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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 12:42:53
Saw that earlier, still walking around with a huge erection.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:05:32
It's not as much fun as it used to be... better deals elsewhere...
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:08:06
Not a good thing for FishUSA and the local bait shops. That said, Cabela's stores are pretty nice. I like the aquariums.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:16:57
Can't seem to remember the last time I went to cabelas and wasnt disappointed in the prices/selection. Hopefully this doesnt hurt the local businesses too much....
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:21:53
Can't seem to remember the last time I went to cabelas and wasnt disappointed in the prices/selection. Hopefully this doesnt hurt the local businesses too much....
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:34:48
I'm a stranger to you guys but I had the same hopes and feelings you are expressing about Cabelas coming to your area. I hope its a lot better than the one in Wheeling. Other than a GREAT sight seeing event the people down there don't seem to care for customers, I have yet to leave the store upset,adds that state one thing and employees say your wrong,shippng added to every item in the store. I prefered tha old Cabelas when it was catalog sells only and you got better service long distance then you do close up ! I email them about an employee mouth and they did say they were sorry and look in to it, they even sent me 5 of their hardbound catalogs but that does not make up for rude employees and sorry to say I haven't been back since.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:38:13
Right on 79 Picking up people from the south and east and west
Local shop/stores better hope it falls through
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 13:54:17
Having a few hours to kill at a Cabelas is cool every couple of years. Much better prices elsewhere. Only time I shop there/order online is when I have a gift card. The local shops will continue to get 100% of my steelhead business.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 14:04:42
I live near the Cabela Hamburg Pa store.Since they opened practically every small fish/hunt shop in my area has closed.There may be other reasons for those closures but the "evil" C did n't help their cause.The "evil" C tag was tagged on the Cabela store by the Hamburg locals. That said,I don't think they will hurt Poor Richards and others because they are located right in the heart of the action.Even though the Hamburg Cabela is a destination type store I will still buy my Steelhead stuff from the locals. I just read the press release and it appears to be a much smaller store that Hamburg so won't be a destination store,and I doubt they will be selling eggs and other bait,but they won't be that far from the action.I'll still support the local guys.
post edited by pafisher - 2013/03/25 14:11:11
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 14:05:00
they did say they were sorry and look in to it, they even sent me 5 of their hardbound catalogs So wait...let me get this complained because of bad customer service...and to make up for it...they sent you catalogs?!
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 14:10:30
not to mention the catalogs are free!!
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 14:31:40
I'm pumped, hopefully their selection will be "localized". Meaning I hope they focus on local fisheries and hunting opportunities instead of targeting florida bass fisherman and offshore saltwater gear like all the other bass pro, cabelas and shops like that do. As for local baitshops, as long as they still sell live bait and have good costumer service (which many don't)..they'll have to adjust a little, but still do ok.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 14:46:13
I think it is great news for Erie! I'm a 74 yeard old fisher/hunter/trapper that doesn't buy that much merchandise anymore but I do belong to the Cabelas Club and use their credit card. I get a kickback toward free merchandise everytime I use it - no matter where I use it. I have only visited a Cabelas store one time and that was in Maine. I bought a pair of lightweight hunting boots . They were Cabelas brand and sure beat the h--l out of a pair of 8 pound bearclaws that I had been wearing and which "made mountains out of mole hills". When my wife and I visit Erie we shop at the Mall and I generally poke my head into Gander Mountain. I have bought some fishing items there but have never been thrilled by their selection or their personnel. I agree the shops near the streams will get my steelhead business but for major items I will probably look to Cabellas. Looking for bargins ? Check the Bargain Cave. Again, I think Erie should be happy for another drawing card.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:04:55
Hope they run****s right out of business.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:08:53
Ha, anyone remember Media Play? Great store, great selection of cd's, games, movies and other stuff. Then along came Best Buy and Circuit City and put Media Play out of business. Circuit City then closed and just about anywhere online has way better pricing the Best Buy. Now Best Buy, as a company, is in trouble. So is Gander Mt. next to go? We'll see.****s is already phasing out fishing and hunting to make way for Field and Stream stores. I wouldn't worry about the local shops. Poor Richards is so specialized and they have a great location far from the mall. And even though we have many customers that come from NY, PA and OH to our showroom, we still do most of our business online. Plus, we beat Cabela's and Bass Pro pricing 99% of the time. -Jay
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:09:01
rsquared Having a few hours to kill at a Cabelas is cool every couple of years. Much better prices elsewhere. Only time I shop there/order online is when I have a gift card. The local shops will continue to get 100% of my steelhead business. This^
