Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
wayne c
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Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC Trying to go "end around" and get funding where it isnt needed or deserved. Contact your senator and tell them what you think of this decietful little game being played.
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/26 22:45:23
Eh...I'm ok with this..after all you don't have to buy the plate.
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 02:02:48
WOW! That penn state edu-macation is really paying off! Thats ingenious! Thanks! I can't believe I didn't think of that... lmao!  Those who fully understand about the politics involved don't really need an explanation, but for those few that may not the problem is, they dont deserve more money and there are very good reasons why they arent being given more funding, in the way of a fee increase. They are wasting a helluva lot of money on a deer plan thats swirling around the toilet bowl, and propaganda. There is a system of checks and balances in place to regulate their funding. This and pretty much any other income raising scheme they try to come up with now is nothing but a legislative attempt to circumvent that process by a few pgc sympathizing legislators running with an idea dreampt up by a few malcontent environmentalist types that are continuously a thorn in our sides. They also shouldnt need more since they are getting around a hundred million a year total funding, and they sure as hell don't deserve more to enable more mismanagement. For anyone that knows much about Pa deer politics, I don't really need to explain. Anyway, the information is there. Stay neutral....Support it if you like.... buy three for yourself and 3 more for friends and family if its what makes you happy. Im sure there will be plenty who oppose it as long as they are aware of it. I simply pointed it out, and gave my opinion of it. As for anyone else, to each his own.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 02:20:44
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 06:39:29
I really don't have a problem with the plate as it is not mandatory to purchase it. My problem is with the fact they will probably just put the money in the bank along with the 54 million budget surplus they already have and will continue to cry about needing a license increase. They have done that every year for the last decade in their report to the leglislature even as their surplus has increased. When I see a change in attitude towards the hunters I will support a license increase. Creating a stand alone department for non game species and hiring 14 new people to staff it at the same time they cut back on ringneck stocking and programs to help the hunters because of a claimed lack of funds is not my idea of a sportsmen friendly agency.
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 10:29:26
Yet no increase for how many years? What other agency has gone that many years without an increase and still offered comparable services? Pittman Robertson and even the shale money can only be spent on certain things. Anyways, count me in as one who wouldn't object to a modest license increase for the general licenses and a STEEP increase for the doe licenses. Doe licenses should be, at the min., doubled but more realistically, tripled.
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 11:28:21
Yet no increase for how many years? What other agency has gone that many years without an increase and still offered comparable services? Gillz, youforget about the tags created since the last general license fee increase. The price increase to other tags, even though the general fee wasn't raised, the Marcellus and also Pittman funds increase. Those things have accounted for a twenty some million dollar differnce. And growing. And they warned of cuts significant cuts to be made several years ago....tales of doom and gloom that never came about.... Now, years later, they havent made "cuts" and in fact have increased staff number and some services as well as diverted funding for "other" things like hawk mountain... Or the school to send your kid to to become a nice little environmeantlist "bucktails" lol. Broke? Hardly. How much more do you think they should have? How many stores going out of business because they didn't raise fees have those luxuries to fall back on.? And of course if there was only ONE STORE to have to rely on, similar to how there is no other option right now than pgc.... And they raised prices, lowered the quality of goods and generally mismanaged the store, There would be all out mutiny. What other agency has gone that many years without an increase and still offered comparable services? Apparently quite a few. There are quite a few states that have not had fee increases in years. And some of them offer much better deals on license, combo licenses etc. than pa, and they also havent pizzed off nearly as many of the states sportsmen in the process. By the way, no need to "count you in" for a fee increase, don't pay any mind to the huge majority of hunters that don't support a fee increase, just put your money where your mouth is.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 12:00:37
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 11:38:38
I don't understand, s10, why you would opposed a fee increase, but are ok with them getting "other" forms of funding as long as its not you who has to pay... Respectfully bro, that just sounds like being a tight-wad. lol. j/k... But it does seem to be a contradicting position since your main concern does seem to be pgc mismanagement of those funds, deer herd etc.... I on the other hand don't support funding sources regardless of their source until the ship is somewhat righted. And frankly imho, anyone who does otherwise deserves everything they get managementwise and shouldnt complain about it as they are enabling it themselves. On the bright side, maybe the money will go towards paying the admin. of their facebook page so they can keep onp posting more econut antihunters and glorifying them there long into the future. Also, I know that people have a way of doing things without thinking of consequence. Such as buying the cute little kitty t-shirt for example that helps fund antihunting efforts even if they might not be an antihunter themselves. Or shooting 3 does then whining there are no deer... I have no doubt some would buy such a plate, probably even some that whine about no deer. And pgc recieving more funds is my issue. Not whether i have to pay it or not. And we still have a say in the matter even if we dont intend to "buy", since its our representatives and senators jobs to represent the will of their constituents in such matters. By the way, I hear pgc is still trying to get alternate funding.... And Sen. Mcilhinney just came out with another hunting license fee increase bill. I also oppose both. Definately not in the best interest of sportsmen at this time. Thankfully discussions with my senator tells me the fee increase deal still has very little support from hunter or legislator and has no chance of passing. Alternate funding, is probably more "behind closed doors" and details are limited.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 11:50:17
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 12:00:40
Sounds like a novel idea to me. They can generate a few bucks while not creating any mandatory costs to hunters and/or PA citizens.
