Steelhead #'s over last few years

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2013/03/31 15:24:59 (permalink)

Steelhead #'s over last few years

I have been coming to Erie from the greater Philadelphia area for about 8 years now. I come up in Nov and Mar. Over the last few years I have seen the numbers drastically drop. Has anyone talked about this because it seems like it is getting worse every year. Is the state stocking fewer smolt, are they getting smacked by the walleye as they leave the streams? There has to be a reason! When I first started coming it was nothing to catch 20 to 30 fish out of one hole. when we would walk in in the early am you would kick fish that were still running through the shallows. Now we are lucky to catch a half dozen. What's goin on? I miss the good ol days of my arms getting tired from cranking in the steel! It makes me sick seeing people taking fish from the streams on a stringer cause it can't help. Please someone enlighten me!

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 15:37:12 (permalink)
    If you would of looked over the forums, you would see this horse has been beat past death, dug up, and beat some more.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 15:53:28 (permalink)
    When it comes down to it PA cant manage a fishery
    This is the state that tries to get a brown trout program running in the creeks but does not have catch and release regulations on the species.
    There are still a ton of fish but the creeks only stay up for a day or so.
    The creeks hold water like a 5 year old needing to pee.
    If you do not go a day or 2 after a blow out you wont be fishing a good flow. Then again it does not rain like it used to.
    If the creeks stayed up you would see more fish moving in.
    Or you could go find fish on the charters... Pulling 50 fish out a day, per charter, on the lake, before they even make it to the creeks.
    post edited by mike55 - 2013/03/31 15:55:55
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 16:01:24 (permalink)
    jtaylor  There has to be a reason!

    more than one.
    and lots of speculation it's a combination of factors
    From the huge walleye hatch of '03(?) to lamprey eels to it's Obama's fault
    no one knows for sure  why.
    but all are aware of it
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 17:35:23 (permalink)
    I think the smolts are smaller when they are stocked then they used to be.
    It's not just one thing but a combination of things changing.
    If that doesn't work for you blame the locals..............
    Still some great fishing to be had when you hit it right but creeks are no longer Littered with steelhead.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 19:09:42 (permalink)
    I fitgured people were talking but im not real good with computers. I did hear about the walleye theory which sounds realistic. As for the flow thing, I see your point but in 07 and 08 where the best year I had and I don't remember it being any different weather wise. The quantities started to decline in 09 so I guess it was would be something from 05 & up. Did the fish commission cut back the amount of smolt. I just can't believe that the numbers could change that much due to the walleye or flow. I guess it could be a combination of roping them and the charters as well. I just don't understand trout tastes awful. Go salmon fishing or go buy some halibut or flounder. I just hope people/politicians realize and change the way they conduct themselves and serve our fishery.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 19:17:59 (permalink)
    If you go to the fish commissions site, you can look at the numbers of smolt they have stocked each year. Truthfully it is just another put and take fishery with a few minor tweaks to it, the fish run out and come back, and when they come back, most get taken home.

    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 21:17:05 (permalink)
    I fish the lake any time it is flat. Spend hours waiting for a run . last year was way down Saw some caught at trout but only at the mouth. not the whole way up and down the line Got to the point second and third week of Nov. Come back from Goose hunting and Get prime spots with out Crowding any one. Fish just were not there there. Was a dismal season as far as catching fish but still a great time meeting new people and making new friends . A couple more years like that and  erie economy will feel the effects.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 21:38:28 (permalink)
    I see people hammer fish every time i go to Erie, and sometimes I hammer em too.  I only got skunked once in 11 trips this year and that was because of superstorm sandy at the One Fly.  And that day FAR MORE TALENTED fisherman and fisherwomen than me got skunked too.  
    Just because u can't see the fish doesn't mean they aren't there.  Im tired of listening to the whining about the #'s of yesteryear. Why worry about the past? There are still tons of fish to be had.  
    Oh and btw I bring a fish or two home every couple of trips to eat as well as harvesting the eggs to make sacs for bait.  And I respect other people's right to do the same.  

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 22:21:07 (permalink)

      Im tired of listening to the whining about the #'s of yesteryear. Why worry about the past?   

