Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method?

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2013/03/14 21:03:52 (permalink)

Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method?

Went out yesterday fished lower Elk.
It was on the high side 0-1 foot visability,but fish were feeding.
I fished a hole with alot of suckers and steelies laying in the the same drift.
Hooked alot of suckers then shortened my leader below the float and got more hits from steelies than suckers but still hooked the unwanted suckers.
I am a bait fisherman egg sacs and minnows on the noodle rod.
Just wondering what everyone else would do to avoid the suckers or smolts but still catch the steelies.
I have been reading on here for years and respect the overall knowledge of my fellow fisherman here.
Alot of times I avoid areas with either present and move on sometimes steelies are in a different area nearby but I a asking about when they are sharing the same spot in a hole or run.

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    Re:Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method? 2013/03/15 08:21:24 (permalink)
    can't help with the suckers ...but as far as smolts, often it's just a matter of casting  in a different spot .\Sometimes as little as a few few feet is all it takes
    the smolts will often be in the same hole or run as mature steel, but not in the same exact spot of the hole.
    So  shorten your drifts and hit specific/smaller  target zones in the holes/runs
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    Re:Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method? 2013/03/15 13:00:21 (permalink)
    can't help with the suckers ...but as far as smolts, often it's just a matter of casting  in a different spot .\Sometimes as little as a few few feet is all it takes

    the smolts will often be in the same hole or run as mature steel, but not in the same exact spot of the hole.
    So  shorten your drifts and hit specific/smaller  target zones in the holes/runs

    Good advice right there!  
    If possible I like low/clear conditions in spring when smolts are in the water, so that I can sight fish and know what I'm casting to.  If that's not possible and can't keep smolts off my line, then I'll move to a different section of stream to try and avoid the little guys.
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    Re:Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method? 2013/03/15 13:37:01 (permalink)
    Please de-barb your hooks and help protect the future fisherie.
    Catching smolts w/ barbed hooks can really put a hurt on these small steelies.
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    Re:Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method? 2013/03/15 15:30:58 (permalink)
    +1 ^

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
    Matthew 4:19
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    Re:Avoiding suckers and smolts,whats your method? 2013/03/15 19:08:06 (permalink)

    Please de-barb your hooks

    please do...unless you honest to God need 'em  for fOOd
    You know folks, if you pinch the bard off, you'll won't  have to touch the smolt to release it 77.68% of the time
    for those unfamiliar with the technique;
    Reel  to you, leave the smolt in the water, give a little slack and  hold the rod steady.
    the smolt will shake it's self off in a matter of seconds
    For those unfamiliar with  pinching bards off;
    go to Harbor Freight and buy a 2-dallar pair of needle nose pliers .
    Pinch the bard down and while hook and barb are in the pliers' jaws, rotate it.
    bam!!, the barb is GONE....not just pinched down
    do that if you don't already .....
    and if you don't that already,  stop being a knuckle dragging oaf .. ripping the GD lips off of 'em
    and JUST DO IT

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