Trout bait for lakes

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2013/04/03 23:45:57 (permalink)

Trout bait for lakes

I am just wondering what kind of bait will work well for trout come opening day. I fished Keystone State Park on tuesday when it was stocked. Had some luck with night crawlers and rooster tails. There was a guy fishing berkley power minnows who was hooking a fish every other cast. So any info about productive baits would be great, color and size. Thanks

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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 06:47:31 (permalink)
    I use dog food....serious.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 08:04:09 (permalink)

    I am just wondering what kind of bait will work well for trout come opening day. I fished Keystone State Park on tuesday when it was stocked. Had some luck with night crawlers and rooster tails. There was a guy fishing berkley power minnows who was hooking a fish every other cast. So any info about productive baits would be great, color and size. Thanks

    Think you answered your own question there didn't you?  Or you wanna catch trout on EVERY cast instead of every other?
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 11:38:26 (permalink)
    There are so many baits out there that will catch fish after fish one day, and not a bite the next.  Or, fished by one guy and fish every cast, fished by another and nothing.  Best bet is variety.  If you enjoy catching on lures, get a bunch of different spinners and small spoons and crank baits and switch up until you find the right one.  Find that balance between patience and wasting time with an offering they don't want.  Take some fake baits like the mentioned minnows, Berkley also makes some great worms, butter worms and others, so do other manufacturers.  Fish both under a bobber or drifted without.  Try as many techniques as you can.  Reel in slow.  Fast.  Twitch a few times.  Dead drift and mend your line.  Read up on each of how to propperly present.  Take an assortment of live if you really want to add to your odds.  Chances are, unless they are completely turned off (some weather patterns will do this), you'll find one or two things that are getting hit, whether you are successful at getting them in or even detecting the hit is up to the individual fisherman.  Get crafty if you are getting light hits and not able to hook up.  There are MANY people through out the past 50+ years that limit out almost every year using corn (or the fly equivelant - glow bug), while others next to them can't buy a bite on anything (with exception to blue powerbait - trout can't resist it).  It almost always comes down to presentation. 
    Oh yeah, if fishing a lake, you don't need to just sit there with bait out on bottom and wait...  Although that does work at times.  Unless the odds are there for catching something big (catfishing or fishing the ocean), I'm not the biggest fan.  If you do this, keep your rod in hand, so you can set the hook.  Many times, trout will spit out instantly, and not enough time for you to get off of lawn chair and go to rod spike, yet set the hook.  If you do, make sure you set as hard as you can.  Nothing better to watch the lawn chair crew over set.
    post edited by Porktown - 2013/04/04 11:44:55
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 15:45:31 (permalink)
    thanks porktown i appreciate that.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 19:24:22 (permalink)

    There are so many baits out there that will catch fish after fish one day, and not a bite the next
    Or, fished by one guy and fish every cast, fished by another and nothing.

    An'ats a fac, jack
    Donno nothing about those   stocked trout they dump inland  over there, (only fished for 'em once in my life) but know enough about fish and fishing in general to know no truer words are spoken
    Good stuff in  the rest of your  post too
    BTW, that one time i fished for 'em????...They were easy to catch catching Bluegills in a  pond .
    must of been "one of those days" when they're easy to make bite  on pret'near anything
    But I must give credit where credit is I  had an expert "local guide"  in Terry "Da Crip" (may the Lord rest his soul) .
    Everywhere he took me there were lots and lots of dumb fish.
    i caught and released a bunch of bitty Browns (I "think" they were Browns)
    Even though they were "on the bite"  that day, I'm SURE i wouldn't of had such success without Mr Terry
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/04 21:25:29 (permalink)

