keeping a boat in erie

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2013/03/15 08:55:50 (permalink)

keeping a boat in erie

I live about an hour south of Erie.  I just bought a 26.5" boat and was wondering if there was a "resonable" place to keep it in Erie so I didn't have to haul it back and forth so much.  I know you can keep it at places like Poor Richards but I was really looking for a place with a roof at least.

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    Re:keeping a boat in erie 2013/03/15 11:46:28 (permalink)
    Some of the marinas on the bayfront used to let you keep a boat on a trailer in their yards for a fee and I think there is a storage yard on the way into Lampe.  Not sure if there is a waiting list or not or what the fees are, though.  But, I think you'll be hard pressed to find undercover, dry storage up there.  Maybe there is something.  
    Don't think it would pan out in Erie due to the limited season length but the dry dock rack storage places, totally under cover, on the Texas gulf coast were always filled up with boats.  Call them, they get their large fork lift, pull your boat out of the rack and place it in the water, and you can pay for extra services like refueling and cleaning..
    Erie Mako
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    Re:keeping a boat in erie 2013/03/15 12:17:35 (permalink)
    There is a moving/trucking company on Rt18, just north of I-90 that had a sign out in front of their building advertising "indoor boat and RV storage".
    I don't know if they meant winter storage or if they offer year round access.
    I think it was something like Caldwell Trucking.

    On the internet, EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion!
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    Re:keeping a boat in erie 2013/03/15 12:51:56 (permalink)
    Would be nice to have secure indoor storage options 'mup there, but if there are any I'll bet they're really pricey... I did the Poor Richards thing a few times, it works well and I've never heard of anything being stolen there. Besides, we always hit PR before we launch anyway. They charge by the foot and you could cover your boat with a tarp if you want...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
    Rough House
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    Re:keeping a boat in erie 2013/03/15 13:48:30 (permalink)
    you can also keep your boat on a trailer in the yard at North East Marina. Not sure if this location suits you or not. Its 60 bucks a month to keep in the yard on a trailer and 120 bucks a month to keep it in there indoor storage building.
    post edited by Rough House - 2013/03/15 13:50:33

    Lake Erie Fishing Charters out of Erie, PA.
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