what a joke

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2013/03/29 21:16:56 (permalink)

what a joke

does anyone else have a problem with the new catch and release regs? i just witnessed the (deep hooked release method) which is drag the trout onto the bank get your pliers out and rip the hook out of the fishes guts.then proceed to kick the fish back to the water where it goes to the bottom and dies . even if half of the trout in say north park live to opening day its going to be funny to see all the first day clowns not catching the conditioned trout that won't eat anymore. i know what the fish com. is trying to do with this idea  they are trying to please everyone including the bait guys, my opinion is let people keep the fish just lower the limit so if you deep hook a fish you could keep it.

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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/29 21:45:58 (permalink)
    I agree,there are going to be a lot of dead trout in the next 2 weeks. The only reason it hasn't been too bad yet is  because the weather has been too bad for a lot of guys to go out. My buddy counted over a dozen floaters that were washed up near the breast on the upper lake at Twin Lakes today. That is not counting the ones that sunk already. I really don't think that the regs. will be the same next year. If you are going to use bait at least smash the barbs down so that the hook will come out easier.  sam
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/29 22:35:24 (permalink)
    I think its good for fishing in general. there are still plenty of places that are closed to tout fishing now that will have plenty of fresh stocked fish come opening day. and there will still be plenty of fish in those special regulation lakes also. im taking my 6 year old son to keystone on opening day and i bet i can catch him and myself a limit. but its not all about how many you catch. opening day to me is about making memories, meeting people, and just enjoying the great outdoors. if i wanna catch limits i will be up erie for steelhead all winter long. i have enjoyed taking the boy out to the lake this winter, catch a fish or 2, let him play at the playground. good excuse to get out for a few hours on a weekend morning
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/29 22:38:15 (permalink)
    Almost all of them are going to die as soon as the water warms up anyway.  Really wish the fish commish would put money into other things beside stocked trout

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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/30 09:10:21 (permalink)
    ^ im starting to feel that way too.. i work right next to my local creek and its hard watching the trout suffer when the water goes down, the sewer scum is prevalent, and the only consolation is watching the herring feast.  maybe they should just stock em all at once instead of stocking a second and third time so close to the summer.  i dont know... im no expert..  
    i wonder how crowded erie is trout season but i cant keep burnin all this gas lol..erie is making me broke..
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/30 12:41:25 (permalink)
    See the 'why April?' thread for more on this. The mid-April opener is ridiculous and should have been done away with along time ago.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/30 14:22:16 (permalink)
    closing most waters during the month of march is pretty stupid, this is probably the best month of the year for trout fishing.  by mid april i'm looking forward to fishing for warm weather species like bass.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/30 22:19:35 (permalink)
    whoever is making these decisions for the fish com. either knows very little about pellethead behavior or human behavior. trout that are caught over and over again go to eating only what they know dos'nt have a hook in it- like midges, small mayfly and stonefly nymphs and larva . where does that leave the average first day fisherman? the human behavior part of the equation is half of the average trout fishermen have never been taught how to release a trout without killing it.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/30 23:16:39 (permalink)
    Now that they are going to stock the other lakes this week that are open to fishing year round with C&R the next 2 weeks are going to be a disaster in my opinion. With a lot of dead trout wasted including a lot of those trophys that they stock for first day.This will have to change next year. It will help if all of those that are concerned will write to the PF&BC & complain. I know that I will write,how about you? I am glad for the extra opurtunities to fish but I don't think that they should stock until the day or two before first day or at least make it artificials only with no plastic or paste bait allowed.  sam
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 12:35:46 (permalink)
    It sucks, but opening day is their money maker and it is what it is. I good middle ground would be early to mid march statewide opening day but that's not going to happen. The new C&R regs should be artificial lures only (-powerbait) to help minimize the trout swallowing live or power bait and dying during hook removal. I troll Joe Flies almost all of the time (I always C&R) when I fish for stockies and I release 99% alive and well.
    post edited by Jefff - 2013/03/31 12:38:09