    4 out of 3 people don't understand fractions.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/05 12:16:01 (permalink)
    Similar to trout magnets, last year I couldn't buy a bite on just about anything (I saw 4 trout caught in the first hour on the first day last year that included about 35 guys on the bank of Oil Creek).  I had some "Mighty Mites" in my pocket from crappie fishing at Wilhelm so I thought "what the heck".  Had my limit in 8 casts.  Gave my Mighty Mite to the guy next to me and went home to put my trout in my pond.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/06 00:19:31 (permalink)
    Hey "dakotab" you got my attention with the pond comment.
    I too have a pond and want to put some fish in it.
    The way I understand it you can keep fish caught and transport them to "pond" as long as they are both in the same watershed right and withindaily limits of course?
    I am pretty sure you can not take anything from Lake Erie and tribs  and move it inland to ponds correct ?
    Any one that can confirm things for me chime in please preferable a Fish Commission employee if you read this.
    All I got is bluegills small ones not even fun on a 4wt fly rod.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/14 21:48:32 (permalink)
    My cousin and I both caught limits on keystone lake on saturday. We were trolling joes flies from my canoe. I didn't see any of the trophy trout caught so I'll be going back this weekend to try for one. Everyone in boats seemed to be doing well, the shore fishermen not so much. It was pretty much elbow to elbow along the WHOLE shoreline.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/04/17 15:15:58 (permalink)
    If you plan on the Kill and Grill method, powerbait on the bottom with an egg sinker and trebble hook.
    If you plan on releasing them, jig with grubs under a slip float, set the bobber stop  about 4.5-5 foot deep above the jig.
    Should be all you need to do !
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/12 18:23:50 (permalink)
    Keystone State Park is doing their late season stocking october 5th. I think im gonna take my 6 year old son out on the boat and try for some. Is anyone else going? If so do you change up your stratagies for late season trout in the lake? And does anyone have any tips to target the large trophy trout the comish stocked? They really put alot of trophy trout in before the season opener. I wonder if the late season stocking compares to the pre season stocking. Any info would be great, thanks
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/12 21:54:43 (permalink)
    Not sure what they're planning for Keystone, but I know that sometimes fall stockings can be predominantly or all browns, as opposed to all or mostly rainbows in the spring on the same body of water.  Even though they're just stocked trout, brown trout seem to prefer more meaty offerings - wax worms or live minnows, or the Berkley Gulp minnows or trout magnets product mentioned above. Jigs tipped with maggots or mealworms or spinners will also be good.  I don't think I've ever caught a stocked brown on Power Bait or Fire Balls, although rainbows will hit just about anything. 
    In general I do notice that the fall trout - especially if they're browns - tend to be somewhat bigger in comparison to spring trout but don't really notice much difference in how to catch them.  If anything, I think fall stocked trout seem to hit more readily and be more aggressive because of the more consistent cooler water temps.  And sometimes you'll hit a body of water that gets an unusual amount of brood stock, which would be the trophy fish you're talking about.  A local crick got a couple bucketfuls of 16-20" trout in one hole a few years ago in the fall - that was fun.  As far as targeting the larger trout, I haven't really noticed anything in particular that catches more of them than the smaller trout. 
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/13 08:57:32 (permalink)
    If you're after big browns id go with some jerk baits in the 4" range or live minnows.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/13 17:37:30 (permalink)
    As others have written ChromeBandit, I too use Berkely Power Bait, my favorite for scent bait and orange has been my frequently consistent top producer for years. Granted, on some days or times during a day other colors will produce better, but overall it's been orange for me. I purchased it the first year it came out and often fish with two rods, each with a different color. I use a Lindy Rig [walking sinker, barrel swivel and hook, not to insult your intelligence], usually a 1/8 oz sinker with a circle hook so they don't swallow the bait making the release much easier and safer for the fish. Of course it happens occasionally, but nowhere near as often with conventional hooks. I only release trout because I'm not crazy about the taste [to each their own] and the amount of bones. Although there are ways to remove the bones, for me it takes too much effort compared to cleaning Walleye or Salmon. I don't condone others that want to take home their daily limit of trout. In PA it is largely a put and take fishery, so fishermen [and ladies] keeping their legal limit isn't going to affect reproducing populations. I have compared it with other baits fishing side by side using red worms, butterworms, bloodworms, pieces of earthworms, Alabama Jumpers, waxworms, grubs, mealworms, minnows, cheese, kernels of corn, salmon eggs, you name it, but for me it's always been Orange Power Bait that has been consistently succcessful. I fish using rods side by side in order to keep the target area very close when trying to determine what the fish want. Porktown wrote excellent advice and you should take heed of it. In closing, if you're after big browns, fish at sunset and into the early night, at least up until 2300 [11:00pm]. The only reason I mentioned browns was because others have. Good luck to you ChromeBandit! ! ! Post some pics!
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/14 12:05:35 (permalink)
    If you're going for stocked browns like said prior tend to want more meaty go with wax worms, butter worms or even the micro powerbait minnows... Also, as mentioned try jerkbaits on a slow retrieve or even with the typical retrieve.  Trout Magnet makes minnow baits for trout and even small floating rapalas and xraps work along with the newer UL series.  I myself have the most luck with some Joe's Flies in the larger white for Steelhead up in Erie and the standard brown, olive color patterns fished on 4-6# line with a split shot 16"-2' from the knot I do well that way in both seasons.  And if you can get your hands on any try mouse flies too fish them the same as the Joe's flies not sure if they'll be super productive in the lake as they may be a better stream/river bait but it's always worth a shot.  And if all else fails...  1oz Cleos always get the job done. (J/K!)
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/14 14:16:00 (permalink)
    Keystone State Park is doing their late season stocking october 5th. I think im gonna take my 6 year old son out on the boat and try for some. Is anyone else going? If so do you change up your stratagies for late season trout in the lake? And does anyone have any tips to target the large trophy trout the comish stocked? They really put alot of trophy trout in before the season opener. I wonder if the late season stocking compares to the pre season stocking. Any info would be great, thanks

