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Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
Hey Guys, I just love to read the fishing reports here. Espeacially in the fall!!!! SO MANY times, I have been fishing in a commen spot like the stopsign hole, manchester, leigon hole,and many others. I would fish thes spots in early fall, I would be there all day, then come home to see reports of somebody catching 20 -30 fish,when i would know for a fact that, there was little to no fish caught in the area that day,( FUNNY)... These reports (I BELIEVE ) are local bussiness owners or their friends putting false reports to get the Fall flock coming to waste their money. Then winter comes and I will be in an area that the other fisherman and I would be catching fish all day. ( Now I bet you guys know what the reports say now) Of course, No fish being caught and no fish in the streams. How Does that work? NOW these guys are either the greedy fisherman that want the stream all to theirselves OR these are the guys (or be honest, just dont know how to catch them) Now for some of the guys ****ing about the fish population being down. The fish numbers are still the same. Its the number of fisherman that have quadroopled the last 10 years. Lets not forget about the guys that are keeping the limit everyday just to be greedy. ( most of these guys give them away anyway ) so why keep them? I dont mid the guy or gal that keeps the occasional fish for the smoker or fryer. But then you have the guys (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) that keep a limit at one spot,put them in the car only to get back on the water to keep 2,3 and sometimes more limits in a day. WHY? WHY? WHY? How many of those fish go in the freezer only to be thrown into the garbage 5 or 6 months later? Well, I wish all fisherman were sportsman. But UNFORTUNATELY. A lot of them are not. GOOD LUCK and PLEASE CATCH and RELEASE
It's your fish story,so tell it any way you want!!!
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/25 16:56:16
Some of those over the limit guys are illegal commericial fisherman,they're selling them! Most of the reports here are not to believed,but that's how it is on most reports pages.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/25 17:51:25
I agree...... I do keep some but NEVER more than a limit and NONE go to waste. I know its been said many times before on here but PA needs to make it a 1 fish limit like NY did. I have fished NY before and after limit change alot(mostly Salmon River) and it made a HUGE difference right away when it went to 1 fish a day. If you see guys taking more than their limit report them to fish commission and while you at it tell the fish commission to change limit any chance you get. It would be good for the fishermen and the local business if the limit went to 1 a day and you would notice a difference immediatly IMO. All that complaining put aside if you know what your doing you can still catch plenty the way things are-10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish definetly true in ERIE CRIKS.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/25 21:51:46
Now for some of the guys ****ing about the fish population being down. The fish numbers are still the same. Its the number of fisherman that have quadroopled the last 10 years. the fish numbers aren't the same now as '02/'03 season...not even close . the numbers started to decline in '06?..'07??..or there about...I'm ol'duud...and don't keep logs ..but it was sometime around there the numbers went down, but ave size went tht's good thang I agree with the angler explosion though and explosion of whinny threads too ..L.T.A.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/25 22:25:17
Whio cares? There are still lots of fish. Go when conditions are favorable, and if you have any skill you'll probly catch some. Go when they're less favorable, and if you have lots of skill you'll still probly catch some. You know how many you caught. How many others catch, or SAY they catch doesn't/shouldn't matter. Life can be easy, IF you let it.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/25 22:44:43
I've stood there over a pod of fish and got schooled by another angler. I f you would read my report it would say "No fish caught, only one hookup". If you read the report from the other fisherman in the exact same hole over the same fish, "Many fish banked with lots of hits.".. So which report here is false or misleading ??? Both are true ..... Never been lead astray by false reports from the local businesses.....
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 17:08:28
NA steel- u sound bitter, like u are mad that u dont catch more fish. Relax. -There is no way the #'s are the same. Not from what i saw in the past and not from what longer term veterans have experienced. Do reports get exaggerated? Of course. But as others said, it doesn't matter. Still plenty of steel to catch. Bings is being humble....the story is usually switched: Bings banked a bunch of fish and others got schooled!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 17:40:33
Believe me. I am definatly not mad about anything when it comes to the amount I catch. I CATCH PLENTY. I cant remember the last time I was skunked. I have been fishing the erie tribs for about 25 years. I can remember the days when the most common fish was the coho. Then the steelhead were a little less present. I start fishing for steelhead just after labor day right through winter. There may be very few day really early in the season that they are hard to catch when the water is low and warm. However there are tactics for getting them to take the bait (even then). From what I see the fish are not the problem. I have spent some full days in the early season just watching folks at walnut creek while my son fishes. When the first wave of fish and fisherman come, they dont stand much of a chance. This is when the I see the difference, Most fish dont stand a chance to make it very far up the stream at all. Most of them either end up on the stringer or get gaffed all up by treble hooks from some unsportsmanlike conduct. I even was standing next to a guy at the manchester hole that plainly netted a fish and begun stringing it up, until I said something. Then I left the hole and watched from the bridge as i saw the same guy put 2 foul hooked fish on the stringer while the 30 other fisherman said nothing. Yes the 02-03 season was unbelievably great. However, we should not compare these years to that. those are the kind of years that are what we wait for. But we should not expect. These years lately do have numbers of fish and have been kind to me. REMEMBER: the PA fish commission still stocks 1,000,000 smolts per year. ITS UP TO US TO HELP PROTECT THEM. GOOD LUCK PLEASE CATCH and RELEASE
It's your fish story,so tell it any way you want!!!
