The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther

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2013/03/18 21:16:52 (permalink)

The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther

I do not always hook a fish every 2 minutes most of the time I average 1-5 fish an hour.
I do not consider myself an "uber fisherman" but have been steelheading for about 20 yrs and can hold my own in a crowd.
I have read many coments on here over the years doubting people can catch dozens of steelhead in a day as if its impossible.
If you move around enough eventually you do find yourself on a nice pod of fish alone and can hook and reel in one after another it does happen.
My best day was years ago on upper walnut got on a pod of 100's of fish it was a dark cloud in the hole.Just about every cast I hooked a fish they wore me out and yes I landed may dozens that day.If you find yourself doubting it can be done maybe you do not have as much experience as you think.
And no I do not snag fish with a flea flicking rod I use noodle rod with bait-egg sacs and minnows- thats what they  eat.(I do fly fish just not for steelhead)
Alright my rant is over go ahead and reply now I can take it........................

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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/18 21:49:47 (permalink)
    it can definitely be done.  Ive experienced it only a couple times in 6 years of steelheadin and also seen much more experienced guys crushin em everytime out.  Some people just get jealous or frustrated because they had a bad day or arent as skilled as others.  I used to get a little annoyed  and skeptical until i saw it from others and did it myself.   Dont hate the player, hate the game 

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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/18 21:50:49 (permalink)
    Eh, don't let it get to you man.  Those who have been feeshin' for steel long enough know what's possible when it all comes together on the tribs in Erie.  For many of us, myself included, you can't really believe it until you've experienced it. 
    Fishing is fun.  Ignore the trolls. 
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/18 22:19:27 (permalink)
    Thanks guys for the support.
    I recently started posting after many years of reading here seemed like board needed some new imput I try to be as honest as possible WITHOUT giving TOO MUCH info.
    I do enjoy my time spent fishing.
    Life can be stressful(mine has been last few years) but nothing refreshes me mentaly more than putting the waders on and fishing some flowing water.
    Maybe I will buy one of those cams you can clip on a hat and keep it in my pack for next time it happens and post it.
    I can usually ignore alot but when I said I can land a fish in 2 mins and someone turns it into me catching 1 EVERY 120 seconds it just got my attention,nothing I hate more than someone twisting my words except of course people that steal I hate thieves.
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/18 23:56:22 (permalink)
    When ever we got into the huge pods ( 75- 100 ) of Steelhead years back it sometimes was harder to hook fish without waiting awhile. The hole would explode as soon as you hooked one and the school would go into a panic mode. It would take awhile sometimes a half hour for things to settle down than bam! We caught big numbers but it took time. I guess you can't hurt anyone with fish stories .......and this site has had it's share!    LOL.......
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/03/19 10:47:31
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 00:07:36 (permalink)
    Yeah your right alot of times you have to wait after stiring up the fish til they hit again especialy if they can not smell or taste what your throwing at em.This pod in upper walnut  filled half the hole not much they could do to avoid the bait hung infront of their nose.I had a freind with me from my home town we both were just giddy' and called it silly fishing.Believe it or not whatever it was hard for use to believe,I haven't seen that many steelies stacked up lately but still looking'...................
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 07:26:17 (permalink)
    ain' no thing duud
    those of us that have fished enough know that even a complete rookie can hAmmer 'em on the right day or with the right offering tied on the end of the line
    When I was able to fish 2-3 times a week, I had lots of those days.
    There doesn't even have to be a hundred fish in the hole either
    One particular day, I was fishing  the Grand in Ohio.
    as i was walking out via a small  feeder creek I spotted a  dozen fish stretched out  in a slow gin clear  shallow run.
    I caught and landed 15 fish in a matter of an hour or so
    yes, 15 out of 12 fish ...a couple of them were caught twice and one of them might of been caught three times
    fish enough, and you'll have those days where they're just "turned on" and will  bite  pret'near anything .
    Tie enough stuff on, and you'll have days that they can't resist a  particular offering
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 10:36:14 (permalink)
    On my first trip to Erie 7 years ago, I had NO idea what I was doing. One of the local guys told me to drive up to Poor Richards (We were staying at Uncle John's right next to elk creek sports haha) and showed me exactly what fluro line, hook, split shots, bobber, bait, etc. to get. After catching nothing next to this guy for 3 hours, I think he felt bad for me getting skunked in 15 degree weather. I came back to the elk and no exaggeration, hooked 15 + steelies the rest of the afternoon. I was absolutely hooked. Iv had days like that, and Iv had days where you have to work for 1 or 2 fish. Either way I see no point in lying about it. I know people flocking to the area can be annoying at times, but its that crowd that supports the local stores and the Erie fisheries. 
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 11:02:31 (permalink)
    Back in the good old days,10yrs ago,I had days when I was fighting fish from start to finish,60-70 fish a day,20 a day was normal.Now it's dropped off but when the conditions are right 20 fish days are with in reach,more are possible.However,just getting out there is what it's all about,relax and enjoy it,it's not a life and death thing!
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 11:03:05 (permalink)
    How about the opposite happening! We came upon a large run filled with Steelies down in middle Elk years back. I'd say at least 70 fish plus in crystal clear water and nobody around. It was about 4 pm. late November and we could not get a bump! Me and my son could not beleive it no matter what we tossed nothing lockjawed! Then about 2 hours later the sun shadowed the creek and all hell broke loose. It was like the major feed was on for about a hour before dark...... fish after fish was caught.
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/03/19 11:05:09
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 11:17:37 (permalink)
    Dang.. And im happy just catching a couple.. Ill probably move to erie if i have a 70 fish day lol
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 12:42:26 (permalink)

