CWD Found in Wild PA deer

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2013/03/01 14:37:14 (permalink)

More than a million trees a year die to print environmentalist publications.

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    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/01 17:13:14 (permalink)
    Guess the pgc will now have an actually legit excuse to further destroy the herd in those areas.  Probably salivating right about now. lol.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/01 19:17:04 (permalink)
    It will be interesting to see if they make an attempt to close down the preserves and how they address feeding of wildlife.  No doubt they will be killing whatever deer they can get access to.
    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/01 20:06:23 (permalink)
    Pretty interesting coincidental timeline and happenings eh? lmao.
    Allof a sudden pgc decided to address this "potential" problem, andPgc takes commissioner board vote on giving exec director emergency powers, and formulates plan "just in case"....
    Then all of a sudden, after not having been found in the state ever previously, one year later, its found in deer farms in the state for the very first time.
    Then within the same years hunting season testing, its found in the wild.
    I really don't know what to make of all that, exactly...  But it stinks to high heaven, and Im fairly sure we've only gotten half of the truth here as usual.  .

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 08:56:45 (permalink)
    Oh here we go....
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 11:30:27 (permalink)
      The full article here  http://www.portal.state.p...s/release__019_13.html
    Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe and other Commonwealth officials will hold a press conference to discuss Chronic Wasting Disease 2 p.m., Monday, March 4, in the auditorium of the Game Commission’s Harrisburg Headquarters, 2001 Elmerton Avenue. To keep Pennsylvania hunters and other residents informed on this breaking story, the press conference also will be webcast through the agency’s website ( beginning at 2 p.m. Background on CWD and its limited history in Pennsylvania can be found on the Game Commission’s CWD Info Page.
    post edited by Catchabigone - 2013/03/02 11:36:55

    Look to the heavens and thank God everyday that hunting is such a grand part of our lives.
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    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 12:34:37 (permalink)

    Oh here we go....
    Not sure if that was directed to my post, or the topic in general Gillz.
    But I have no doubt that state agencies to some degree look out for one another.   And I don't think pgc wants to throw dpt of ag under the bus here.  Even though it is probably them to blame on this due to it most likely being tied to "deer farming" and escaped deer.    That only highlights the very lax restrictions and enforcement despite knowing the risks.   And I see no reason for pgc to stroke Ag, or hold their hand on this.   And in the end, maybe they won't...
    Like I said, pretty clear alot more was going on than met the eye.   Only someone extremely naive would look at the timeline of events and circumstances and not realize that to at least be a VERY GOOD probability.
    Farming issues were likely known, and pgc went into "potential disaster" mode, clearly very likely knowing something was going on behind the scenes with some of these "farms".    Even prior to this, there was a basically circus-like atmosphere over the fairly recent "escapees".   The handling of the whole situation since day one has obviously been a joke.
    What do you think the reaction from dept of ag wouldve been if a contagious disease such as this were known, except it was something infecting cattle instead, and to become a very real possibility in the state and could affect the state beef & milk industry?   Stringent safe-guards wouldve been put into place day 1 and it wouldve been "over the top" regulation.    But who cares about a few deer farms, the hunting industry and the states 1 million wild deer right?
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/02 12:59:34

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 17:31:13 (permalink)
    Count me in the camp as being worried more about overreaction to the positive tests rather than the disease itself. It has probably been here for some time but was recently found because of the large sampling going on.
    Talk of eliminating AR to kill all of the bucks, increasing tags and season length, banning the feeding of deer and urine based scents etc..........
    Maybe banning urine, which is enforceable but any ban on deer feeding is all bout impossible to enforce and will mostly target sportsmen. What is deer feed first and foremost and will grandma jones birdfeeder draw as much attention from LE as  hunter dan's pile of corn in front of a camera? Both are equally attractive to deer, especially in the winter.
    Killing all the deer has not worked elsewhere, why do it here. The prions are in the soil for more than 10 years.
    Crossing my fingers here that we are not going to see a radical plan implemented at the expense of sportsmen.  I will oppose all but a ban on urine based scents.
    CWD is prevelant elsewhere and game numbers remain strong. No need for panic here.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 18:46:38 (permalink)
    It would certainly be the ideal excuse for them to hammer the deer if that is still the goal as many folks believe. If they just want to do what is best they have 45 years worth of experience from other states to draw on.  As you said, game numbers are still strong in many areas that have CWD and they are never going to eradicate it so control the losses with reductions in tags as other states have done.
    They probably will outlaw feeding which is really going to suck.  I am watching two deer at my bird feeders as I type.  Course I spilt a quart or so on the ground  again, clumsy me.
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 19:26:23 (permalink)
    They probably will outlaw feeding which is really going to suck.  I am watching two deer at my bird feeders as I type.  Course I spilt a quart or so on the ground  again, clumsy me.

