One time I...

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Re:One time I... 2013/03/11 09:52:38 (permalink)
LOL! I don't know how to post pics except from photobucket.

“If you're in trouble, or hurt or in need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/12 22:29:49 (permalink)
My greatest and true fishing story occurred on The Elk many years ago.
It was cloudy overcast day the clouds were moving and no one was on the streams.  The water beautiful  I could tell it would be one of those days.  I hiked into one of my my favorite spots and started casting jigs on my 7/8 flyrod.  Boom baby 1rst cast fish on, so i fought her and brought her in, a nice 7 to 8lb steely.  I released her and proceeded to cast again it was sudden like a lightning bolt struck, BOOM, a huge steely broke the water and must have leapt 8' feet in the air 2 times  then this bad****fish went into the holding mode, no runs mind you but rather just a battle royal of a tug of war.  Id try angling my rod different ways to apply the pressure but know dice.  I would get short runs at best.  I know me and this beast did battle for dam near an hour.  My arms ached and I wanted to see this beast of a fish so bad AAGGHH the utter frustration of it all.  I finally figured it was do or die so I reeled down on the fish real quick trying to get it to run.  Oh, the fish did RUN, it ran so hard it broke my fly line off of the 20 lb backing.  My fly line now hauling****down stream, I get hold of it but know fish.  BUMMER!!  I laid on the bank and felt like crying, what a fight.  I swear the next year I must of hooked the same fish as I brawled with one for about the  same amount of time in the same place.  This something everyone should have a chance to do.  Totally cool and humbling at the same time.
Fish on Baby, Yeah!!!
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/12 22:59:10 (permalink)

My greatest and true fishing story occurred on The Elk many years ago.

It was cloudy overcast day the clouds were moving and no one was on the streams.  The water beautiful  I could tell it would be one of those days.  I hiked into one of my my favorite spots and started casting jigs on my 7/8 flyrod.  Boom baby 1rst cast fish on, so i fought her and brought her in, a nice 7 to 8lb steely.  I released her and proceeded to cast again it was sudden like a lightning bolt struck, BOOM, a huge steely broke the water and must have leapt 8' feet in the air 2 times  then this bad****fish went into the holding mode, no runs mind you but rather just a battle royal of a tug of war.  Id try angling my rod different ways to apply the pressure but know dice.  I would get short runs at best.  I know me and this beast did battle for dam near an hour.  My arms ached and I wanted to see this beast of a fish so bad AAGGHH the utter frustration of it all.  I finally figured it was do or die so I reeled down on the fish real quick trying to get it to run.  Oh, the fish did RUN, it ran so hard it broke my fly line off of the 20 lb backing.  My fly line now hauling****down stream, I get hold of it but know fish.  BUMMER!!  I laid on the bank and felt like crying, what a fight.  I swear the next year I must of hooked the same fish as I brawled with one for about the  same amount of time in the same place.  This something everyone should have a chance to do.  Totally cool and humbling at the same time.

Fish on Baby, Yeah!!!

Sounds like you were fighting a Chinook.  That's quite a piece of steel you had there.
post edited by cbeagler - 2013/03/12 23:00:11
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/13 09:03:35 (permalink)
One time I: drank too much beer, ate too many pork cracklings with spray cheese and hot sauce the night before I went trout fishing in the mountains.
Here the rest of the story:
     As soon as I put on my chest waders at the stream,  the urge of nature called. I quickly ran behind a big rock at the base of the big hill. I proceeded to do what I had to do when I looked up and saw two turkey hunters standing there. I was sqauting there with my bare arse in the wind doing the deed. I never broke stride and just asked them if they had any luck and saw any birds. They never said a word and walked quickly away, never to bee seen the rest of the day ! Unfortunatley, I was with my brother in law who was already fishing nearby and I could hear him laughing his arse off.....
Moral of the story: I would not suggest drinking  10 beers & eating a whole bag of pork cracklings with squirt cheese and hot sauce if you plan on doing anything productive the next day.............. 
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/13 09:20:55 (permalink)
While ice fishing for crappie one evening the ice started that cracking noise it makes as the sun sets. Most everyone had left leaving me there in the dark. I had a mag light to see by and was putting a maggot on a jig when the light slipped and fell in the hole. I could see it glowing 12' down. I just fished above it and caught a mess of fish. When I left 2 hrs. later it was still glowing brightly.

Steel Junkie
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/13 10:10:32 (permalink)
Fishinpreacher reminded me of this one. A couple years ago I had a cap on my truck and the lid didnt stay open so to get things out I would let the tailgate down. A real pain in the arse. One day my girlfriend calls and says "on your way over can you pick up my cornhole boards from so and so's house and bring them to me" I said sure and when we got there I was attempting to get both at one time and she said I'll get the second one so I let her and just assumed she would put the tailgate up... Wrong! I get home only to realize I lost my entire softsided tackle bag, my baitcaster and spinning rods, a pair of boots, a bocce ball set and my tools. I WAS P*SSED to say the least. Couldnt believe it. Well my buddy is driving down 173 and sees a boot, then he sees a whole pile of stuff stacked up rods and all. So he stops and right on top is a note saying this fell out of a red truck if its not yours dont take it. well he kneew it was mine even though he hadnt heard the story yet! So I decided to keep the girlfriend and still have her today!
Steel Junkie
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/13 10:12:04 (permalink)
Ditched the truck cap shortly after also!
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Re:One time I... 2013/03/13 10:28:40 (permalink)
Very lucky for you! I'm glad that you got your stuff back.

“If you're in trouble, or hurt or in need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
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