    Welp..lets look at it this way;
    if the stockings haven't been reduced , wouldn't you want to know why the returns have decreased so dramatically in the last few years?
    with the money/resources spent every year on the program, it would seem someone should  "worry" about  whether it's just natural fluctuations of  predator  to prey cycles  .....or something more serious ...dont'ya think??
    Fishing  the PA tribs IS about "numbers" ..that's why folks routinely  pass over several stocked steelie tribs on their way to PA
    BTW, it's the same in Ohio too..numbers way down
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 22:52:57 (permalink)
    well " fisherofmen" you must not have any idea what you at talking about because to go from 40 fish in a hole and fish scattered throughout the creeks in every nook and cranny to what it is now is utterly ridiculous! It is ok to keep a couple of fish per trip but to take 3 each day (well the honest people.... I've seen people carry 3 out in morning and 3 in afternoon) on a 4 day vacation that's 12 fish per person. For every 100 people that's 1200 fish. I mean I have no idea how many people come to Erie and actually take fish but it adds up fast! I just hope the fish commission figures it out and drops the limits. I'm goin to do my part and voice my opinion, not that anyone is goin to care ohm Harrisburg what I think but it who'll make me feel like I did my part to save my love for Erie steel! I don't want to go to NY and give my money to them and fish butthole to elbows like opening day of trout season. if the numbers stay the way they are I guess I will have to.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/03/31 23:25:16 (permalink)
    You may be right-I may have no idea what Im talking about.  Doubt it, but hey ive been wrong before.  If you read my post, I said i see some guys catching lots, and sometimes i catch lots too.  So maybe it ain't as easy as the past, but its still pretty easy most of the time.  That's not opinion, its my observation from regular trips to Erie EVERY MONTH from september to april since 2005.  You said u only come up in november and march.  There's a lot of time ur missing in between there, and even before november.  October is good to great fishing sometimes.  
     However, i am just fine with the fishing the way it is now.  Everyone I know catches fish and has a good time on the creek.  If the lesser numbers means a few less people on the creeks because its not a guarantee to catch 20 fish, thats cool with me.  Ill walk the creek, cast to "fishy" water and catch fish.  As I said just because u can't see em doesn't mean they aren't there.  
    "Save Erie Steel?" Really???  That's hilarious!  I don't even know how to respond to that statement.  
    Genie you make a good point, but as we've discussed ad nauseam on other threads, the FBC is aware of the lower numbers and is checking into it.  Of course no one in their right mind is gonna complain about more fish versus less (cue the at&t commercials with the guy and kids at table) and if there really are valid reasons then yes its worth checking into.   

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 00:15:20 (permalink)
    Yeah I got jump in here again.
    I have stated this before but been reading on here for several years.
    I found alot of helpful info on this site when I was new to the PA steelhead scene,so when I saw the need for some fresh opinions on here earlier in the season I decided to give my opinion.
    This topic has been debated many times but always stirs up alot of post.
    I started fishing here around 2005 not sure exactly for sure but somewhere in there.Fish were everywhere now there are less,no ****!
    Before I fished in NY mostly Salmon River for Steel but I have been to most other popular tribs in NY(except the Catt) Salmon River is my favorite hands down crowds or not its one of a kind.
    I find in these post that most of the guys that have fished elswhere for steel (OH,NY)appreciate the numbers still in the PA Tribs because they still are better than others.
    It seems to be the sight fishing day trippers from pburg or equal distance that whine the most.
    To them I say go elsewhere to catch some steel then come back and appreciate what PA has to offer.
    Since I started fishing here #'s are down but fish seem to be bigger.
    I will take that trade off might just mean that nature has balenced itself.
    I live 15-40 miles from PA creeks and now consider them my backyard playgrounds and appreciate every fish I catch.
    But I still enjoy the mighty Salmon River the most due to the challenges it offers no standing over a pod up there and sight fishing(rarely maybe)but true fishing reading water and other conditions.
    Its late I better stop typing there is a point in there somewhere.................
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 14:45:12 (permalink)
    Work. since when is speaking the truth whining. I'm in erie most of oct and nov and a fair fisherman and know from daily experience and logs I have kept That there may be the rare good day but nowhere near the last 5 year numbers. No whine just fact your fishing skills may be better than most or you just have lower expectations.Not being critical.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 16:26:23 (permalink)
    You and any one else who say the #'s are down are correct in my opinion,no disagreement there.
    As for the whining comments,lighten up man my point is the numbers are down but still good fishing to be had.
    One day this winter I hooked 45 fish on Elk not to many other places i know that that can happen.Most other days I went out I hooked about 2 doz thats twice as many as I hook when fishing Salmon River.
    I guese there is no problem being concerned with the #'s being down but do not let it get you down.
    As for my fishing skills I am confident but do not think I know it all always something to learn if your paying attention.
    Its not my goal to upset you or anyone else just giving my opinion I thought thas what this fourm was for.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 18:00:27 (permalink)
    All ,well most , helpful post. I am not whining about the numbers I am merely looking for answers. The numbers are down and that is a fact. If you don't see that you are blind. I guess there are a couple different factors that caused it to happen. I am hoping things will be getting better in the near future.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 18:46:33 (permalink)
    workcanwait.... so when I saw the need for some fresh opinions on here earlier in the season I decided to give my opinion.