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 12:01:49
I had no doubt pgc/dmp supporters would support the idea. Only to be expected. Nice touch with the "mandatory" deal though. As if thats some kind of deal breaker. Thats sentiment flies out the window though, since you support other forms of funding that ARE mandatory. Fee increase for example. In fact, im not aware of any previously proposed funding source that you have opposed?
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 12:05:08
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 12:11:35
So, the fact that it will cost you absolutely nothing is meaningless? This has nothing to do with PGC supporters, it is simply a business move that will generate a very, very minor source of revenue with zero cost or liability to hunters. So what? Your hatred of the PGC has completely obscured your ability to form an objective thought.
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 12:24:34
So, the fact that it will cost you absolutely nothing is meaningless? Sure it does matter....But not much and only if forced to choose between the two, which we arent. And not enough to matter in either my case or yours. It would be far worse to FORCE someone to pay something especially IF they dont support it. But that really doesnt matter in your case, because you DO as I pointed out, support a fee increase etc...! I on the other hand opposed both. Because while in my view, it might not be as bad as forcing, its still not a good deal as I do not support my legsilators putting more funding into play regardless of source at this time to further enable mismangement regardless of source. If we hunters were happy with the situation and it was needed, I would support a fee increase, and they wouldnt need to be doing this "dance" in the first place.. "Me" paying isnt the issue. Im more than willing to if and when its needed and deserved. This has nothing to do with PGC supporters, it is simply a business move that will generate a very, very minor source of revenue with zero cost or liability to hunters. So what? It has everything to do with your beliefs. You support the management plan that so many others dont. So you personally do not have a reason to oppose a fee increase and every reason to support it. Unlike many others. Your hatred of the PGC has completely obscured your ability to form an objective thought. While thats far from the truth, the same could be said for your comprehension being effected by your intense 'love' of pgc and "need" to opposed all thing percieved as slight against the pgc or the dmp. I am opposed to many things going on currently at pgc. Strongly opposed. Based on the facts of the matter. Emotions don't affect my decision on supporting or not supporting a fee increase. Or in this case the "plate" If changes are desired one would be a fool not to support things toward that end, not the opposite end no? So naa. I see nothing stated "irrational" and bourne out of my intense undeserved hatred of all things pgc.... Nice play on it though! lmao.  ...and once again, for your added convenience....
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 12:44:24
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 12:48:07
I know it won't support your rant, but I don't recall ever opining one way or the other with regard to a license fee increase on here. I don't have an intense love for the PGC, in fact I regularly disagree with the DMP and I frequently send letters stating my displeasure for such issues. I have openly stated many of them on this very website! Yet, you continue to demonstrate that you are incapable of forming an unbiased opinion on any PGC related topic.
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 13:07:31
Wayne-----You have to remember a few weeks ago I stated that we lost, the PGC has gone too far to the environmental side to come back and the BOD guidelines now state the anti-hunters have as much say as we do. I am done fighting them and after telling Martone what I thought I am done writing or calling. I will do what I can in my own way to increase my success in spite of their best efforts to decrease my opportunities. I will still take the opportunity to jab them whenever a good situation arises. Besides, it looks like the merger with the fish guys will go through and that extra money could stock a few more pelletheads. If they survive long enough I may get a few more trophy trout. Ever the optimist  Right now I am going to go look for some gobbler tracks.
post edited by S-10 - 2013/03/27 13:10:50
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 13:13:41
I know it won't support your rant, but I don't recall ever opining one way or the other with regard to a license fee increase on here.