    Dang.. And im happy just catching a couple.. Ill probably move to erie if i have a 70 fish day lol

    I considered that but wife put the end to that idea I refer to Erie as Steelhead Fantasyland because of those days in the past.Now it's still pretty darn good but not like then,lots of fish and not near as many people.

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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 13:34:22 (permalink)

    And no I do not snag fish with a flea flicking rod I use noodle rod with bait-egg sacs and minnows- thats what they  eat.(I do fly fish just not for steelhead)

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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/19 18:34:56 (permalink)
    I'd say at least 70 fish plus in crystal clear water and nobody around. It was about 4 pm. late November and we could not get a bump! Me and my son could not beleive it no matter what we tossed nothing lockjawed! Then about 2 hours later the sun shadowed the creek and all hell broke loose. It was like the major feed was on for about a hour before dark...... fish after fish was caught.

    yessir , Capt'n..same here
    The action can be  dead, dead,  DEAD......then like someone flipped a switch and   *BAMM*  bite after bite on pret'near anything you throw at 'em
    what's interesting to me is,  I've never found a surefire "predictable" weather or water  conditions   pattern to steelies.
    (unlike lg mouth bass that are pretty  predictable)
    I haven't found that with steelie...I've hAmmered them in what's considered terrible  conditions and had  tough days on what's considered ideal conditions
    as far as the duud's report of getting into a bunch of fish at the mouth... he  mentioned they caught jacks too.
    i have no problem at all believing the numbers he and his dad caught
    and those 2-3 pnd jacks prob'ly fought longer and harder than those  moldy, beat up  6-7 pnd bucks on the upper end
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/20 12:50:23 (permalink)
    {/and those 2-3 pnd jacks prob'ly fought longer and harder than those  moldy, beat up  6-7 pnd bucks on the upper end } 

    Your right Genie those silver jumping jacks can be a blast on light tackle! Had a great day on the Ashtabula River one Spring day . Nobody around and a temperature about 65 degrees and a nice flowing current full of Jack Steelhead. Could not see a fish in the water but most of the time they spend out once hooked. Just as siver as a new minted coin and acrobatic jump after jump. They just don't quit.
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    Re:The #'s game-Coments form report page-attn Panther 2013/03/20 13:13:44 (permalink)

    Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women.
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