Lost one of the greats

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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 09:04:23 (permalink)
Sorry to hear of your loss.

Illegitimis Non carborundum
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 09:12:10 (permalink)
Sorry for your loss. Some of my earliest memories of my dad are crawling out if the cuddy cabin and seeing my dad driving the boat on Erie.
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 09:24:20 (permalink)
So, sorry for your loss. 49, as others have said is way too young. Thoughts and prayers with you and your family...

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 11:00:50 (permalink)
Sorry for your loss.Enjoy our days today.
dakota kid
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 12:18:53 (permalink)
My condolences.  May time help you to ease your pain. While memories of your father may bring sadness now, rest assured that one day the sadness those memories bring will be replaced by comfort. 
He will indeed live on in the lessons and skills you pass to your children. Some of the best life lessons I've learned were passed down from family who was lost before they could pass it on themselves.
I've lived, fished, hunted, hiked, and camped in Erie my whole life. If you have a question. I'll gladly give you an answer. If you wanna bring the kids up to fish with my family some time this summer, consider this an invite. My girls are 5 and 7 I'm sure it would be fun for everyone. 
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 12:43:32 (permalink)
Thank you all for the kind words, I really appreciate the kind words that you had to say.  My dad loved to see sportsman coming together and i know he would be smiling if he read this.  He was never a member of this site, he wasnt a fan of computers.  But he loved to see the pictures you guys would put up when i showed him.  I never imagined that i would have to do CPR on my dad at 49 years young, and still feel like it is not real and i am going to get a call saying get your rods and lets go.  I hope that in time my heart will heal as you have said it will, even if it doesnt seem like it right now.  Hopefully i can get some extra shifts at work to get the gear i need to fish the big pond this year, the money that was saved up had to be used for expenses and to help mom.  You all have made this a little easier to deal with and words cannot express how much that means.  I think that i have only met a couple of you but feel like i know all of you.  So thank you agian for the kind words and prayers.  God bless all of you

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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 14:27:26 (permalink)
My condolences...  You and your family are in my prayers.
I went through it last year with my father.   The pain fades but will never go away but that is how it should be....you know he will always be with you.  
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 14:35:19 (permalink)
My father taught me 90% of what I know about hunting and fishing. He loved the outdoors, he hand built me a muzzle loader and a 22lr. He was an outdoors man and skilled wood and leather worker. We lost him 6 years ago in April. I feel and understand your loss. While it does get easier, every time I head out to the woods, streams, lake, whatever, I think about him and miss him. God bless you and your family.
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 15:51:59 (permalink)
Eyeassassin, I am truly sorry for your loss. I am 38 years old and my dad is still my hero and my heart would be broken to lose him, so I can only imagine the pain you are going through.
You and your family will be in my prayers!
May God bless you and give you His peace! 
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/02/26 16:31:41 (permalink)
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I to lost my father when I was 28 years old. That was many, many years ago, yet I still miss him and think of him often. I think one of the things I miss the most is going to him for advice. No matter what the subject, I could always count on him to help me out to the best of his ability. He also tried to instill in me a sense of right and wrong and a love of the outdoors. I get the feeling, that's the way it was between you and your dad.

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If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/03/07 22:18:48 (permalink)
Sorry about your loss it can be hard but REMEMBER THE GOOD TIMES IS MY FAVORITE SAYING> My dad died in 60's of cancer, he had dementia also.  Only took him to Erie once, he had a tough time casting a spinning rod, but oh so much good he taught me, he was and always will be an awesome father and I am sure your dad was every bit as cool!!!!  My dad hooked me on fishing and dealt with my wild antics when I growing up.  That's why I say remember the GOOD.  I feel guilty not going to his grave like I should but hey he is not thier, he is living the good life with the man!!!
I lost my other good fishing buddy and best friend last October, we fished for trout all over western pa, and I got him into steel, oh the good times we had, fishing, bull ****ing, clowning around.  It ain't the same but I am blessed to have had both in in my life!!  My dad will always be number one.  But my fishing buddy was awesome to, a great friend!  
Just give a hardy yell FISH ON!!!  When you hook another hot steely
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Re:Lost one of the greats 2013/03/07 23:55:36 (permalink)
I know too well what you are saying.  The older you get the more friends you lose...sucks!

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