Uh, I believe you have. Though its been awhile, probably no way of finding the past conversation of years ago on the topic so if youd like to now say otherwise so be it. Maybe youve changed your mind since? I also have read quite a few of your posts on hpa. I don't have an intense love for the PGC, in fact I regularly disagree with the DMP and I frequently send letters stating my displeasure for such issues. I have openly stated many of them on this very website! Really? no intense love? You have every bit as much "love" for them and the statement every bit as accurate as you using the statement I have intense hatred for them... Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Perhaps you could point to these intense disagreements with the dmp? I have been here for years and I have yet to see anything of any substance whatsoever as far as "disagreeing", but I have seen you fight over and over through the years against anyone who does. On the other hand, I have stated many times about things I have supported, Signficant things. antler restrictions comes to mind quickly. Yet, you continue to demonstrate that you are incapable of forming an unbiased opinion on any PGC related topic. And you continue to be unable to be objective and actually understand the written word as intended with any pgc related topic. If you werent so biased, you would know my position arent against everything pgc... Its routinely the same issues over and over. This topic is a funding issue. My position on that has been constant. Don't know if the blind faith is due to connections you may have withpgc, friends, family whatever... Control the pgc "love" emotions, reread my post understanding what was said without adding your own "angles" to it, and while you may not "agree" with everything Ive said or my positions, at least it may straighten out some of your confusion regarding my posts.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 13:21:26
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 13:28:07
Yeah s10, I gave up attempting to correspond with pgc a while back. I was very polite (believe it or not!0 lol with them in all correspondence except my very last. Even then I didnt really give them a tongue lashing. But anyway, all of my correponce with them was useless and futile. At times no reply, other times nonsensical replies regurgitating information the commissioner were force fed with no consideration given to actual facts countering them. I was also flat out lied to on more than one occassion, and at that point I had enough. When the board ever shows they are a hunter friendly bunch, unlike those of the last 15 years, i may give my input again on a variety of issues. But not now. Legislator are the only ones I discuss game issues with currently. At least they listen and at times attempt to do something constructive. Not always... and not all of them.. But have shown enough to make it worth the effort imho. Good luck with the pelletheads and turks! I'll be after both shortly myself. Not big on trout feesh'un but they make pretty good catfish bait! Live whole for flatheads and cut in thirds or halved for big channels and flats,
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 13:32:52
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 13:32:45
Ok, so you're speculating? What happened to sticking with the facts? Some of the recent letters I have sent to the PGC (and state reps where appropriate) regarding issues I disagree on involved: X-Guns, mentored youth, early 2B archery doe and the 2 weeks of archery doe in 2B between archery and gun season, early flintlock season, late antlerless in 2B, reduced AR criteria, WMU boundaries, trespassing laws. And guess what? Not one of them went my way and I still disagree with certain parts of every topic above. The topic at hand was the PGC finding a very minor alternative source of revenue at no cost to hunters. Honestly, I'd be suprised if enough money is generated to pay Roe's salary this year and yet you have entirely blow this out of proportion with your lame generalizations, speculation and emotionally charged rants.
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 13:48:41
"Ok, so you're speculating? What happened to sticking with the facts?" When you post nothing but facts here, no opinions, speculating, emotionally induced jabs or anything else, then maybe I will take that request seriously. Fact. . You support the plan generally speaking have voiced very few complaint with major issues many hunters have with pgc today, and I think that fact is pretty well known. You certainly have little inthe way of reason to oppose any increasing in fundingbased on your pgc-ism and desire to NOT see signifcant broad-base changes, and therefore large reason to support money funneling in. The more the better. And its rather comical to see you "running" from me having pointed that out because its not cool with your previous post where you supported it only because "it wasnt a mandatory fee" when you also support the mandatory one! lol. "Honestly, I'd be suprised if enough money is generated to pay Roe's salary this year" And I would beg to differ with your speculation on that. Id say a mil to a few mil wouldnt be out of the question. And this is just one source of income being pushed for. And last I checked Roes wages were already being paid so thats not what the money would be used for. " lame generalizations, speculation and emotionally charged rants." As opposed to yours, making it personal anytime someone says anything other than pgc rocks and Carl Roe is our lord and saviour Jesus Christ? lmao. Cool your duals dude, youre gonna blow a gasket. No need to make things so personal and throw fits when they arent going your way. Im sorry that I pointed out you are simply sticking up for you beliefs by support a fee increase etc. Whats wrong with that? By opposing, I am doing the same. And unlike you, Im fine with agreeing to disagree on that. P.S. Use the link I provided. You'll feel much better giving back to the agency that has given us so much...  Maybe it will make the smoke quit coming out of your ears lmao. 
