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For Release: Thursday, February 28, 2013 DEC Announces State of Lake Ontario Meetings Biologists to Update Status of Lakes Fisheries The annual State of Lake Ontario public meetings will be held in Oswego, Monroe and Niagara counties during March, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced today. "In recent years, Lake Ontario anglers have experienced outstanding fishing on Lake Ontario and its tributaries, based on DEC's science-based management of the fisheries," said DEC Commissioner Joe Martens. "DEC's goal is to maintain Lake Ontario's high-quality angling opportunities and associated economic benefits. The State of Lake Ontario meetings provide an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in the lake to interact with the scientists who study its fisheries." Lake Ontario and its embayments and tributaries support thriving populations of fish, including a variety of trout and salmon, bass, walleye, yellow perch and panfish. New York's Lake Ontario waters comprise more than 2.7 million acres. A 2007 statewide angler survey estimated more than 2.6 million angler days were spent on Lake Ontario and major tributaries. The estimated value of these fisheries exceeded $112 million to the local New York economy. The meeting dates are as follows: Wednesday, March 6, 2013: 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the DEC Training Academy, 24 County Route 2A, Pulaski (the former Portly Angler Motel), Oswego County. The meeting is co-hosted by the Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Association. Tuesday, March 12, 2013: 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Carlson Auditorium, in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science building (76-1125) on the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) campus, Rochester, Monroe County. The meeting is co-hosted by RIT and the Monroe County Fishery Advisory Board. Tuesday, March 19, 2013: 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Building, 4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, Niagara County. The meeting is co-hosted by Niagara County Cooperative Extension and the Niagara County Sportfishery Development Board. DEC, United States Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources biologists will make a number of presentations, including updates on the status of trout and salmon fisheries, forage fish, stocking programs, and fisheries management plans. Ample time will be provided at the end of the scheduled program for the audience to interact with the presenters. Information summaries for a host of Lake Ontario fisheries assessment programs will be posted on DEC's website prior to the public meetings. Previous annual reports can also be found at this site. As part of the NY Open for Fishing and Hunting Initiative, this year, Governor Cuomo's Executive Budget proposes that hunting and fishing licenses be simplified and fees be reduced. For more information, go to Governor's Press webpage (leaving DEC's website). For further information contact Steven Lapan, New York Great Lakes Section Leader at Cape Vincent Fisheries Research Station, (315) 654-2147. L13
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For the Rochester area, that is Tonight 7 PM RIT Carlson Imaging Center Auditorium. L13
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Tell us the bullet points afterwards. Me I'll be in bed before it starts. By the way this morning nada in about 45 minutes at the parking lot. Back after bloodwork landed 1 5-5 pound male . The only touch I had between 10 and 2. Water colored up pretty good. Fishable but real dirty.
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And up over 400 cfs. This is really helping with mking it to all the committments that are opreventing me from getting over there this week. If it does not rain, it should be back down below 300 by the time I can again wet a line on Friday PM. Gennie has blwon roght out though, over 7000 again and very muddy, with over 10,000 down at Portageville heading this way. L13
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Dropped a tad it seemed today. Still a bit dirtier than I would like but fishable. Stopped after work. Bad sign, noone fishing. Went to the shaft and fished for twenty or so until the mini blizzard hit. Five minutes from chilly(in my work duds of kackies and a short sleeve polo shirt, don't have the lining in my coat) to near whiteout with a steady 20 mph wind. Not a bite, line rub,or bump. didn't see a tail, fin or passing shadow. Did I mention a few suckers have showed up. Its over dude everybody stay home.
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Most of the info from the SOL can be found at Highlights: Small size of fish measured in fall 2012 Altmar was more likely bias from overharvest of larger and female fish due to the low water conditions. One suggestion from one of the Charter capains was to institute a one female limit in the streams. My comment to another angler that we could probably leverage that for a one rainbow limit in the lake was greeted with enthusiasm-NOT! The Charter Industry is quite happy to TAKE from anyone but totally unwilling to GIVE anything, feeling that their investment in boats and tackle gives them a greater right than the trib angler. Last I looked we all pay the same for the NYS license (residents, that is), maybe they can get the Coast Guard to start paying for fish stocking. The general consensus among the biologists now is that steelhead harvest is tied to success in finding salmon, the more kings they find and catch, the less they go after steelhead. So tell a jughead a salmon secret and get them away from the Chrome! It is not in the highlights of regulations changes but it is proposed to make jigs 1/8 ounce or less legal in the tributaries. I had thought you could make the case that a jig qualified as a fly in light of the line in the current regs that says no more than 1/8 ounce of additonal weight no matter how it is attached but apparently that won't sit well with some En Con officers and JP's. Lakewide, 56% of the kings caught are wild, in most tribs it is 5 to 20% returning fish are wild, but in the SR, it is 70%. For those who can't follow the charts or read the DEC bullet points, bottom line is there are a **** load of fish out there, and some of them are huge! L13
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Dont know if ya meant small size of fish in Altmar or if that meant small numbers. Personally felt that Altmar had a average season as most never went up that far. Likely because of temps and flows. First year in a LOOOOONG time I moved down to find that larger run they all talked about. Seemed they never got up to my normal haunts in those big numbers. Fished much more than normal early last year because of a nice schedule and the big runs. Ill say one thing for last year- when it was over it was OVER. My up top later Nov fishing was pretty much a bust and thats a time I generally enjoy. Steel and Hos were sparce up there too cept for early. Most early days were split between upstream with some here and there and downstream with schools of them all over. That said it was indeed a banner year in mid to lower sections and indications are of another upcoming.