    I think they may as well but they better be darn sure what they define as "deer feed". It will be the sportsmen that gets the shaft on this one if there is a generic ban on "deer feeding".  I suspect it won't be bird seed with the pull that Audoban has. If not, I guess I could hang a camera over a bird feeder back in the woods and maybe spill a little extra on the ground.
    Seriously, there is no way to enforce a ban of feeding deer unless they ban the feeding of all wildlife which will naver happen because of the pull of the tree huggers with their Petersens Field Guide to Birds.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 19:50:48 (permalink)
    I agree with that. It was the tree huggers that wanted the deer reduced in the first place so it's hard to see them giving up their bird feeding stations to save a few deer. The same with feeding turkeys, cracked corn doesn't draw the deer in but whole corn sure does and there are always a few kernels in a bag of cracked. Hell, I mix it together to save a few bucks as I get a bag of whole much cheaper than cracked.  It should be interesting.
    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 23:19:49 (permalink)
    Not sure what they intend to do, but I have read the cwd response plan that was accepted as courses of action.   Which included utilizing game commission & other agencies personell as sharpshooters, possibly utilizing hunters with no regard to seasons etc.. Whatever it took to obtain more samples and to lower the pop. in the disease management zone.    Not sure why they would have accepted that as the course of action, what was it, just over a year ago... if now all of a sudden they weren't going to go that route??
    I'm not saying they should.   Just that I can't understand why they wouldn't if that is what they had already predetermined to be some of the courses of action.
    It also states in the plan that the presence of cwd if found in the wild herd will signicantly effect the herd population which will effect hunting & viewing opportunities for deer.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/02 23:45:37

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/02 23:29:56 (permalink)
    Here is the plan for anyone who hasn't yet seen it.   
    Scroll down and click on it.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/02 23:50:49

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 10:11:01 (permalink)
    It wouldn't be the first time they tried to eradicate a disease by killing off all the animals in the area affected. In the early 50's there was a rabies epidemic in the eastern part of the state and a large portion of the states game protectors spent several months trapping and hunting fox in a attempt to reduce their numbers in order to get it under control.
    post edited by S-10 - 2013/03/03 10:13:03
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 10:34:25 (permalink)
    wayne c
    I'm not saying they should.   Just that I can't understand why they wouldn't if that is what they had already predetermined to be some of the courses of action.

    That is what worries me. Most of the items in the plan have been shown to not eliminate the disease. They are standard concepts to address CWD that have largely been failures.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 10:36:49 (permalink)
    I hope that sportsmen stand united if a ban on "deer feeding" is enacted.
    I will demand that all items that are considered "deer feed" are listed and that all items that deer may feed on that is placed by man is on the list.
    It should be all the citizens that feel the pinch, including the tree huggers. Not just hunters and the hunting industry.

    To be clear, I oppose a ban on deer feeding as I see it as unenforceable as it would be implemented and only targeting hunters and our industry with little supporting evidence of efficacy.
    post edited by dpms - 2013/03/03 11:24:31

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 10:53:35 (permalink)
    never let a good crisis go to waste...
    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 13:19:51 (permalink)
    Yup.   I have already seen across other boards where people are trying to "use" this to their advantage where other agendas are concerned...
    I have seen those against ar asking for its repeal statewide to "help" with this cwd thing,  I have seen where some who have been pushing for sunday hunting are saying  that now we need sunday hunting to "help" with this, even though pgc can utilized any season length etc. already to deal with.   
    Without a doubt those in the "kill em all" for the birds and flowers camp will use it to the best of their abilities in lobbying for more deer killed....
    Then all the lesser peripheral issues, such as the urine usage, feeding controversies etc...
    And then you have those of us who don't trust the game commission as it is, with the failed deer plan, and now this on top of it...  One more thing we have to accept that pgc is responsible for dealing with this.
    The deer management dissent hasn't ever gone away, and I think this is only gonna intensify it before all is said and done, it really made things contentious out in Wi.   And we have a pretty high level dissent already even without the cwd. 
    All in all, I think things have a real potential to get ugly here.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/03 13:28:00

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 17:06:06 (permalink)
    wayne c 

    All in all, I think things have a real potential to get ugly here.