    Practice CPR: Catch, Photo, Release 
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 14:34:11 (permalink)
    just my 2 cents on trout i have caught 20+ from the neshaonnck last summer on small rapalas  during 90 degree days and swam away when released, same for big run. im not saying some trout dont die, but i dont think the death rate is as mush as some of you guys think, im C and R when it comes to trout but if 1 just so happens to be gut hooked itll be put on a yellow rope cooked on the girill and the head will be bait
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 14:54:05 (permalink)
    take a look at the pg today sunday 3/30 and see a happy fisherman and a very unhappy fish.  What do you think the chances of that fish living for next two weeks (let alone 2 hours) will be?   PG sports editor should be ashamed of having this photo  printed. 
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 15:35:25 (permalink)
    I took 2 of my kids out yesterday, ages 3 and 5, and we used live bait.  It was impossible for me to keep up with both of the kids, and 2 out of the 8 trout we caught were gut hooked.  I wish I couldve kept them but the law says no.  They weren't bleeding and I cut the line at the mouth and released the fish.  They might die, but i really am not worried about it.  They swam away just fine.  Ive seen trout that were beyond reviving, these fish didn't even need revived.  Very young kids can't really fish with lures like we can, so bait/bobber is the best option for now.  Having DHALO is nice and actually my preference for this time of year but  I am SO GLAD they changed the regs to allow earlier fishing on a few select waters.  Remember there's still plenty of water that is untouched till the hallowed opening day.  The whole "dump hundreds of thousands of fish in the water and wait a month" till we can catch them idea is stupid.  My kids are hooked for life, and as they get older i will teach them other methods.  But saying the PG should "be ashamed" for the photo is a bit extreme.  Are u referring to this one?  http://www.post-gazette.c...trout-for-phil-681577/  
    If you are, ur overreacting big time.
    There are far more significant issues in life that deserve scorn, i ain't worried about this.  
    And for those who are so concerned with the health of the trout, is it because u just want to catch them more, or because u really care about the fish?  Because let's be honest, even the most "dignified" fisherman amongst us still pierces the fish with a razor sharp hook, drags it out of the water so it can't breathe, lets it flop around desperately, takes a pic and then throws it back.  All because we enjoy it.  The fish suffers for our pleasure.  That's pretty savage.  Now I am ok with the savagery of it all, especially if i get to EAT the fish too (you know, the original purpose for fishing/hunting).  But either way, I am glad the FBC has changed the regs, and I will be writing to them- TO SUPPORT THE CHANGES!!!  
    Remember they are just fish.  Yes, care for them, don't be a slob, etc, but they are just fish.  

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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 21:22:59 (permalink)
    i would like to suggest what IMO is the best way to fish this time of year,especial with kids. Use a jig & bobber with no bait. This way the kids get to be more proficient with casting & when they catch a fish it is almost always hooked in the top lip making it very easy to safely release it. As for the reason that we try to release them as best we can is that it is a waste to rough them up & let them die if you can help it.one reason is so that they may be caught again so that others may have the fun of catching them at no additional cost.We have very often caught the same fish more than once in a couple of hours as proven by removing a fly or two from the same fish. As far as dragging a fish ashore just to take picts.,most of my buds use hemos & release the fish without taking a pict. or removing the fish from the water.Although this issue is not as serious as war or hunger or crime, I think that it should be a concern. Congrats for getting your kids interested in the outdoors,but that is no guarantee that they will stick with it ,as I am sure that more than one of the board members can tell you. I applaud your decision to write to the PF&BC, I think that they should have given us more time to voice our opinions. Also I think that most people don't consider the reasons that the past season was set as it was,At one time people wanted to protect spawning trout which happened in the early spring,also back when we had winters around here, it was very difficult to reach some waters to stock them before April & the Park people wanted to be able to do maintenance without fishermen in the way. As far as the people that want to avoid the opening day madness you can do what I do for the first week & that is go to waters that aren't stocked with trout & fish for Crappie. That is a win-win situation.   sam
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    Re:what a joke 2013/03/31 22:04:24 (permalink)
    I agree,there are going to be a lot of dead trout in the next 2 weeks. The only reason it hasn't been too bad yet is  because the weather has been too bad for a lot of guys to go out. My buddy counted over a dozen floaters that were washed up near the breast on the upper lake at Twin Lakes today. That is not counting the ones that sunk already. I really don't think that the regs. will be the same next year. If you are going to use bait at least smash the barbs down so that the hook will come out easier.  sam

    I know exactly who you're talking about at Twin.  At the low end I would guess he kills about a dozen a day.  During the season we make a big deal while collecting a limit of his floaters for cut bait and thank him for unsuccessfully releasing the fish as we leave.  
    I was under the impression that this was another cost cutting move, less intense patrolling during this time = lower labor costs??  I predict the next couple years will see a drop-off in license sales due to the weekend warriors checking out.     

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 00:16:30 (permalink)
    Mr Crappie I completely understand the reasons for taking care of the fish.  I have already taught both the kids to wet their hands before they handle the fish and to get it back in the water asap.  
    Had it just been me fishing with no kids, I wouldve used spinners, spoons, jigs and flies.  Although I am never opposed to bait fishing, if its just me and its catch and release, im going artificial.  But with the kids, bait it is.  I will try the jig and bobber next time with no bait and see how it goes.  
    But again guys, we are talking about a VERY SELECT FEW WATERS that have these regs.  Most of the water is either dhalo or closed till opening day.  And after North park being closed for over a year, this is a welcome change.  