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Most of the info from the SOL can be found at
For those who can't follow the charts or read the DEC bullet points, bottom line is there are a **** load of fish out there, and some of them are huge!
Thanks for at least not mentioning me by name. PS --can't believe this site would censor the word ship. Did I guess right? What do I win?
hot tuna
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Thanks for attending and voicing your opinion, even if we are the majority and it fell on deaf ears.. I read through the report and seeing the seining catch for YOY in late May, If I were to fish steel I sure know what fly Id be tossing ;)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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No, 2B, I'm a well trained puppy so I hit the asterisks myself! As Brother Weaze says, you can put anything you want in the blank and everyone knows what you intended anyway. RG- They were talking size, fish measured were significantly smaller. They ended up going to the Black to get enough eggs. I asked about taking eggs in the Lower river, but they said it would be too labor intensive, the hatchery or the ladders at the Black have to fill the bill. They also siad that the LFZ closure and maintenance of lower flows were based on 2007, when they upped the flow on September 1st but then ran out of water and had to drop to 100, and had a serious deficit in fish reaching the Upper river. This year, they thought there was a better chance of getting more fish up if they stayed at 185, and gave them a hassle free place to stage in the LFZ, but the rains did not materialize. I would say there could be a chance of an emergency limited harvest in the future if these conditions occur again, but it will take a lot of L/E. And while not as many Kings get put back as Steelhead, there is still signigficant release, and I don't recall there being huge numbers of carcasses anywhere. I did see a U-tube video of the Ball Park area on 9/12/2012, and I would not have even stopped the car if I thought there were that many people, brook trout are still legal in September! I think they said on one Saturday there were over 1200 cars in the DEC lots. As to November, something happened all over the lake, as the runs died back heavily everywhere I checked, but there were solid runs into December, and the Spring run around Rochester has been as strong as I've seen in years, and some huge fish. HT- You had to go and let the cat out of the bag on the Hot new fly pattern! Check out the prostitot patterns in the new Flyfisherman, then downsize! L13
post edited by Lucky13 - 2013/03/18 17:40:48
hot tuna
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Sorry lucky, I been throwing the SRS for a number of years. We used to hide the fly from other anglers .lol One time some guy got a look at it after I caught or lost a few fish and said " that's a snaggin fly" laughed my azz off , mostly because it was a size # 4 instead of a # 12 black stone. Ah , I even tied a few today :)
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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The late and sorely missed Mark Stoddard had a killer for spring steelhead in his baby rainbow, which worked everywhere these fish come in even though he developed it on the Oak. I never tell someone to stop fishing stonefiles! Besides, you can give the fly some action! L13
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Just read this thread, thanks for informing lucky... salmon river stone??? I believe ive seen it in a book once or twice... i think mine work better though... lol!!!
Tuna did you ever get a chance to use the nymphs i gave you back in october... my lame azz hasnt tossed a fly yet this whole steelhead season... i did tie up a dozen a few months back for a friend though who happened to do very well with them in the lfz
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Thanks Lucky- Sometimes ya wonder if your own observations are a little twisted depending on the day or timing. Glad to hear that mine were more or less what actually happened. Some days I worry about me---or whoever that was
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The most productive fishing I saw this winter was a guy In Pineville that hooked and landed 4 in 5 or 6 casts on what was a slow day. His luck ran out as his jar of 3" hellgramites became empty. Pretty standard big trout bait. Harder to come by though , and most bait doesn't bite!  I use ostrich herl and marabou together in a longer tail than you normally would put on a bugger. I have no idea what the secret fly is, but I do know some of the flies from my smallmouth box have migrated.