    According to the PF&BC site they are stocking Keystone State Park lake with rainbows on Oct.2nd, you should do well by trolling Joe's flies or almost any other lures as well. I normally use a jig & bobber for trout & do well all year. In these lakes almost anything will work at one time or another just like steelhead fishing. Some people have more faith in one or another. We have been catching Trout on some of the same lures for the past 50 yrs,Joe flies ,hus lures roostertails,daredevils to name a few. As far as size goes ,the majority of those that I have seen were average at best.The  best bet for big trout is to go right before the reg. season starts as they put the big ones in for first day. BTW this is in only the waters that are marked approved trout waters that are open year round.This is c&r but it was unbelievable this year for size & numbers until after the first weekend when quite a few of the fish went home. Usualy there were 5 of us & when we got tired of catching trout we would procede to target Crappie which I like better anyways. btw eggs seem to work very well in the fall, I think because most of the bows stocked are in spawning mode.There were very few guys out also.  sam
    post edited by mr.crappie - 2013/09/14 14:40:13
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/14 19:58:53 (permalink)
    Thanks for the info everyone. These trout lakes are a great opportunity to spend some time with the kids outdoors and get them hooked. We managed to catch fish each time we went last winter all winter long. I bet the fishin is real good shortly after the fall stocking. Blue fox spinners, joes flies, power minnows, live bait. Got a 16 foot sea king with a fresh trolling motor on her, time to make new memories with my boy
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/14 20:57:54 (permalink)
    Walnut Creek, 20 Mile Creek, Keystone State Park opening day, Laurel Hill State Park. Its been a good year for trout. I don't post many pictures because its tough to get on a real computer. Im usually posting from my smartphone. Anyone else with pics of trout and tips please post.

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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/15 18:41:11 (permalink)
    [Edited for relative content]
      .... And if you can get your hands on any try mouse flies too fish them the same as the Joe's flies not sure if they'll be super productive in the lake as they may be a better stream/river bait but it's always worth a shot.  And if all else fails...  1oz Cleos always get the job done. (J/K!)

