Suckers for Bait

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2013/04/01 22:29:56 (permalink)

Suckers for Bait

Well bring on the jokes... With all seriousness one of my favorite bait fish for the predator fish are wild suckers. I know you can buy them from certain bait shops that carry them. I believe the way a wild caught bait fish has a different reaction to a predator near by that often triggers that strike. In my opinion domestic raised fish haven't avoided that predator to survive so there's a different reaction. I was wondering what if any techniques you have to catching them. I've had very little success with minnow traps and I have not tried casting nets. Thanks for any tips

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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/02 00:12:56 (permalink)
      Maybe try a crick that has more than the ones you have tried. I don't have any problem ov 'em
    going in minnow traps with dried dog/cat food. If you are after the bigger ones try a micro ice jig with a sm garden worm & 4# test will get'er done.
     What type ov fish are you trying to catch with 'em??  Might have a easier time catching other spieces for bait that work as good.
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/02 07:55:26 (permalink)
    I catch em all the time in my minnow trap. The 4-6" ones anyway. And yes big ones will eat worms. But you gotta get it right under their nose in my experience. I have seen times though where the bottom of the creek is absolutely covered with them and they want nothing to do with the food in my trap. Spawning maybe? I would try a different creek if I were you.
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/02 13:46:30 (permalink)
    It's good that you haven't tried throw nets since they are illegal in Pennsylvania (except in 7 lakes where they can be used to take gizzard shad over 8 inches, assuming you have a permit).
    "The use of a cast net or throw net in any other Commonwealth waters is a violation of the Fish and Boat Code and is punishable by a fine and may result in the loss of fishing privileges." -
    You can take suckers on rod and reel. Find a pod of them by sight (not tough in many streams) and cast ahead of them in their feeding line. Small hooks, light lines, sweet corn, red worms, maggots. The takes are usually very light, so you have to pay attention. I've caught hundreds this way in PA, from ten inchers all the way up to six pounders.
    People who plan on eating them have been known to use things like spears, gigs and bows.  Perhaps more efficient, but not good if you wanna use them for live bait. Keep in mind that these methods are not allowed in approved trout waters (which means a lot of prime sucker waters) or special regulation areas.
    You probably won't get many with a minnow trap. Smaller ones show up among the other minnows you'll catch, but it's not a great way to target suckers specifically, especially since the opening is not allowed to be more than 1" in diameter.
    I've always had luck seining smaller streams where I know suckers are present. You won't get many huge fish, but you probably don't want those anyway. This is the best method I've found to get some suckers in the 3-7" range together for bait fishing. Any suckers taken this way are considered "baitfish" according to PA laws.
    Aren't Pennsylvania fishing regulations fun?
    post edited by fishink - 2013/04/17 00:39:01
    Chris Johnson
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/05 22:41:30 (permalink)
    I use red worms with small hooks and just enough shot to keep it on the bottom.  My experience is that it takes them a minute or two to find the bait, and then when they take will do so without moving much afterward.  
    We've had some good luck this year, may be the year of the sucker.    

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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/09 11:18:09 (permalink)
          It has been 7 years since our bait shop closed but as of then I was told selling suckers and chubs we caught ourselves would cause us to incure a $70 fine per fish. There may be permits available but this officer didn't seem to think so. He may have been the officer handing out limit fines because he didn't know the difference between walleye and sauger and the limits were seperate and not combined species.
          They certainly sell Lake Erie shiners in erie legally. 
    wayne c
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/09 16:46:51 (permalink)
    Seining is the way to go. 

    Wally Cat
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/09 22:05:00 (permalink)
    I've got them both ways, fishing for them with a fly rod using small worms and have also seined them. Each is good in it's own way depending on size of water you're taking them from. Fishing for them with a fly rod can be fun especially if there are some bigger ones or any carp in the waters.

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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/18 17:39:26 (permalink)
    i netted 50 in 30 minutes  last week  i watch creek for 2 weeks and as soon as the water warmed up  then they were stacked

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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/19 03:05:36 (permalink)
    I saw some guys fishing slow water in the DHALO section of Neshannock Creek a few weeks ago catching one sucker after another on nymphs to the point that they were aggravated about it. 
    Big Tuna
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/19 17:56:02 (permalink)
    I seining get all you want, best creek I've found is Brush creek and the Connie here in Beaver co. I have caught them on red worms on rods also but they have been really big 12-14 plus inches,three kinds White,Black and hog suckers in the streams. I like them 6-9 inch range for Musky,Pike and big cats.
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/25 16:12:25 (permalink)
    Has anyone tried getting suckers/chubs out of the stream that goes through greensburg/young wood? I think its called jacks run
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    Re:Suckers for Bait 2013/04/25 18:34:54 (permalink)
    I believe there was a thread talking about this creek last year. Try a search.
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