    and we're glad you  did..
    This  place needs some new blood from time  to time .
     more of the lurkers need to sac up like you have   and start posting.
    They've been "takers" for years and years ...time to give something back for a change
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 18:57:25 (permalink)

    Ohio needs to stock more....Erie stocks more steelhead than all the other tribs combined.....So, if Erie is seeing fewer fish, you can just imagine the Ohio tribs, they're god awful!!!

    Ohio doesn't need to stock  more...nor does Pa .
    They need to determine the cause(s)  for the decline FIRST
    you don't add more life boats to fix  a leaky ship.
    You find out where the leak is
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 19:51:20 (permalink)
    ".....So, if Erie is seeing fewer fish, you can just imagine the Ohio tribs, they're god awful!!!"
    Which is why all the really cool, high class anglers stay on I-90 until they get east of Buffalo 
    Or at least we wish the would.

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 20:14:36 (permalink)
    "It is ok to keep a couple of fish per trip but to take 3 each day (well the honest people.... I've seen people carry 3 out in morning and 3 in afternoon) on a 4 day vacation that's 12 fish per person."
    Two more weeks, and we get to put 5 on our rope. It's going to be glorious

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 22:09:07 (permalink)
    I'm convinced the numbers are down because of them Blue Pelicans. I've watched them pick off tons of dem smolts. We need a Blue Pelican/white pelicans too hunting season.
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 22:19:52 (permalink)
    Yeah what coldfront said in his last 2 post ....................
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 23:22:34 (permalink)
    jtaylor-from Phila you should be driving to Pulaski instead of Erie,I grew up in the Pocono Mnts.
    Spoonchucker-Really fishing East of Buffalo makes you a steelie snob,
    whats wrong you got one of those electric vehicles that can't handle the trip in the winter????
    Erie has the #'s yes still,but Ontario tribs have the big fish and more water for them to hide in its well worth the exrtra drive call me and others "high class " we are still coming to Erie once and a while to fish da Criks................ 
    Ah the internet much entertainment.

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/01 23:59:22 (permalink) are absolutely unconditionally 100 % right !
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/02 02:36:48 (permalink)

    there are few things more beautiful in nature than a trib on an october morning or during the cold of winter.  



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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/02 08:21:23 (permalink)
    I agree with jtaylor post, I been fishing Erie steelhead for 20 years with the same results a jt   last 4 being the worst, I can only fish Monday, & Tuesday, and I can’t imagine how many times the fish that I catch and release have been caught  & released over the weekend, I seen fish that were really beat up with everything you can imagine latched to them, and I often wondered how much longer they can survive this kind of catch & release, I think this has as much of an effect on their survival as keeping a few.
    post edited by oncorhynchus - 2013/04/02 08:25:53

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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/02 12:51:36 (permalink)
    I like that Genie...............

    This is where all the Steelhead went ..............take a good look !

    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/04/03 12:59:24
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    Re:Steelhead #'s over last few years 2013/04/03 06:28:53 (permalink)
    Well work I think my 350 diesel can handle just about anything! I've been to Pulaski a bunch as well. I like Erie becuz it is less crowded and my son is still young and can't handle big water yet. Maybe in a couple of years I will turn my attention to Pulaski. It's actually about a 1 hour shorter ride to NY.
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