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A friend of mine came up with an awesome hellgramite pattern....they are deadly on trout and bass looks just like those mean little buggers....he was tying them up and selling them at bass pro til corprate wisdom kicked in....he was tying them while not busy in the fly shop, they sold for $3.50 ea....he had tied up over 2000(in 6 mo) and they sold as fast as they were put out....but then the big wigs decided his time would be better spent cleaning the they threw away an extra $14,000/year because they didn't want someone "wasting time" while at work. but, it is the most life like pattern i've ever seen
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OK bear,I just have to know what is the receipe for that pattern? This is the first I've heard of anyone using those critters for Steelhead,but seeing that the SR is loaded with them it's no big surprise. I'm out here in Ohio waiting for some decent weather to go fishing,don't like cold,raw,wind and snow blowing in my face.Besides that the flow gauges all show high and probably dirty water.I have until April 7th to get out there so I'm patiently waiting
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Long shank hook, put on wraps of lead wire (play around with the placement til you get the fly to fall even and land natural) 1. at the hook shank tie in a piece of flex wrap black (i use electrical tape)and a piece of felt ( i make them 3/16 inch thick and alittle longer than the fly will be...tie in the flex wrap first, because it will be the outer covering for you head and thorax 2. at the shank tie in some chenelle the color of bug you want (a brownish green under body works well here....for the head 3. use goose biots for the jaws, 3-5 per side 4. pull the flex wrap and felt back and tie off forming the head 5. I vary from the pattern here, i run my chenelle to the back of the flt and tie it off 6. tie in, up at the head a saddle hackle, and make a tight set of wraps about 1/8th inch 7. bring the flex wrap and felt back on top forming the thorax and tie off (here you clip off the flex wrap, because the abdomen will be the felt with thread wrapping) 8. tie in another saddle hackle, what i do is 2 wraps with the hackle then pull back the felt and do 2 wraps of the thread....continue this to the back of the fly 9. tie off the hackle and the felt 10. with the felt that is left i form a tail by cutting a V and either thread the hook eye through the body before the tail or just leave the tail hang loose. if i was any good with the computer i could show you some step by steps
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Dime, SRS is HT's, so I am not going to rain on his parade. While I have seen size 4 stones in the fall, the spring stuff is usually tiny winter blacks and early browns, which is probably why the little critters are so effective in the winter. Hellgrimites were the impetus for the "no inverts for bait from trout streams" regulation in NY. The bassers and bait dealers on the Schoharie would throw old matresses and box springs into the water, then haul them out later and pick the Dobsonfly larvae, but leave the mayflies, caddis, and stones to dessicate. Art Flick pushed the legislation, and since then you cannot pick invertebrates, including crayfish, in a trout stream without a scientific collector's permit. In PA, last time I lived down there, you could pick up to 50 per day for personal use, and you can take hellgrimites, crayfish, stones, etc from streams that are Class C (not C(T)) or lower (if you can find a D anymore!) in New York. This probably only meant big leeches, hellgrimites and crawdads back when the law went in because everything else is too small and squishy to keep on a hook, but in recent times, I've seen people using tiny leeches and scuds attached to fly hooks with super glue, with deadly results. On the other hand, one of the most successful angler's at Irondequoit Creek this spring has been hammering fish on small (2-3") red rubber worms, and the Joe's wigglers (rubber Hexagenia nymphs) from Michigan used to work really well on the SR, so maybe the imitation will work just as well as the natural. L13
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Lucky, used to hammer smallmouths with helgramites in the big "d" with live helgramites in the famous narrowsburgh bridge pool as a child with my father out of a row boat... in my early teens we would night fish bardparker pool where the east and west branch met and we'd take nice browns with helgramite immitations tied on long shanked hooks with the front quarter bent up... the body consisted of olive black or brown chenille with a phome pull over head and rubber legs woven around with the chenille throughout... dont see why they wouldnt work for steel. You wouldnt believe the dobsen flies we would encounter while night fishing. They would look to land on us while standing in the river in the pitch black thinking we were a tree to land on... you would here their wings flapping from 40 feet away it seemed... atleast it was a warning to start swatting soon... lol...
For soft plastics ive been inclined to try the yamamoto baits in various colors in three inch size for steel... yet to try it but this year may be the ice braker for me
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Thanks for the pattern . Bear. Very cool. The fellow that I saw using them, I've seen numerous times, as he's a long term resident of Altmar and fishes a lot. He told me they weren't something he uses regularly, being a pain to collect. A friend had given him some, so he gladly used them. Once again, I have to plead ignorance, I'm just relating an observation. I recently tied a bunch of Mike Mercer's dark poxy back stones for a friend to use on the Trinity in California in size 6 and they worked well. That river has many similarities with the SR. Those are a Skwala stone though, not a Dobson. I tied a bunch for myself, too. I have fun knowing jack squat about fisheries sometimes, and just winging it. I've spent a bunch of time on the water teaching people to fly fish, sometimes that carries over and I say way too much . I'm very much an outsider here, with little knowledge, so I'll go back to being quiet.
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they work for steel too when he was first playing with the pattern i took some up to the SR and wacked them in april with the proto types gulp has a plastic version that is ok....but these are good stuff ;)
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Just one more thought on large bait versus small bait.... those browns that would hammer large helgramite patterns at night were the same browns that would sip size 18 sulfur emergers during the day while monster green drake snow storm hatch was in effect... trout will be trout and steelhead are trout too ;)
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I never pass up the cocktail peanuts and shrimp cocktail even if I'm having primerib for a maincourse. (Which may have something to do with the change in wader size LOL!) L13
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Does anybody market an imitation Helgramite ?? - Have used the scented imitation sandworms with great results in Salt. Personally prefer large natural live garden hackle in Spring for drops. Flys are nice but I'll opt for a real natural bait whenever I can.
post edited by retired guy - 2013/03/19 13:52:55
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Lucky,that's a good looking imitation.I wonder what the scent is and how long it lasts. I imagine if a scentless fly catches fish that should really catch them!
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Thanks Lucky- especically like the biodegradable part.
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bigbear2010, Just wondering if you could post a picture of the hellgramite pattern. Thanks Gerry