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 09:11:41 (permalink)
    You can buy some really small circle hooks these days and you may want to give them a try when using bait for trout with the kids.  Hooking rate will probably be similar but more hook-ups will be in the corner of the mouth.  Make sure you DON'T use the offset circle hooks and if they have a barb on them, just mash it down with pliers.  As long as you keep constant pressure on the fish, you should be able to land it.
    Circles work great for minnies but they work fine for a glob of maggots or a mealworm or whatever else you can stick on there.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 12:29:37 (permalink)
    Fully agree jeeters.   After a long winter, I always looked forward to March and catching a few fresh fish for the grill or skillet.   This is the first March I never wet a line and would have toughed out the weather for that reward.  Trout taste better from colder water as well.   The best thing to do is get in the ears of the fish commission and they may just listen and see the light.   They did cave (temporarily at least) on the closure of the 2 hatcheries.   I'd rather have the right to fish March to keep a few in certain lakes and more than survive no fishing for roughly 2 weeks in April versus this new "idea".    
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 17:47:56 (permalink)
    I truthfully found the trout to taste better in March too, thought I was just nuts, good to know someone else agreed, kind of sucks you can't anymore

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 20:34:47 (permalink)
    Stupid new rule. Tons of dead trout in area lakes,with a warm up coming more dead fish to come. Why not limit it to lures only and barbless hooks. Walked the lake (Brady's Run) today the power bait gang was cranking them in ( alot of bleeders) at this rate two weeks before the season not many will be left. I'm no longer a big trouter but do buy a stamp and fish a handful of times. Nice pic's of a gut hooked trout in the paper,more wastful resources. I'd rather see PFC give up the trout program and try some other things,always thought hybrid gills would be interesting but hey what do I know.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 22:04:44 (permalink)
    Is there a reason why they can't move trout season to March? I would like it better in March. Just wondering if there is a reason why they couldn't if enough people talked to them.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/01 22:24:29 (permalink)
    Get rid of opening day, have no closed season for trout, lower creel limits with more dhalo sections.  All these problems solved.  
    I fish for them every month of the year somewhere except maybe july and august anyway.  The idea of a "closed season" doesn't exist for me, and Im just  glad there are now more waters that we dont have to wait to fish, especially lakes that are kid friendly.  On opening day i purposely DONT fish for trout and hit a local river for the many other species that are gonna be on a feeding frenzy.  

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/02 21:34:35 (permalink)
    as far as that picture they took at canansburg lake two guys i met on sunday where there they said that trout turned belly up when they "released" it. that should have been the picture in the paper to sum up this new great catch and "kill" program.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/02 21:54:00 (permalink)
    if what they said is true, the reason the fish died is not necessarily because of gut hooking.  Though it is clearly better to hook in the mouth, i have gut hooked fish before by accident and quickly cut the line, got them right back in water and they swam away just fine. Its ridiculous when lazy fisherman dont want to re-tie so they rip the hook out.  

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/02 22:12:49 (permalink)
    i agree catch and release works only if people are educated on how to do it right. the problem with that photo in the sunday paper was they took 5 minutes to get it according to the guys that were there. i  was at north park lake mon. and there was a guy and his son who might have been 8 or 9 yrs. old , the kid was outfishing everyone with powerbait but he never touched the trout if it was hooked deep they cut the line . if someone who is 8 can do it right adults have no excuse.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/02 22:18:33 (permalink)
    You know I used to be really bad at releasing the fish, why waste a hook, and then I got a job and was getting payed and realized that 2 dollars for a pack of 20 hooks is incredibly cheap, just cut the line and move on. I can no longer understand why grown adults, I was a kid back then, still am jst with a job, try to get a hook back that cost them such a small amount of money. If you lose it you lose it, that's fishing.

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/02 22:49:39 (permalink)
    i bet i can catch him and myself a limit

    Wow.  Check out this guy. 
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/05 17:30:59 (permalink)
    I drove past Brady's Run today.I stopped and watched the crowd 8-10 guy's and some kids by the dam. I saw 3 floater in 5 minutes. I told them to give the fish the hook if swallowed deep,but got a smart a-- answer from a dad. I'm not a warden so I just left. I feel sorry for the people that make opening day a big deal, what a waste of our money on trout. Nobody going to get to fight or eat many this year.
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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/05 22:37:07 (permalink)
    Ok, I've been following this thread with a little confusion, and having finally gotten my license today, I am still confused. What's this new regulation?

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    Re:what a joke 2013/04/05 22:57:48 (permalink)
    catch and release on a few area lakes till opening day.  Check the fbc website.  

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