    Thanks Mags! I never thought of the deer hair mouse flies as a Steelhead bait or for anything other than a Bass really. I'll definitely give 'em a shot at Walnut and Elk.This should be interesting!
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/15 22:00:51 (permalink)

    Thanks Mags! I never thought of the deer hair mouse flies as a Steelhead bait or for anything other than a Bass really. I'll definitely give 'em a shot at Walnut and Elk.This should be interesting!

    Well after reading the write up about the trout with a belly full of shrews anything is possible...  I'm not sure how it would work for Steelhead but I'm sure that for bigger trout in streams and small rivers you may have luck with them.  Like I said not sure how they would work on a lake but who knows...   Lemme know how they work if you try them for Steelhead. lol
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/09/17 19:27:22 (permalink)

    Thanks Mags! I never thought of the deer hair mouse flies as a Steelhead bait or for anything other than a Bass really. I'll definitely give 'em a shot at Walnut and Elk.This should be interesting!

    Well after reading the write up about the trout with a belly full of shrews anything is possible...  I'm not sure how it would work for Steelhead but I'm sure that for bigger trout in streams and small rivers you may have luck with them.  Like I said not sure how they would work on a lake but who knows...   Lemme know how they work if you try them for Steelhead. lol

    I saw that post, but didn't read it. I'll definitely let you know if it's successful! I have one or two that I haven't used... yet!
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/06 15:03:46 (permalink)
    I fished Keystone State Park with my boy today. They must have stocked a boat load of brown trout in the lake. The fish commissions website must not always be correct, it was calling for rainbows only. We could see them jumping out of the water like crazy down by the dam, almost had a few jump right into the boat. Must of been too hot for em because no one was really catching many. I caut 1 brown on a minnow. Many small bass under 12" on joes flies,minnows and 1 crappie. My boy caut his first bass today, a fat 11 incher.

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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/06 16:02:53 (permalink)
    I don't know what the deal is with the pfbc stocking info the last few years. They seem to always say rainbows only in the fall, but I catch mostly browns. I fished mammoth a few days ago and caught one nice bow, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was mostly browns again though. Its a little frustrating because I usually use different tactics for browns than I do for stocker bows. Good job getting the kid on some fishes!
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/13 22:13:47 (permalink)
    The Chrome Bandit strikes again. Some brown trout action up Keystone State Park. They were hitting the joes flies and Berkley power minnows again. Probly the last time I take the boat out for a while, hopefully my steelhead season starts next week. I will say im lucky to live 30 minutes away from a lake that is stocked heavily. See johnny law breathin down my neck? They know trout go missing when the bandit is in town!

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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/13 23:00:58 (permalink)
    Maybe the law was unaware that the limit is 3 Trout per day now.  sam
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/13 23:13:03 (permalink)
    Good thing I was with my niece. Some of the fish were hers but I do believe the law says they have to be on separate stringers. Seems like the comish is less likely to shake you down when our taking kids out.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/16 07:13:58 (permalink)
    I used to live five minutes from there. Nice lake to fish. Also that was DCNR or state park employees, not the PFBC. DCNR wont bust you for fishing regs.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2013/10/16 07:37:50 (permalink)
    Thats good to know but it wont happen again. I forgot the limit changed over to 3 starting in september. Only 3 trout were mine honestly, and it took me a good while to catch them. It is becoming one of my favorite spots to take the boat out. Close to home and i havent been shunked yet this year, fished it a half dozen times or so. This spring they stocked a bunch of 20+ inch rainbows and goldens, I was there. Im wondering if they stocked any of big ones for the fall stocking. One day you will see me holding the big one high and proud. The browns on average were nicer than ur average rainbow.
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    Re:Trout bait for lakes 2014/04/27 16:42:02 (permalink)
    Put a hurtin on em at KSP on saturday. Was catching them all over the lake even before they stocked. minnows out of the boat did the most damage. once they tubed in the swarms of trout it became an unholy slaughter of browns n bows. the smoker was packed full after that trip. always a good time.
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