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Re:what a joke
2013/04/06 14:09:12
Ah, I dug through he new book last night and followed the red dots. Up to speed!
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 09:05:22
Bad idea, if they want to allow year round fishing than make it artificial only in March till opening day. Powerbait on the bottom equals gut hooked fish, too hard to set the hook and get a mouth hook in my opinon. The old extended season here in beaver county was nice, at least you could keep a few fish if they were gut hooked. Now you have to release them. If you just cut the line, they are better off, do rip out of thier guts. But still, neither is good. Simple answer, open it year round, limit of three fish per day. Stock only in the spring and fall. Thats the best solution I think ! But, thats just my $.02 on the matter.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 10:37:33
Went to the county park yesterday to take the dogs for a walk. There is a small dam there that is stocked with trout. Was surprised to see two guys fishing. It was my understanding that it was closed to fishing at the end of March till opening day. While walking around I noticed a few "floaters." Fish that is, not fisherman. When I got home I checked the book and found out that this small dam and another one in the county are now listed as approved trout waters open to year-round fishing. I don't agree with the rule that no fish can be kept from March 1 through opening day. They should either go back to the way it was, or allow only artifical lures during this period. And befor I start getting bashed by those who choose to use the different varieties of bait available, some of which I occasionally use, I just think it is such a waste to throw a fish back in that has been gut hooked or is bleeding through the gills. Just my 2 peso's worth.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 11:08:36
Bigfoot, you are 100% correct. Should be artificial only until opening day. It is a waste because there are so many people that don't care how they handle them and how they remove hooks. I also don't like the new regulations because I think it is gonna cause more crowds at the places that are closed from Mar. 1st until opening day.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 12:34:35
It is an appalling and sadly wasteful new rule....go back to how it was....
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 13:51:09
DNJ500 It is an appalling and sadly wasteful new rule....go back to how it was.... Going back to "how it was" is going to bankrupt the Fish Commission. 30% decline in license sales over the past 20 years; license fees haven't gone up in several years and the cost of doing things "how it was" is increasing every year. I applaud the Fish Commission for trying some new ideas in trout management, and while the idea may bring more bang for the buck in terms of increased opportunities, it could probably have been executed better. Like many have said, artificials only if they're going to keep it catch and release, or a year round limit of 3, with maybe a bump to 5 from mid-April through Labor day or something like that. The reality is, trout stocking in PA on the scale that it's done now is a losing financial proposition for the Fish Commission. Something's got to change or we'll see the trout program disappear entirely from the state.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 13:56:01
Well fair enough...just bend the rule slightly to allowed visibly injured or dying fish to be harvested and used.....NOT wasted like seems to be occurring in numbers this year!
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 14:52:31
This might be there way to ease into the changes like JEB said. Wouldn't doubt if they make it year round in a few years
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 15:21:04
Big Tuna
Stupid new rule. Tons of dead trout in area lakes,with a warm up coming more dead fish to come. Why not limit it to lures only and barbless hooks. Walked the lake (Brady's Run) today the power bait gang was cranking them in ( alot of bleeders) at this rate two weeks before the season not many will be left. I'm no longer a big trouter but do buy a stamp and fish a handful of times. Nice pic's of a gut hooked trout in the paper,more wastful resources. I'd rather see PFC give up the trout program and try some other things,always thought hybrid gills would be interesting but hey what do I know.
Reading all of these posts for the past few weeks, and I have to say that I am most in line with Big T. I'd much rather see the PFBC expand on fish that are native and can possibly naturally reproduce in the waters, especially if it is cutting costs. Still manage them, to keep from stunted growth, and stock to keep up with the harvesting. Maybe keep stocking in streams to keep most happy, but trade out the trout for the warm water fish in the "trout lakes".
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 17:04:20
I think the winter diehards who fish the trout lakes through most of winter would take exception to the idea of phasing out the trout. It is about the only form of fishing possible around here for the winter months, thank you...
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 17:18:55
There was a time when I was one of those winter die hards myself, and I wouldn't have liked it much, so I get where yer coming from. I don't think most PA fishermen realize how broke the PFBC is becoming, and how broke it will be if it's all about trout like it has been. You gotta think big picture DNJ. How much revenue do those winter die hards provide in terms of license sales? They've got to cut costs by $9 million over the next 4 years to meet health care and pension guarantees for retiring employees and to make repairs to trout hatcheries. Two trout hatcheries will close next year that will reduce trout stocking across the state by 25%. That only saves $2 million. There was not a new WCO class enrolled this year to save another million dollars. Still need to cut $6 million somewhere or increase revenue somehow. Their problems are much, much bigger than keeping a few die hard, winter trout fishermen happy. These financial issues aren't going to be solved by continuing to throw a significant portion of its budget at a put and take fishery that gets more expensive every year, while trying to cut costs and operate with less income due to decreased license sales.
post edited by rsquared - 2013/04/10 17:22:49
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 17:26:52
rsquared DNJ500 It is an appalling and sadly wasteful new rule....go back to how it was.... Going back to "how it was" is going to bankrupt the Fish Commission. 30% decline in license sales over the past 20 years; license fees haven't gone up in several years and the cost of doing things "how it was" is increasing every year. I applaud the Fish Commission for trying some new ideas in trout management, and while the idea may bring more bang for the buck in terms of increased opportunities, it could probably have been executed better. Like many have said, artificials only if they're going to keep it catch and release, or a year round limit of 3, with maybe a bump to 5 from mid-April through Labor day or something like that. The reality is, trout stocking in PA on the scale that it's done now is a losing financial proposition for the Fish Commission. Something's got to change or we'll see the trout program disappear entirely from the state. You make a lot of good points, although to my way of thinking the fish commission is starting to micro manage the program too much. The same thing seemed to happen with the game commission especially in regard to hunting deer. I think that drove quite a few hunters to quit the sport. Used to be able to carry the regulation booklets right along with your license. Those days are long gone. Sometimes simpler is better.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 20:24:35
I think the PFBC would be all for a year-round season if they could guarantee they wouldn't lose that large percentage of one-day-a-year license buyers. Those Opening day guys help pay for the program for the rest of us that fish all the time.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/10 22:46:09
It sucks that a majority of the trout being caught in these new regulations places are going to die and go to waste. I seen someone say about bending the rules. If you mean taking home the ones that seem like they will die. I don't know if people would be honest. I know I would because I rarely keep fish anyway.
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/17 00:36:30
I liked this bit in the latest issue of Cabela's magazine. "Pennsylvania anglers are an unlucky lot. While many states allow year-round access to trout streams, in the Keystone State, the fishing public is kicked off most waters from March 1 until opening day of trout season. That's in mid-April for much of Pennsylvania."
post edited by fishink - 2013/04/17 00:37:46
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Re:what a joke
2013/04/26 17:44:33
i read on another thread that the fish com. is going to join with the hunting com. this had been talked about for years, this time its my understanding that it is going to happen.
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