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:09:18
****s = Sportsmans Warehouse...
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:12:27
PA fisher you dont think they will sell eggs and other bait despite being in Erie? I think they would be fools not to. I am pretty sure they will sell that stuff. BUt as others have said, i may go there once a year to see the aquarium and buy some fudge, but ill buy all my stuff from fishusa and local shops.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 15:49:40
Hoo Cares duuDs. ****s sporting goods cares about selling fishing/hunting gear about as much as I care about Cabelas going to Erie. That is, not at all. They make their money elsewhere.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 16:13:11
I don't think many Erie fisherman are really going to replace going to a local bait shop to go to Cabela's. They are much less convenient and have high prices. What Cabela's will do is cause people to drive to the area from hours away and spend their money locally. Plus for locals it's a great place to check out products your interested in first hand, before you go online and buy it cheaper somewhere else I make the trip about every other year. It's worth it to check out the animal mounts, aquarium, get a piece of fudge, and check out new products on the market first hand before buying elsewhere. Probably more likely to affect the business of Gander Mtn, ****'s, and Walmart, than the local bait shops.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2013/03/25 16:14:57
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 16:35:58
Gander Mountain >>>> Cabelas
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 17:56:54
As a small busniess owner(nothing to do with fishing or hunting)I say BOO! This will also likely put more pressure on the Criks. But Erie is a good place to have a store for them it still a free country folks......... Use your $'s to cast your vote.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 18:00:24
i dont think dik's sporting goods will even be slightly affected by cabelas. dik's cares about all sports, fishing and hunting only account for a small percentage of their sales. Gander should be the one worried. Same products bascially, bigger name.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 19:15:23
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 19:34:26
I heard it was only going to be 42k sq ft. Anyone have evidence to that? By my rough estimates it wouldn't be much bigger than the current Gander square footage. So instead of making 3 stops to find out no stores have what I want, I now will make 4 stops. Not impressed by the news.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/25 20:14:59
Cabelas used to have a good return policy but not any more. Had 3 dozen G+H shell decoys go bad They knew plastic was bad but said its not their fault . Prices are not all that hot Bass Pro cheaper on a lot of items. Will bring a lot of people though.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/26 04:58:20
The Wheeling store is 110,00 sq ft. This store half the size. I was told Gander is 27,000.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/26 07:12:09
i have a gander 25 min away in washington pa. the cabelas went up 45 min away. i rarly even catch a glimse of gander on my way by. all these stores are alittle pricey.cabelas does have some decent deals in their flyers. thats usually when i make the trip, to get something on sale. the few times i have stopped at gander, it has been pretty empty. not many people shopping. as for cabelas selection, they usually carry the items that are related to the areas fishing. each store u go to has alittle different selection.
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Re:Cabelas is coming to Erie!!
2013/03/26 11:38:45
I have a few things from Cabelas. I bought some waist high neo waders in Hamburg quite a few years ago and I still have them. But as I remember a lot of their stuff is their own brand. I bought a pair of knee high rubber boots that were LaCrosse knock offs branded by Cabelas and they did not even last me a year. The local shops have a better mix of brands to choose from IMO. Plus I am dealing with person that I know if I have a problem. So.. I will still probably get my next breathables at FishErie just like I got two pairs of Chotas there--mine and my sons.