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Re:yakin 2013/04/18 12:06:40 (permalink)
Whereas I have my transducer epoxied to the bottom of the hull and its powered by a 12 volt animal feeder battery
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Re:yakin 2013/04/18 15:58:21 (permalink)
Thanks for the links, I have a sit in, and the whole back compartment opens so I figure I could put the transducer back there right behind the seat but I haven't the slightest clue on how to attach the unit itself to the kayak
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Re:yakin 2013/04/23 23:15:58 (permalink)
My nieces boyfriend has been thinking about getting either a kayak or canoe for fishing. What kayaks or canoes would you recommend for fishing. If it is a canoe, he prefers one that can accept and electric motor. Are there any kayaks that are two person and good for fishing? Not looking to spend crazy money. Maybe under a $1000 new. What are some of your suggestions?
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Re:yakin 2013/04/24 09:52:06 (permalink)
I dont really know whats good or but on a tight budget there are some dirt cheap yaks at dunhams.. My buddy got one on sale and marked down so much it was under 200 for his single.. Its not the greatest but its stable and tracks well..
You might find some good deals there

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Re:yakin 2013/04/24 10:26:26 (permalink)
Most kayaks can be turned into a fishing yak with just adding a few rod holders which are fairly cheap. 
The Pescador 12 is good beginner kayak and has a loyal following. I just picked one up from Hook1 for my fiancee. 
Hook1 has free shipping on some yaks and only $20 on others. They will also rig up the yak with any accessories and offer discounts. I know a ton of guys that have ordered from them, great customer service. If interested, give them a call and see what they can do for you.
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Re:yakin 2013/04/24 11:46:20 (permalink)

Thanks for the links, I have a sit in, and the whole back compartment opens so I figure I could put the transducer back there right behind the seat but I haven't the slightest clue on how to attach the unit itself to the kayak

I have a Hummingbird (Piranha 2, I think) fishfinder for my kayak.  It works well enough, gets you the depth and picks up fish.  The mount that it came with for the display portion works well.  Just plan it a little with your rod holders and paddle, so that it isn't in the way.  I mounded mine a bit forward, and have to lean forward to reach it, but usually just power on and off. 
Mine is also sit in, and tried the through hull mount.  Being sit in, the hull has a bit of flex when you sit it on the ground ect.  This flex will eventually pop, just about any glue/epoxy mounting your transducer.  The polyethelene doesn't really bond well to any glue that I know of either.  Possibly a better bond if you ruff up the surface a bit?  I had used 60 minute epoxy and was a pain in the butt to clean off of the transducer after.  I used silicon, which worked for about two trips.  After that, I just used a wad of petroleum jelly and duct taped the transducer down.  This actually held longer than the silicon, and much easier cleanup...  If using a good bit, external mounting is the way to go.  Just be very careful that you don't put your fastener holes below the water line.
As for power, I had an old 12V drill battery (Black & Decker Firestorm) that worked perfectly for a power source.  It would last a 10 hour fishing day, and a little larger than a hockey puck size needed.
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