    Yep.  Where does a plan of deer eradication stop? It hasn't worked elsewhere. It is pretty safe to say that CWD is outside of where these positives tests cam from. Probably has been for some time but all the testing lately caught it.  We gonna start in the positive counties and spread out across the whole state when other positives surface.
    This could get real bad depending on how they choose to proceed.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 20:26:13 (permalink)
    I can't believe Im saying this (lol), I dont support widescale reduction attempts  but think I would support efforts to hit it hard right now in that radius around the ones found.   Get an idea of whats there, and if this was a very isolated incident,  and hasn't been here very long, just perhaps tied to recent "escapees", maybe we could nip it in the bud before it ever gets going.  Maybe wishful thinking, but never know.   May be better than doing nothing at all?   Maybe no more cases found can knock the red alert down to yellow. lol.    Then if others are found elsewhere later, in future hunting season in other areas , maybe we will just have to accept that its here to stay.
     I don't know about you, but I would not like the prospect of feeding cwd deer bologna & jerky to myself or family & friends.   And I wonder in areas where its found from here on out if many others won't feel the same.  They don't believe it harmful to humans, but from what I have read that is NOT 100% confidence in that and It seems to be far from completely understood.   Other than that, just the thought of eating diseased deer isn't all that appetizing. lol.
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/03 20:29:37

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/03 21:01:24 (permalink)
    Count me in for help in killing all your deer. Then perhaps folks in the southern WMU's will get a better idea of what those of us who hunt in 2F and 2G have had to contend with the last decade. LOL 
    On a serious note, I agree with Wayne at least until they know the extent of the problem.
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 12:06:32 (permalink)
    The wild CWD deer that have been found have NO ties to the recent escapees from the farms several counties away.  These were free ranging deer that have it who "most likely" (but who knows) have come from the south.  The MD and WV counties that have wild CWD positive deer are directly south of Blair and Bedford Counties.
    My previous comments to "here we go.." were to any PGC conspiracy theories that were being thrown about or about to be thrown out.
    The last thing the PGC wanted was wild CWD deer but EVERYONE knew it wasn't a matter of if, but when it would appear in the PA wild deer population.  With it so close in WV and MD it was getting here eventually, no matter what was going to be done.
    I just hope the testing increases substantially throughout the state and I hope the PGC can get the funding to increase the testing by quite a large amount.  
    I don't think eradication is the proper way forward but I do think a program needs to be set up that reasonably priced CWD tests can be performed on hunter harvested deer that don't necessarily take a lot of time or effort on the hunter's part to get completed.  I know what the CDC states about CWD and lack of evidence of transmission to humans but I will not eat a knowingly infected CWD deer nor will I feed it to my family.  I would like the opportunity to have my future deer harvests tested, at my cost (hopefully reasonable), going forward.  
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 12:21:11 (permalink)
    wayne c 
      They don't believe it harmful to humans, but from what I have read that is NOT 100% confidence in that and It seems to be far from completely understood.      

    The uncertainty of this disease is what concerns me the most.
    The consumption issue aside, CWD is not well understood in general at this time.  We have plenty of theories out there, but we still don't have a thorough understanding of how the disease is transmitted, what the implications of CWD are on the deer herd if left unchecked, what mitigation measures (if any) are necessary, and how effective such mitigation plans would be.
    This is a scary situation indeed.  I just hope the PGC has their facts straight before any radical plans are implemented.
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 13:34:11 (permalink)
    The wild CWD deer that have been found have NO ties to the recent escapees from the farms several counties away.
    Gillz, that simply not true.  Not sure where you get your information from, other than maybe another message board where guys are taking w.a.g's.  While nothing is DEFINATIVE about the origin, there are definately "ties" to deer farm deer in play.    And aside from that,  I don't think there is any question imo, that the cwd are farm deer related.   it just didnt materialize here out of thin air.   Same for those found in Maryland.   It was brought here at some point.   Same thing there...  Unless of course it was just as likely that THEY got if from us, as the scenario that we got it from them.  And of course neither being the case is possible also.     But remember too, that the deer found to our south were 10 miles from state line, but the deer now from Pa found, were not taken on that state line!  But much farther north in heavy "deer farming" area of the state.   Of course its possible "dispersal" from long distance traveling deer....But more likely, I think farm related due to all the other "coincidences" surrounding the area where they were actually found.  Anyway, here are some recent paragraphs from a recent article you likely may not have read, or you probably wouldn't have disagreed with me:   
    "But a couple of the CWD-positive deer discovered in Pennsylvania are believed to have been taken within 10 miles of where an escaped captive deer known as Purple 4 was roaming the woods of Huntingdon County last fall.  That deer had ties to the Adams County farm where chronic wasting disease first showed up. It was later killed by a hunter. It was tested; results labeled it was “not detected” for CWD.  That doesn't mean the deer didn't have the disease, officials said then. It was just not confirmed.