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 18:01:38
fisherofmen376 Do reports get exaggerated? Of course. I was next to a guy years ago. he was having a fair morning on a good bite day for most . He hooked and landed 3 or 4 in a couple hours and missed a couple . His friend walked up and asked how he was doing...he told him he caught 6 or 7 I think it likely he actually believed he caught that's easy to do after a few Whio cares? There are still lots of fish yea, but not enough dUm ones Darwinism you know..the dumb ones get plucked by birds, 'eyes and rOpes and I'm the last one in line anymore .... ..L.T.A.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 18:30:40
Best trip this year, 73. Worst trip, 0.. They were 12 days apart.....WF.. remember, I'm a known liar.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 19:26:11
NAsteelheader When the first wave of fish and fisherman come, they dont stand much of a chance. This is when the I see the difference, Most fish dont stand a chance to make it very far up the stream at all. Most of them either end up on the stringer or get gaffed No disagreement , Brother I figure that's why the upper 'Nut has been near dEad the last few years . angling pressure at the wall to the falls has always been heavy...'least as far back as I can recall there's simply less fish to make it thru the gauntlet in recent years, me thinks . Yes the 02-03 season was unbelievably great. However, we should not compare these years to that. those are the kind of years that are what we wait for. yea, but I'm thinking it lasted much longer than a couple seasons I go back to '88 in Ohio , but didn't get serious about it til the mid '90s I started crossing the boarder regularly and fell in love with Goldilocks, it was/is "just right" for me  Just seems they were like catching bluegils in a farm pond ....they were EVERYWHERE in volume from mid to upper. All my favorite haunts in Ohio were stacked too The drop off started in mid/late 00's ..not a large drop, but noticeable to me and steadily declined By '09/'10 season , everyone was noticing less numbers are there still a lot of fish?? 'ell's Pa..youinz always have more steel pr Cu Ft of water than anywhere thing is, if we go back 15 years, the last five have been off compared to the first ten I donno why some get their panties in a bunch when that's pointed out (not referring you, just a general comment) when someone says that, piranha appear to nip at the poster's flesh Not necessarily a good thing or bad thing's an obvious observation to me Pa's pretty much done this time of year anyway ..a few jacks and Ohio strays maybe and beat/moldy holdovers is all and suckers ..L.T.A.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 19:26:48
Lets not forget about the guys that are keeping the limit everyday just to be greedy. ( most of these guys give them away anyway ) so why keep them? I dont mid the guy or gal that keeps the occasional fish for the smoker or fryer. But then you have the guys (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) that keep a limit at one spot,put them in the car only to get back on the water to keep 2,3 and sometimes more limits in a day. WHY? WHY? WHY? How many of those fish go in the freezer only to be thrown into the garbage 5 or 6 months later? Know what I loathe? I cringe when know-it-alls try to make assessments regarding the intent of others. I keep a legal limit of fish each time that i go. My reasons have NOTHING to do with the ones that you posted. I don't care what you mind or do not mind. As long as I am operating within the legal limits, mind your own business and refrain from stereotyping me and others. Those fish are placed there to catch, and if one so desires, to keep.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/26 19:53:49
Back to lack of fish in upper thinks something happened at the falls and they can't get past it,is it shallower than before?They need some water to get a start to get over it.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 03:24:11
I went Up last weekend for the first time ever and plainly snaged one in the tail it took off down river and a dude netted it for me he " says nice fish u keeping it" I laughed and said no he says " I would that's a nice fish " like are u kidding me y would u do that and y would u want to carry that out that's unneeded weight, but I'm hooked for sure on the steel and fly fishing definitely underestimated those fish that's crazy wish I would of tryed that years ago
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 06:05:29
why do these threads always turn into the keep/release debate. Nothings gonna change, those that keep, will keep, those that release, will release. May be its just me, but no amount of debate is going to change the way I fish and have fished for all species for about 35 years. Just saying.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 06:18:43
The reason? Greed. Selfishness.They stock a bazillion fish.If you can't catch one it's not because they've all been roped.Instead of being thankful for having the fisherie and enjoying it people are worrying about what everyone else is doing.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 07:30:48
I keep EVERY one I catch....WF
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 08:32:07
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 08:45:07
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 13:22:35
ditto Grendel. So glad he doesn't mind when the occassional fish is kept for the fryer or smoker. when he buys my license, equipment and gas, then maybe he can interject about what i do with the fish i catch. i post reports regularly. you can trust them. i've got nothing to prove. i personally had my best year ever. retired last year and dedicated alot of time to steelheadin this winter. averaged at least 1 day a week since the beginning of the year. at times, 2 or 3 times a week if the weather was exceptionally nice. not like when i was working and maybe got out twice a month. learned alot this winter. never had a day when i've had more than 6 fish on. and you know what? i'm fine with that. i had a post on the reports page removed by the moderator. it wasn't a fishing report, i was calling out a bull**** report by another guy. those kinds of reports are dangerous. it can put a rookie into dangerous waters or muppers itchin to fish on wintry roads when they don't have to be. got tired of fishing crappy water conditions and nobody around me catching anything only to see a report by this guy fishing in the same area spouting bullcrap of how great the fishing was that day. wished the moderator would have left it up.
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Re:Not ALL Fisherman tell stories
2013/03/27 18:40:36
pikepredator2 or muppers itchin to fish on wintry roads when they don't have to be. speaking of bad roads this was a trip some years ago that was back in the day when NOTHING stopped me from my fanatical quest for steel . Rain, snow, high or low creeks ..I fished I made the trip two times and sometimes three trips a week for years . ..but i don't fish like that anymore . Don't tolerate the cold as well now ...and i donno if i just got bored with it all or what....but i only like to fish a couple/three, maybe four hours and be done. Wish i lived closer a 20-30 minute drive, but it's a 3 hour round trip for me, couple that with 3-fiddy plus for gas... I just don't feel compelled to go "at the drop of hat" like I used to dare i say...I've lost my mojo...and become a "fair weather" fisherman .  so keep all the fish you want, but leave the dumb ones for me..and preferably within 100ft of parking thanks ..L.T.A.