS Units don't and faster too
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 02:38:30
I was probaby wrong My iphone's gps did work in a no service area but route was already set. Google maps had my aunt's street that Garmin could not find. Port Allegeny PA does not have AT&T The gps in my older phones barely worked at all Iphone gps works pretty good downtown where skyscrapers block satalites and my garmin thinks that I am somewhere else.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 07:12:54
I have the cheap 100 dolla Etrek. I use it on the boat as I dont have a state of the art fish finder. It clocks my speed down to the .1 mph for trolling. It has a built in compass. It is water proof. BH
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 08:04:53
would i be showing my age if i suggest a 15 dollar compass in a storage locker on yr. boat? mine NEVER runs out of battery, and, service is worldwide-------GUARONTEED!!!!
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 08:35:32
I have a Garmin GPS maps handheld as a back up . I have different cards for each area I fish. I have used the unit out on the ocean and GL as backup to my base unit. Also use it for hunting out west. Also I as a last resort back up I would invest in a good compass and some good nautical charts.
post edited by citycop4 - 2013/04/19 09:36:43
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 09:27:58
I have two sonar/GPS units on my boat, plus my smart phone. Backup for the GPS and for the Sonar... Never been a fan of the handhelds for their price...
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 09:46:27
fishin coyote
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 19:03:39
"what happens if the gps breaks"? All these replies are kinda of scary. You guys are depending on electronics to back up electronics. LOL Hasn't anyone ever heard of a compass?
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 19:16:35
My GPS and iphone both have a compass
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 23:09:27
several people mentioned using a compass. seriously? have you ever tried to use a compass to find a 100 yard wide channel on the lake in low visability in 3-5 foot waves? i had orienteering classes in the military. it usually involved using a map and shooting back azimuth's to 2 known points. points are hard to see in low vis situations. i suppose one could just head south until you see land. hopefully you won't hit the rocks off north east before you can shoot a azimuth to a known point. i can see myself now, compass in one hand, chart in the other, wheel in my third hand, and gilligan standing on the bow. hell why even rely on that new fangled compass technology. real men navigate by the sun and stars. anyone know where i can buy a sextant?
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 23:13:49
Yeah, I use my compass all the time, but only to maintain a rough heading when cruising...but for navigating hazards in low or zero visability...not so much.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/19 23:26:19
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/20 08:11:28
Yes , I am serious as a last resort. I was in the military long before they had GPS . It may be outdated but it will get you home when all else fails, and find points efficently utilizing 8 or 10 dig coor with a map. If you were in seas that rough , in a channel. Then I say you are in port and have bigger things to worry about .
several people mentioned using a compass. seriously? have you ever tried to use a compass to find a 100 yard wide channel on the lake in low visability in 3-5 foot waves? i had orienteering classes in the military. it usually involved using a map and shooting back azimuth's to 2 known points. points are hard to see in low vis situations. i suppose one could just head south until you see land. hopefully you won't hit the rocks off north east before you can shoot a azimuth to a known point. i can see myself now, compass in one hand, chart in the other, wheel in my third hand, and gilligan standing on the bow. hell why even rely on that new fangled compass technology. real men navigate by the sun and stars. anyone know where i can buy a sextant?
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/20 08:14:10
you should say most replies. fishin coyote
"what happens if the gps breaks"? All these replies are kinda of scary. You guys are depending on electronics to back up electronics. LOL Hasn't anyone ever heard of a compass?
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/20 08:55:00
i was in the field artillery before gps and computers. i know a little something about using maps and finding my location on the earth. i just am not familiar with how to use a compass and a map to determine my location on water, in low visability, with no landmarks. i would love to know how to do it. perhaps you could share this information with us. when i was refering to the chanel i meant finding the channel to get into the bay. and yes the channel can get that rough. have you ever been on erie?
post edited by NotherOne - 2013/04/20 09:00:06
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/20 09:40:20
i just purchased a etrex. there is a reason loran and gps were invented.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/20 09:55:56
not to be a sm----ss, but will all these elec. things work if the problem isn,t yr. phone or gps, but the grid itself ,like happened some years ago around great lakes? i seriously don,t use those things, i,m an old woodburner type and don,t quite unnerstand them. no cell, no ipod, no gps. pi--es off kids ,n, grandkids, but hey, i,ve lived longer than any of them, without, so can,t be doing too bad.
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/21 23:01:11
I have been using a lowrance h2o pro handheld for about 8 yrs now. We use on boat, with ATV, hiking you name it. All my water bound way points can but used on my new lorance chart plotter. Like the SD card option.. will continue to use as back up.. the h20 color handheld can be bought used on eBay for about $100
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/22 09:42:59
I've had a hand held garmin since the mid 90's (approx), won it from the sons drawing. It's the only one I have. Use it on the boat (for you know what,) snowmobiling (thankfuly we never had to use it there,) & farm (plowing straight and speed for spraying), works like a charm. I get the big pieces of velcro from the craft store, stick one end on the unit and the other on what ever dash I might be using. Works off AA batteries and it seems pretty easy on them, though always carry an extra set. Smitty
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/22 10:54:11
Sorry, should have said I have two GPS units, a smart phone and a compass on my boat. Like Bogey and Bloodyhand, I use the compass for maintaining heading while trolling.... I also have a VHF radio, safety flares, life jackets, throwable flotation, spot light, drift sock, anchor, two motors, three bilge pumps, Boat US membership, first aid kit and a couple of horns. If we need a defibrillator I'll just pull the coil wire off...
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fishin coyote
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/22 13:42:47
If we need a defibrillator I'll just pull the coil wire off... Hope it never comes to that.. Mike
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Re:hand held gps
2013/04/22 13:54:07
fishin coyote If we need a defibrillator I'll just pull the coil wire off... Hope it never comes to that.. Mike Ya, me too... Guess I shouldn't joke about such things. Was just trying to make the point that most of us take safety prep pretty serious on the lake and that a compass is pretty much a standard accessory...
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Re:hand held gps
2013/08/21 20:34:36
Bogey, Did you happen to get the Navionics + upgrade? If so, does it seem to give much more detail on the local inland lakes? I think my Lowrance is on its last leg, so bought the Navionics app as a back up. But the detail isn't as nice. I tried to look at the maps they had online, but look the same. Mostly looking for Arthur, Pymie and some of the other smaller inland lakes. Presque Isle Bay would be nice too. The standard one on the bay looks pretty nice, but always better with more detail.