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 14:48:49
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/27 14:23:43
Btw, i also opposed some of the things you mention esox. But none of them are enough for me to take as drastic a step as to oppose a fee increase or any other source of funding, and apparently it isnt for you either. It would be petty for me to base it on that. I base my opinion on the proven documented fraud being committed which is doing nothing but damage to our sport, along with the absolutely horrendous pgc attitudes towards hunters, and their insistence on keeping a miserably failed management plan largely in place along with alot of necessary facilitating deception (which is no emotion based rant, but absolute fact). Thats all is very significant in my view. And that as I see it is worthy of NOT increasing funding for the agency until it is significantly addressed. Funding is the issue, because it is generally our only effective means of possibly ever dealing with these issues at least until some better option arises. The issues are much larger than whether we get my way when we whine about unit boundaries (which I dont like) or whether I support ar (which I do). And I dont take the position of opposing funding lightly. Its a well thought out position. That also brings up the debate of how much is enough? I say 100million sure as hell oughta be.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/27 14:30:26
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/28 06:50:21
Wayne Not to be a smart arse , But if you are feel so strong about how the PGC does what they do why don't you get voted/get into a position at the PGC to make changes?????? other than coming on forums and totally downing them? I don't really care for some of the stuff the do. Like I said I'm not being a smart arse Just curious ?
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/28 10:34:14
No offense taken, and actually a good, reasonable question. First, not just "anyone" is going to be "picked" for the boc. Going by all that I have heard and the commissioners themselves historically especially recent history, you have basically no chance if you don't have realtionships/pull from legislators. Most, usually have backing of sportsmen groups conservancies etc... And as of last 15 years plus, the majority of the board has been consistently picked with environmental, forestry, or ag background according to their bios. It also surely doesnt hurt to be "known" or have relationship with some on the governors advisory committee. Having your dad a retired pgc employee as was the case with Putnam, or being a deputy wco as in the case of schlemmer doesnt hurt either. lol. Guessing being a penfed member doesnt hurt either since like 6 of the current 8 are and most of those that have had terms expire in the last several years have as well. Everything just stated and more... does not pertain to me. I have also seen how the majority is kept to a certain mindset due to the screening process, at least has been the case for some time now. I don't have a huge desire to be the next board lame duck whipping boy when it comes to deer management, as Tom Boop was, due to no fault of his own. I also would be "known" for my positions, via communications with the senate, house of reps, and even the governor a time or two for years now, and would have ZERO shot with my positions so well known they would be common knowledge well in advacnce. My name would come up and through information sharing Id be done before I ever got started. I have seen it time and again with others that had attempted to take the path that you speak of. And lastly, you are only allowed to apply for your region of residence, with that position only coming up once every 8 years. When one does become available, usually several candidates are "pushed" by backers, such as Penn Fed for example. Or have a "good word" put in for you by some honcho at pgc, dcnr or some other form of political clout... I also am about as far away from where meetings would be held as you can get in Pa. Only way lengthy meetings coupled with 8 hour round trips would be worth the effort for anyone, is if a difference could be made. The odds of me getting a boc seat would be akin to a snowflakes chance in hades. I understand the politics and how things work. There have been plenty of people through the last several years who couldve done a fine job that were never selected. And there can be good argument made for "changing" the system of commissioners. But thats another story...
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/28 11:45:28
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/28 22:29:04
Wayne, I have to ask... With all of your PGC dissension, why do you continue to hunt/buy a license? -Ken
wayne c
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Re:Sneaky back door attempt to gain more funding for PGC
2013/03/29 00:26:06
Its really simple. I am a hunter. Hunters hunt. Born and raised. 3rd generation. For me its a lifestyle. Judging by many of your posts, Im sure you can understand what thats all about. Thats also why I am so passionate on the topics involving hunting. I love to deer hunt and its usually the management of that gets my complaints, but if deer fell off the face of the earth I'd still hunt turks and fur. I don't hate hunting. I hate what pgc has been and will likely continue to do to the sport i love. There are alot of hunters just as disgusted with things as I and far moreso... Around here and more yet, guys who certainly have it alot worse than I do, in the worst parts of the state etc. Some quit maybe. But alot of others still havent. And its not because they are happy about what pgc has done. Hell, Im usually not even what you would call pizzed off about the situation just appears much moreso than actual when I am forced to argue specific points and counter points over & over in graphic detail. Anyway, you asked why I buy a license, I wish I didnt have to buy a license to hunt and I wouldnt have to support all that I strongly disagree with. But I buy a license because I need one to hunt, not hunting is not an option for me, and buying that license would probably end up cheaper than the alternative.
post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/29 01:00:47