    There were reportedly several other farm-raised deer that escaped into the wild in that part of the state — home to one of the densest concentrations of deer farms in Pennsylvania — over the past 12 to 18 months, too, Neville added. The commission is working with the Department of Agriculture to put a number to that and see what happened to those animals, he added.  But whether those farms and their escapees might be a factor in the disease showing up in the wild, Neville would not say. 
    “I can't comment on the obvious coincidences,” he said.  


    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/04 14:53:17

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 13:56:09 (permalink)
    I just hope the testing increases substantially throughout the state and I hope the PGC can get the funding to increase the testing by quite a large amount.

    It is included in the cwd response plan, that one of the steps if cwd was found, to request that "any available cwd funding be released by the dept of ag."

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 17:23:34 (permalink)
    Yeah, ties, maybe, if the deer farther south were infected by game farm deer yrs ago. Purple 4 tested negative for cwd.

    Or, perhaps the deer got it the same way cows got it in the UK, from being fed infected feed. What are md and WV baiting and feeding regs? How is deer feed produced? I'm not talking about cracked corn or deer cocaine but the protein pellet feed. Cows were fed this type of feed that was produced from rendered sheep that were infected with scrapies. Hence, if it can jump from sheep to cows, I won't be eating meat from an infected animal (knowingly). Heck, they think it jumped from cows to people and people died from cjd.

    In the end, doesn't mean a hill of beans how it has gotten to pa, it was only a matter of time. I'm more concerned with the response right now.

    Not much more info. From today a press conf.
    post edited by eyesandgillz - 2013/03/04 17:39:27
    wayne c
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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 17:48:50 (permalink)
    Actually it means a helluva lot more than a "hill of beans" how it got here.   That means quite a bit towards eliminating or at least controlling this as much as possible.
    It would help greatly in knowing so that it can be effectively addressed.   Say it is, as I strongly believe deer farm related, then how did this mess happen and how can more instances of the same be prevented in the future.   Possibly even into other areas of the state.   Regulations being insufficient.   Farms not complying with regulation.  Loopholes.   etc.   And it may even matter in the future towards funding future addressing of the issue.   Also if this falls into ags lap in the way of being "farm related" despite the regulatory process which many believed insuffient all along... asking for state money to address this and pgc actually recieving it should be a no-brainer.
    I agree it was just a matter of time before it got here, but mainly because of our situation.   But I don't know that wouldve been the case with alot more common sense regulation and enforcement all the way around, and particularly on the part of Ag.
    I also am curious as to what the response will be.  I just watched a replay of the press conference on the pgc site.   They didn't give away much of what they will be doing.  Will be holding more meetings in the area of the cwd deer.  
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/04 17:51:46

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 17:56:02 (permalink)
    Purple 4 tested negative for cwd.
    [<font]"There were reportedly several other farm-raised deer that escaped into the wild in that part of the state — home to one of the densest concentrations of deer farms in Pennsylvania — over the past 12 to 18 months, too, Neville added. "
    post edited by wayne c - 2013/03/04 17:57:52

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/04 18:11:10 (permalink)
    Today I heard that the positive tests may have been other escapees from deer farms and they were not wild born?
    Who knows at this point. Supposedly a few farms closed down and the deer "disappeared". IE: released.

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    Re:CWD Found in Wild PA deer 2013/03/05 07:35:32 (permalink)
    I got nothing from the press conference. What a waste of time. Wait i did get something out of it. 3 of 43,000 tested positive.
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