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Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
I don't want to reveal the location because I plan on spending this summer trying to catch and release the mystical creature. A few weeks ago I was walking around a nearby lake late at night when i noticed something in the shallow water near the bank. It was very white and at first i thought it was just a rock or trash someone dumped in the lake. But then i realised it was a white carp. As i stood there unable to believe what i was seeing i noticed there were about 15 or so other normal carp also there in the shallows. After a few minutes my presence must have spooked them and they all swam out to deeper water. Has anyone else ever seen such a thing before? Im hesitant to call it albino because there was no pink hue to it like most albinos. This fish was white as white can be. Something incredible Ill never forget.
Wally Cat
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/23 13:40:02
Most likely a store bought fish(koi/goldfish) that may have been released into the lake some time ago rather than flushing it down the drain to get rid of it.
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/23 13:49:58
Yeah, koi. I've seen some pushing 20+lbs at a lake in greensburg as well. There's some really pretty black and orange ones and white/black/orange as well. And I've caught one and missed another half dozen or so on floating bread at a different lake.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/23 15:11:34
Oh yeah, koi. That was most likely it. I dont know why i didnt think of this before. Anyway, it was at indian lake in irwin. Now i feel like a big dummy lol. This is how urban myths begin hahaha.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/23 18:34:21
Catch any mirror or gravel carp there docto?
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/23 20:19:25
Approx. 20yrs ago there was a white Carp in the upper lake at Twin Lakes for 2or 3 yrs.We all enjoyed watching it. It was approx.26" & was caught & released at least twice & then I never saw it again.I heard that it was caught & the guy had it mounted. I still look for it. sam
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/24 00:36:36
Well maybe it was a white carp. Through the muddy water it looked identical to the other carp surrounding it. Guess someone will have to catch it to find out.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/24 03:18:52
I have fished Indian Lake and the only thin g I have ever caught were green sunfish. Where is the best spot to go there and what different species of fish are in there?
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/24 13:03:29
Docto, is that you in the pic?
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/24 17:41:09
Think he meant grass carp?
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/24 22:41:11
I asked where the best place to fish the lake is and what species of fish are in there. I understand if nobody wants to give up their spots there. Does anyone know what species are in there? I live not too far away and sometimes I like going there rather than go farther away.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/25 14:14:34
I wasn't aware that there were trout in there. I have fished it before and only caught greenies. I myself can have as good a time catching panfish as anything. Thanks for the info.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/25 16:37:34
If you are talking about the Indian lake on clay pike road,beware that it is closed until first day of Trout unlike most lakes in Westm'd Cnty. Up until March 1rst guys were still catching nice trout that were stocked in the fall. Also it goes by Big Bass regulations. It is a Township park so some regs are different than state lakes. Pay attention to the signs that are posted there.It is only 4-1/2 acres of water that is approx.8-10' deep & some guys can cast almost across in some places.You can sit in the parking lot & figure the best places to fish just by watching.There are Catfish,Carp, Trout ,Bass & too many small panfish in there. Not the ideal lake for some ,but better than nothing for most. sam
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/26 01:46:48
mr. crappie, your right about it not being perfect but, there are times that I just don't feel like going farther away. It is nice for just a relaxing day and its only 15 minutes from my house.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/27 17:54:13
Koi are just domesticated common carp (same scientific name: Cyprinus carpio). I've seen a few white ones around before, including one at Cokeburg Dam and another one in the Harlem Meer in Central Park that probably weighed more than 25 pounds. The lower Potomac around DC is full of them. In ponds at least they tend to be a bit more skittish than their normal colored cousins, perhaps because of some sort of awareness that they stand out. If they breed, the color variation will be totally gone within a few generations of offspring.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/03/29 09:58:10
Trolled over top of a albino catfish out at the Zeli-Harmony Sportsman's Club this past summer, at first i thought it was a 5 gallon white bucket, unit we got right over top of it and relieved what it was, it then took off but it was pretty wild to see
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/04/13 13:07:54
Nice catch fishink. Whered you pull that out of?
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/04/13 23:33:01
bcain, It is a carp and sunfish lake with very few small bass and trout gagging for oxygen. The carp are everywhere and the trout guys fish the deepest 70% of the lake.
The lake is also popular with canada geese. In fact, you could call it a canada goose dumping ground.
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Re:Bizzare oddity spotted in greensburg area lake
2013/04/17 00:29:53
I pulled that pic from a site at some point, though I don't remember when or where. Probably Catfish1. I've caught an albino channel before, but it wasn't nearly as big.